Chapter 569
In the past few days when the Gphone went on sale, the flagship stores of Brilliance Mobile were full, and there were long queues waiting to pay the bill every day.

Consumers at home and abroad are also flooded with the Internet about how they feel about using Gphones.

One of the most criticized by Tianchao consumers is that the domestic version of Gphone does not support WIFI.

Jiang Hui had already predicted this problem during development. After all, smartphones do not have WIFI, and Tianchao only has 2G network. Although there is WAPI, there is no way to fully experience the various coolness of Gphone.

Although at the beginning, everyone felt that they were very satisfied with these functions, and speed was not that important.

As described in October 1969 when the world's first email was sent to his colleagues by computer scientist Professor Leonard K.: "I tried to pass a computer at the University of California and another at Computer contact at the Stanford Research Center near San Francisco. All we did was log in from one computer to another. The way to log in back then was to type LOG. So we typed L and asked the other party: 'Did you get the L? ?' The other party replied: 'I received it.' Then type O and G in sequence. Before receiving the confirmation answer of G from the other party, the system was paralyzed."

Even so, Professor Leonard K. is very excited!If it is put into the present, this kind of system and network speed will definitely be sprayed to death.

Therefore, after a few days of use, Tianchao consumers felt the various functions of the Gphone, but due to the slow speed of the network, they could not give full play to their power. It is no wonder that so many consumers complained.

"Mr. Jiang, according to the survey and collection of the marketing department, Tianchao consumers have the most opinions on Gphone at present, and these opinions mainly focus on the use of WIFI and the speed of the network is too slow." Dai Fuqian came to Jianghui's office to report on Guanghui mobile phones The situation these days.

Since the launch of the Gphone, the employees of the marketing department of Glorious Mobile have been paying full attention to the evaluations of the Gphone on Guanghui Weibo,, Du Niang Tieba and other places, so as to respond as soon as possible.

Theoretically, the development of Gphone always considers that the WAPI standard is applicable in China, and WIFI is used abroad. The only difference between WAPI and WiFi is that WAPI is stronger than WiFi in terms of authentication and confidentiality.Although WiFi is not compatible with WAPI, smart phones or other terminal products that apply WAPI standards can automatically switch and receive WIFI signals, even if they are taken abroad.

As long as Intel and other chip manufacturers are willing to publish their own chip WAPI software patches on the Internet or directly embed the driver into the operating system for installation, all wireless products using the WiFi standard can use the WAPI standard wireless network.Although this matter is a breeze for chip manufacturers such as Intel and Qualcomm.But the crux of the matter is whether Intel is willing, not whether it can!

Since chip manufacturers do not support the WAPI standard, although Gphone has developed WAPI products for domestic use, it is actually unusable.

This is equivalent to that domestic consumers can only use the snail-like 2G network.

This is also one of the reasons why Jiang Hui intends to sell most of the Gphones abroad first.

"I have an idea, can we allow domestic consumers to use the WIFI version of Gphone without violating relevant regulations," Jiang Hui said.

Although Jiang Hui very much hopes that China's own standards can become world standards, China's weak performance in the chip industry is doomed to impossibility of realizing this idea in the next ten years.

Instead of this, it is better to allow consumers to use fast wireless networks early, which can also stimulate the rapid development of the mobile Internet industry.

In this process of rapid development, Guanghui Group will definitely be able to obtain the largest piece of cake, and then invest the money earned in the development of core components such as chips, memory, and motherboards. The weak chicken performance on core components can also be regarded as an indirect contribution from the micro country.

According to the original history, even ten years later, 95% of China's chips are imported.

It is basically well known that China imports a large amount of oil every year, and China's dependence on imported oil continues to rise!Ensuring energy security has already risen to the level of national strategy.Chinese people are very concerned about oil prices, whether it is domestic or foreign policy news, they will soon know it like the palm of their hand!Most people may think that this aspect is closely related to their own lives, but many people also ignore another thing, that is the chip.

According to the original history, ten years later, China will spend more than 1 trillion yuan to import chips every year, and its dependence on imported chips far exceeds that of imported oil!
Because at that time, 82% of the world's laptops and 70% of mobile phones were produced in China.

Once reborn, Guanghui Group has developed to the present, and money itself is not very meaningful to Jiang Hui.A few hundred million more or a few hundred million less will not have any impact on Jiang Hui's quality of life.

However, Jiang Hui hopes that he can do something meaningful.It is one aspect to make China's Internet industry, mobile phone industry, and automobile industry grow stronger, but more importantly, it is hoped that the industrial chains of these industries can be truly strong.It's not just a castle on the beach, which will fall down when pushed by others.

As the "crown jewel" of high-end manufacturing, chips are integrated circuits, one of the important symbols to measure a country's comprehensive strength, and the core of the information industry.

Various electronic products and systems such as mobile phones, computers, home appliances, automobiles, high-speed rail, and industrial control are inseparable from chips.Without the support of the chip industry, the information society will lose its foundation.Jiang Hui's Guanghui Group is equivalent to handing over the core lifeline to others, which Jiang Hui absolutely does not allow to exist.

"Mr. Jiang, the policy stipulates that mobile phones sold in China are not allowed to use WIFI. There is no way to avoid it ~ Mr. Jiang~ Mr. Jiang", Dai Fugan's voice interrupted Jiang Hui's meditation.

"Ah, what did you say?".

"I said that the policy has regulations, and there is no way to avoid it."

"How can there be no way to avoid it?".

"How to avoid it?".

"Build a cracked version of the system and let users flash their phones."

Flashing, a technical term for mobile phones, refers to changing or replacing some languages, pictures, ringtones, software or operating systems that originally existed in the mobile phone through certain methods.

In layman's terms, flashing is to reinstall the system on the mobile phone.Flashing can improve the functions of the mobile phone and restore the mobile phone to its original state.

"Ah? Is it okay?".

"It's absolutely fine, we will create a cracked version and put it on the Internet, so that everyone can download it by themselves."

"Hey, it seems to be feasible."

"It must be feasible, but we have to launch a water army to let the majority of netizens know that there is such a way to allow their Gphones to use WIFI."

"No problem, I'll arrange it right away."


(End of this chapter)

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