Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 565 Depressed Jobs

Chapter 565 Depressed Jobs
January 2007, 1 was not only the official sales day of Gphone, but also the day of Apple's new-generation product launch.

As a long-established technology company, Apple's best sellers are its iPod music player and Macintosh notebook.To be harsh, that is to say, Apple is a seller of MP3, and secondly, it is a seller of non-mainstream notebooks.

This year, the 50-year-old Jobs still looks full of vitality.However, in the eyes of many people, under the light of Bill Gates, Jobs is still a little tender, far from the momentum of the later generations of Joe's gang leaders.

And if Bill Gates hadn't committed a woman's benevolence at a critical moment and lent $1 million to the helpless Jobs, all computers on this planet would be equipped with Windows.Even for a small group of Jobs and Apple fans, they just don't think Microsoft and Intel products are cool enough.If your relatives and friends insist on buying a laptop with a limited budget, they think that buying Dell or HP products is also a good choice.

Therefore, Apple's press conference has attracted quite limited attention, especially the Gphone product with Brilliant mobile phone in front of it, and the iPhone that Apple is about to launch will attract even less attention.

Although the launch of the glorious mobile phone and today's Gphone sale have attracted the attention of a large number of consumers.But Nokia, which accounts for nearly [-]% of the industry, doesn't think so.

When the huge Nordic fingers operate on a 3.5-inch screen, they always make mistakes.The keyboard and using a stylus and a resistive screen simply don't make such mistakes.So they are still firmly walking their own path, step by step towards the abyss of bankruptcy!
However, enthusiasts who like to play with mobile phones are still in love with Windows Mobile phones represented by HTC, which have a highly consistent interface with PCs.

More mobile phone giants, such as Motorola and Sony Ericsson, think that it is difficult for consumers to understand the various complex settings of smartphones. In their view, the task of mobile phones is to make calls and send text messages. If they are stronger, they will be more durable. , it is more reliable.

"Those things that children play house", this may be the evaluation of these giants on Gphone!

However, history has always been to listen to thunder in a silent place, and only a few people can see farther. Jobs and Jiang Hui are one of these few people.

So Jobs still attached great importance to the iPhone conference held in San Francisco, and even regarded it as a key step for Apple's take-off.

Although the forerunner Brilliant Mobile is already in the middle, just as Nokia thought, the production capacity of Brilliant Mobile is less than one percent of Nokia's.No matter how popular the Gphone is, its sales will stay that way for the time being.

In 2007, the vast mobile phone market was large enough to accommodate several new smartphone companies.

Whether it is for Brilliant mobile phones or Apple, the most important thing at present is that traditional giants such as Nokia and Nokia are grabbing meat, rather than competing with each other.

Of course, with the rapid expansion of the smartphone market in the next few years, Glory Mobile will have some fights with Apple sooner or later.


In a barely lively hall, Jobs officially started the introduction of the iPhone.

"Gentlemen and ladies, good evening! After a year, we meet here again. Today, I will lead you into a brand new world, a world that will change your life..."

Jobs enthusiastically introduced the various functions of the iPhone on the stage, and the media friends below were also whispering.

"This appearance is not as beautiful as Gphone."

"Yes, but the screen size is 3.5 inches."

"If there is no Gphone, Apple's mobile phone may still give you some surprises, and now I don't feel much."

"Yeah, whether it's the memory, the pixels of the camera, or the battery life, it can't compare to the Gphone."

"Let's listen and see what new features Apple's mobile phone has."


"Our company has carefully created a unique system for this mobile phone. Whether it is in terms of stability, security or convenience, our iOS system is the best in the world..." Jobs continued to introduce on stage.

At the same time, comparison information between Gphone and iphone quickly appeared on Twitter.

"Why doesn't the Apple mobile phone have a mall for app downloads? What's the point of that?".

"349 US dollars and 449 US dollars, the price is 50 US dollars cheaper than the Guanghui mobile phone, but the difference in value is more than 50 US dollars."

In the original history, the price of iphone was 499 US dollars and 599 US dollars, which was 100 US dollars more expensive than Gphone.

Now that there is a Gphone, if Jobs sets this price again, it must be his own death.Obviously, Apple will not do such a stupid thing, nor would it dare to do something like this.

However, Apple's price is obviously sacrificing its own profits, and it is basically sold near the cost price.

Historically, the profit margin of Apple mobile phones has generally reached around [-]%. If it is less than [-]%, it can be said that it is hard-earned money.Now under the pressure of Guanghui Mobile, Apple has no choice but to earn its hard-earned money first.

"Why do I think that iphone is a simplified version of Gphone? Or a simplified version that has become uglier".

"I thought that Jobs would continue to create miracles, but I didn't find it, but I was just picking up people's teeth, which disappointed me a bit."


Comments of all kinds flooded Twitter.Since the iPhone was released on the same day as the Gphone, everyone basically compares the two phones.

I don’t know, I am surprised!
In the eyes of the American people, Apple, which is very tall and independent, seems to be a bit out of the crowd.

Everyone has a preconceived subconsciousness when looking at things. After seeing the Gphone of Guanghui Mobile, everyone hopes that the smartphone launched by Apple will be better than the Gphone, at least in some aspects.

But judging from the current situation, except that the price is 50 dollars cheaper, the iphone has no advantage in front of the Gphone.

One more advantage must be added, that is, the iPhone is a product of an American company, and the Gphone is a product of a Chinese company.

There are always a small group of consumers who think that products from China are low-end and of poor quality, and think that things made in the United States must be better than China!
This is already the category of idealism. For this small group of people, Jiang Hui has no other good solution except to slap them in the face.

In fact, as long as consumers use these two mobile phones, there are various applications such as Twitter and Meituan, and the Gphone, which can support 3G networks, will definitely explode the iPhone.

In the face of absolute strength, all the various methods, all kinds of resistance, and all kinds of belittling of cats and dogs are all paper tigers, which can be pierced at a poke!
(End of this chapter)

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