Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 568 Fiery Development Enthusiasm

Chapter 568 Fiery Development Enthusiasm

On January 2007, 1, Brilliance Games announced its download and installation information on the Gphone on its official website: within three days, the cumulative downloads exceeded 12 million times, and an average of 100 Brilliant mobile games were downloaded on each mobile phone, creating more than $4 million in sales revenue.

Originally, as a non-listed company, Brilliant Games did not need to disclose various data to the outside world.However, Jiang Hui felt that publishing these data would attract a large number of developers to develop various games and applications based on the Android system of Brilliant mobile phones, enriching the resources of gstore.

The reason why smartphones can defeat feature phones is that the biggest weapon is that in the app store, you can download a variety of apps, whether it is for playing games or other applications, you can find everything you want, which is something that feature phones can’t catch up with!

As soon as the sales results of Brilliant Games on Gphone came out, it quickly attracted a lot of attention and comments from netizens.

Netizen "Yo He": Gphone has only sold a few units, and Guanghui Games has already earned 500 million. This is going to heaven.

Netizen "Angkor": Brilliant Games is the money printing machine of the Brilliant Group.

Netizen "Future": I seem to know how much money Boss Jiang has?So many money printing machines are working for him!

Netizen "Xu Haihe": I downloaded several games, all of which are free.

Netizen "Xiaowei": Upstairs, in Tianchao, Guanghui mobile phone allows you to download for free, but in foreign countries, people have to charge to download, and the charge is not cheap at all.Congratulations, you earned it!
Netizen "Qing": Why do I think that the most profitable Internet companies are game companies?Brilliant Games, Shengda Network, The Ninth City, every family is full of food!
Netizen "Every road in the world can be followed": Our school seems to be preparing to open game-related majors, but unfortunately I can't catch up.

Netizen "liyong": It is estimated that many game companies will be jealous.

Netizen "The Temptation of Cigarettes": I also want to go to a game company, it's too much money.

Netizen "Haozi": It is said that the money for Guanghui's mobile phone will be commissioned
Netizen “江东隐士@”: There must be a commission. Guanghui mobile phone is like Wal-Mart, and Guanghui game is like Dove chocolate. You made money selling chocolates. Don’t you have Wal-Mart’s share?

Netizen "Anything is possible": The metaphor above is not very appropriate, but the meaning is here.

Netizen "Li Biao": Boss Jiang has created a new money-making business, amazing!

Netizen "A Cup of Clear Tea": Is Guanghui Group trying to dominate the headlines every day?Have you experienced the feelings of other companies?

Netizen "Brother Chao": Haha~ Please calculate the psychological shadow area of ​​other game companies!
Netizen "Moran": Business opportunities are everywhere, but ordinary people can't find them!


Shengda Network.

"The mobile Internet market has been preempted by Brilliant Games again, and we will immediately develop games for mobile phones."

"Yes, Brilliance Mobile has the ability to sell games abroad. With the help of this platform, domestic game companies will have a new field of development."

"I just don't know if Brilliant Mobile and Brilliant Games are companies under the Brilliant Group, will they set some thresholds for us?"

"Judging from Guanghui Mobile's move to release the source code of the Android system for free, the structure of the Guanghui Group is still very large, and it should be disdainful to do such a thing."

"Then let's quickly redevelop our current game and put it on gstore for sale."

"Well, but we must study the secondary development method of Brilliant Games, which has been proven to be successful. After all, there is still a big difference between playing games on mobile phones and playing games on computers."


ninth city.

"Do you think the data released by Brilliant Games is true?".

"Although it seems unbelievable to earn 500 million U.S. dollars in just a few days, I can't think of any need for Shining Games to lie."

"That means the mobile Internet market has great potential."

"If you only look at the domestic market, it may not be meaningful in a short period of time. However, if you consider the global scope, there is still a lot of room for development."

"I feel the same way. I never thought of selling games abroad before, but now with the Brilliant mobile phone, everything is possible!".

"I will immediately organize people to study the interface of the Android system, and start developing mobile games for Gphone."


A small entrepreneurial website.

"Brother Quan, have you seen the Weibo of Guanghui Games? It turns out that mobile games make so much money. Should we do it too?"

"I saw that although the game is very profitable, after the promotion of Guanghui Games, it is estimated that many companies and individuals will develop mobile games."

"Then what should I do? I think it's a pity to miss it. Gphone is such a great platform."

"We can develop some other apps and sell them on gstore, such as weather forecast, foreign language learning or other fun things."

"Huh? This idea seems to be good. Anyway, as long as there are foreigners who download it, they can charge."

"Immediately call Awang and the others to come over for a meeting, and let's discuss what to do."


The lecture hall on the first floor of the central teaching building of Imperial University of Technology.At the invitation of the student union of the school, Dai Fugan came to give a lecture to everyone, introducing the development of Gphone and future smart phones and the business opportunities brought by them.

"I feel that the student union of the school invited me back to school to give a lecture on smart phones. As a senior student at Teito University of Technology and as the deputy general manager of Guanghui Mobile, I really have a lot to say to everyone." Dai Fuqian started own speech.

In universities, there are usually various speeches every week, some are experts with dry goods, and some are purely training institutions for publicity. There are all kinds of speeches.

Dai Fuqian's speech today obviously came with first-hand information. Naturally, it attracted a large number of students, and the entire auditorium was already overcrowded.

"Most people must have heard of the Gphone of Glorious Mobile, right? Our President Jiang once said: Glory Mobile will redefine mobile phones. This sentence is not an exaggeration at all..." Dai Fuqian continued.

"The arrival of the Gphone means the arrival of a new era. The arrival of every new era means wireless business opportunities. I don't know what everyone here has seen. Let me give you an example. This morning, Brilliance Games announced Their sales results on the Gphone shocked the gaming circle... For Tianchao Internet companies, the Brilliance mobile phone has brought everyone a brand new opportunity, an opportunity to sell products all over the world... ".

"I hope that everyone here can devote themselves to the development of various apps. This area is currently almost a barren land, waiting for everyone to develop. The first wave of admission will definitely get higher returns. Your financial freedom may start here!"


Dai Fugan spent two hours explaining his understanding of smartphones to the alumni of Imperial University of Technology, and encouraged them to develop various apps.

(End of this chapter)

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