Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 567 Open Android

Chapter 567 Open Android
The wind and rain turned pale and yellow in Zhongshan, and millions of soldiers crossed the river.The tiger dominates the dragon, the present is better than the past, and the world is turned upside down.It is advisable to use the remaining courage to chase the poor and the poor, and not to be famous as the overlord.If the sky is loving, the sky is also old, and the right way in the world is vicissitudes.

When the sales of Gphone were booming, Guanghui Mobile once again dropped a blockbuster: open source code of the Android system used by Gphone for free.

After this information was released on the official website and official Weibo of Brilliant Mobile, it quickly spread across the Internet and mobile phone circles, causing heated discussions.


opoo technology.

"Glory Mobile is willing to release its source code for free? Has this information been confirmed? Is it true?".

"I've confirmed it, it's true, but I need to confirm the details with them. Now the official website of Guanghui Mobile has the software interface information of the Android system, but the source code will only be provided after detailed negotiation and confirmation with Guanghui Mobile."

"This is also normal. The purpose of publishing the interface is to allow third-party developers to develop various apps, but such core information as source code must have some additional conditions before it can be obtained."

"Well, I'm going to go to Guanghui Mobile tomorrow to find out more about the situation with them."

"Okay, as long as the conditions are not excessive, we can accept them. With the source code of the Android system, we can use it for secondary development, and soon we can form our own smartphone operating system."

"Yeah, I really don't know how to describe Guanghui's move. If it were me, I probably wouldn't do it."

"Jiang Hui's behavior is always unusual, so it is not easy to evaluate."


Every step of the way is high-tech.

"Mr. Shen, I just contacted the people from Guanghui Mobile, and they are indeed planning to release the source code of the Android system for free."

"Have you ever asked them why they did this? Although I'd love them to do it, I always feel that it's not that simple behind it."

"I asked, but the other party didn't know. They just said it was the company's decision."

"Are there any additional conditions?".

"Yes, mainly because the Android system of the Guanghui mobile phone must install some apps by default, such as Xiaonei, Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Games, etc., and then there are some requirements for data sharing."

"Xiaonei and Brilliant Weibo are the best applications in China. Even if they don't have this requirement, we will add it ourselves. This is not a problem. As for data sharing, as long as it is not too excessive, we can also accept it."

"Well, I think Brilliant Mobile is trying to use this opportunity to promote other products under the Brilliant Group, and the method is very clever."

"No, I think you only saw a small part. Jiang Hui's vision should not be so short-sighted. I have a hunch that Guanghui Mobile's free and open operating system is aimed at traditional feature phones. The arrows are locked on Nokia, giants like Motorola."

"Ah? What does it have to do with Nokia and the others?".

"Of course there is. Is the Gphone good? You've been using it for a day, so you should have the right to say. But now, out of the nearly 10 billion mobile phone sales in the whole world every year, how much does Brilliance take up? Not even a fraction of it! So at this time, what Guanghui needs to do is to attract a group of partners who produce smartphones to grab the market of traditional mobile phone giants.”

"I understand that although the potential of Guanghui mobile phone is unlimited, the current production scale and market influence are too big to be compared with giants like Nokia. It is too stressful and difficult to compete with so many giants on your own. So they lowered the threshold for emerging companies to enter the smartphone industry by opening up the Android system, and then cultivated a bunch of smartphone manufacturers in a short period of time to conquer cities and land with them.”

"You are right. Except for the mobile phone operating system, all the components of the mobile phone can actually be purchased from the market. If you don't pay much attention to compatibility, with the operating system, you can quickly develop a smart phone." .

"This is really a stroke of genius."



"There is a saying in China that goes: a gnat may shake a big tree. Glorious Mobile thought that releasing the source code of the Android system to the outside world and attracting several new construction companies to make smartphones would change the situation of the mobile phone industry. It is simply a fantasy."

"Yeah, I think they are brandishing their swords from the palace. After opening the source code of the operating system, it is equivalent to letting a bunch of competitors come in to compete with themselves, and they will ruin their self-sufficiency if they are not careful."

"Haha~ That would be interesting."

"Well, let's just sit and watch their farce."



"Glory Mobile has opened the source code of their Gphone operating system, shall we follow up?".

"Glory mobile phone has opened up the source code of Android?".

"Yes, and supposedly free".

"They are asking for their own death. I would like to let their competitors enter the smartphone market later, but they hope that more competitors will enter this field."

"Yeah, I don't understand it at all."


A counterfeit mobile phone factory in Shenzhen City.

"Boss, we don't have to crack Android anymore".

"What's the matter? What's the matter?".

"Brilliant mobile phone has released the source code of Android for free. We don't need to break it anymore, just use the genuine one."

"Is there such a good thing? Today is not April 4st, don't tease me."

"Boss, I won't lie to you, let's also register a company, so that we can go to Guanghui Mobile to discuss the source code of the Android system."

"With the genuine system, we are no longer a counterfeit machine."

"Yes, we can completely focus on the low-end market and grab those users who can't afford a Gphone."

"Well, not only that, we can also export our mobile phones to economically underdeveloped countries such as Southeast Asia and Africa. There should be a big market in those places."

"It seems that our spring is coming."


Shishahai courtyard house in the imperial capital.

"Jiang Hui, is this how you open Android to all companies for free?" Bai Xue said.

"Yeah, this is a strategy that I have thought about a long time ago."

"Didn't this cultivate a bunch of competitors for us?".

"No company in the Guanghui Group should be afraid of competition. In this case, if Guanghui Mobile can't compete with emerging smartphone companies, then there is no need for it to exist."

"If it is open, it will be open. At least some money will be charged. Isn't it good to sell the operating system like Microsoft?".

"No, because it is free, more companies will choose to give up developing their own operating systems, which will make Android the largest mobile operating system, and the most developers will develop Android-based apps. This is very important."

"Well, the winner is always right!"


(End of this chapter)

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