Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 566 An Unexpected Brilliant Game

Chapter 566 An Unexpected Brilliant Game

"Cut! Cut! Cut!".

"Wow, missed one!".

"There is still a watermelon, ah, here comes another bunch of bananas, quick, cut"!
"Yeah~ A new record has been created!".


On Line [-] of the Imperial City Metro, a young couple was playing "Cutting Watermelon" on their Gphone, which attracted the attention of many people around them.

It is said to cut watermelon, but this game is not only watermelon can be cut.

The operation of the game "Cutting Watermelon" is extremely simple. Various fruits will continuously pop up on the screen - watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, strawberry, blueberry, banana, pomegranate, carambola, apple, dragon fruit, etc. Move your finger on the screen and swipe over the screen to cut open the fruits happily, and you have to cut them all quickly before they fall to get a high score.

However, in addition to many thrown fruits, there will also be things like bombs mixed in, which will explode once cut.

Fruits vary in size, and smaller fruits are more difficult to chop.When you cut different fruits, you will see bright pulps of different colors, and like some fruits with a lot of water, juices of various colors splash into the air or splash onto the wall.

Although it looks a bit mentally handicapped, a bit low-level game, but it is very popular, it can be said that it is suitable for all ages.


At the same time, Wuyang City University of Foreign Languages.Yingying Dandan has come to the classroom after breakfast and is ready for class.Before the teacher came, the two turned on "Angry Birds" on the Gphone and started playing.

The game "Angry Birds" has been launched by Guanghui Games for a long time. It was very popular at the beginning, but now fewer and fewer people play this game on the computer.

However, after Brilliant Games transformed the original computer version of "Angry Birds" into a mobile version, this game ushered in a second spring.

Only two days after the launch of Gphone, more than 10 people around the world have downloaded or purchased the game from Gstore.

This result made Guanghui Games overjoyed, but Jiang Hui didn't find it surprising.

"Angry Birds" was mainly popular on smartphones in the previous life. Few people played the computer version, and it was not so interesting to play.On the contrary, it's pretty good to put it on the mobile phone and play it in odd hours. That's why the download and installation ratio of this game on Gphone is so high this time.

Of course, this has something to do with the fact that Gstore has just been launched and there are not many apps to choose from.

However, because there are not too many choices, all the companies under the Guanghui Group have taken advantage of the Gphone.

Not to mention the Guanghui Weibo (foreign mobile phone version is Twitter), Tudou (US version is potato), YY Live, Xiaonei, etc. installed by default, as well as the uc browser that comes with the system, but users can choose to download A few games of Brilliant Games are completely popular.

"Angry Birds", "Cut Watermelon", "Plants vs. Zombies", "Happy Farm", "Defend Carrots", "Parking Space", "Glory of the King", etc., almost [-]% of the users have installed at least one Some people even installed more than one game.

In China, consumers still don’t like to pay to download and install software, so Brilliance Games mainly relies on selling game items to make money from these consumers.However, this is not the case in countries such as the United States.

In the United States, the law is very strict on copyright protection, which has also cultivated the habit of consumers to pay for downloading software and other content.

In later generations, the well-known research company Nielsen once spent a month to make statistics and came up with a result: 64% of American smartphone users will download games for entertainment, and 93% of them are willing to pay.

Just like several products of Brilliance Games, the cheapest "Cutting Watermelon" costs US$0.99, and "Plants vs. Zombies" costs US$9.9. The average price of each game is about US$5. For those who don't, there are definitely not many people who pay to download, but it is different in the United States.

Some people may say that this is because Americans have high quality and strong copyright awareness.But Jiang Hui didn't think so.

In Jiang Hui's view, in the final analysis, this is the difference in law.After long-term development and improvement, the European and American legal systems are far more meticulous and enforceable than the Chinese laws. Therefore, for us, behaviors that rely on moral constraints are likely to be subject to local laws in the United Kingdom and the United States.

And there is no essential difference in the education we all receive, whether it is China or the United States, that is, we do not break the law.

We also have laws such as copyright and food safety, but the problems that are not obvious to everyone are the result of the severity of punishment and the cost of crime.

You openly sell pirated copies, such as windows xp, in China. Microsoft sues you and wins the case. According to the amount of your crime, you may be awarded some compensation. The fine may not be enough for Microsoft to prepare to sue you for the cost of hiring people.If you don't leave too much evidence, you may be able to make a profit in the end.

But if it is judged according to American law, you will never be able to turn around in this life with a fine alone, let alone the possibility of being imprisoned.

Therefore, Jiang Hui's point of view is: Americans are not of high quality and do not break the law, but the cost of crime is too high.However, when Americans break the law, it is often the kind of murder and arson.

From this point of view, it is not surprising that so many European and American users pay to download Brilliant Games products on Gphone.


"Mr. He, we are going to send it out." Wang Lu excitedly came to He Ling's office with a document.

Although Wang Lu is He Ling's best friend, they always call each other "Lingling" and "Lulu" in private, but when they were in the company, both of them called each other according to their positions, so as to avoid people feeling that the two people were not separated from each other. .

"What's the matter, what a fuss is all about," He Ling raised her head and said.

"Our games are selling like crazy on Gphone. In the past day alone, the accumulated downloads of several of our games have exceeded 30 times, and the revenue has exceeded 150 million US dollars. , we made more than $100 million in revenue. The Gphone has only been sold for two days.”

"The sales situation is so good? Doesn't it mean that we have added tens of millions of dollars in revenue every month?".

"Yes, but these download charges are one-time, and it is impossible to increase indefinitely. Only prop income can be continuously expanded."

"This is already very good. According to the sales momentum of Gphone, the revenue of the mobile terminal will soon exceed that of the PC terminal."

"Well, it's really a wise decision for Mr. Jiang to let us enter the mobile Internet market with all our strength."

"That guy, it seems that he has never made a wrong decision."

"Hey, so Mr. He, you have a good vision, and you decided to leave early."

"What are you talking about, looking for a fight~".


(End of this chapter)

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