Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 570 Apple's Tangle

Chapter 570 Apple's Tangle

Although consumers have various complaints about Gphones, such as slow internet speed, not enough screen, and not enough colors to choose from, it does not affect the situation that Gphones are hard to find.

Contrary to the booming situation of the glorious mobile phone, Apple's situation is a bit different.

In 1971, 16-year-old Steve Jobs and 21-year-old Stephen Wozniak met through a friend's introduction. In 1976, Jobs successfully persuaded Woz to sell the machine in addition to assembling the machine. Another friend of them, Luo Wayne, also joined, and the three formed Apple Computer on April 1976, 4.

In addition to computer products, Apple also makes consumer devices.In the 1990s, Apple released the Newton, coining the term Personal Digital Assistant, the earliest PDA.It didn't sell well, but it became the forerunner of products such as the Palm Pilot and the Pocket PC.

The iPod digital music player launched in the early 2000s was a great success. With its exclusive iTunes network paid music download system, it defeated Sony's Walkman series in one fell swoop and became the world's largest portable music player. The series of products further consolidated Apple's unshakable position in the commercial digital music market.

With the popularity of the Mac series and the iPod, Apple's market value has been rising.In the past 2006, Apple's net profit reached 24 billion US dollars, and its market value exceeded 800 billion US dollars.Although there is still a relatively large gap with Apple in later generations, it is already an out-and-out technology giant.

It can be said that in the first six years of the early 21st century, Apple's development was very smooth.Without Jiang Hui, Apple would develop more smoothly in the next ten years.

However, Guanghui released the Gphone before Apple, and started selling the Gphone on the same day that Apple released the iPhone, which greatly reduced the surprises that the iPhone brought to everyone.

iphone, a technological product that combines the functions of an iPad and a mobile phone, is also a tool for surfing the Internet.In the original history, although it is not a very successful product, it is an epoch-making product-whether it is for Apple or the whole world.


"Steve, we counted the comments of netizens on the Internet about our iPhone, and the situation seems not very optimistic."

"What do those ignorant netizens know? Do they know the future development direction of mobile phones? Do they know how much effort we have put in for the iPhone? They only know where to find fault."

"Not only those netizens are discussing, people from Nokia and Motorola are also joking on Twitter that our iPhone is a children's toy."

"What do those executives at Nokia know?" Jobs said displeased.

The day after the release of the iPhone, Nokia’s CEO, Kallasvuo Kallasvuo, seemed very disdainful. He said on his Twitter, “Apple will not have any impact on Nokia, because Nokia has been focusing on mobile phones for many years, and at the same time There is a product line for every price point and need, and Apple only has one product."

There is a classic story about the decline of Nokia that is still popular in the technology world of later generations: When the Apple iPhone was first launched, Nokia engineers thoroughly tested it and concluded that "this phone is not solid at all, and it must have no future... ...", and now, Gphone is not solid at all in the eyes of Nokia, and it must have no future.

Some things seem to be doomed in the dark. Neither Gphone nor iPhone has attracted Nokia's attention. Only after a few years, after the decline of the giant Nokia, will everyone discover what it means to be eliminated by the times!
"Steve, maybe you don't need to pay attention to the comments of those netizens on the Internet about the iPhone, and you can also ignore the views of traditional mobile phone manufacturers such as Nokia, but there is one thing that I think you must attach great importance to."

"What's up?".

"There are rumors that Guanghui Mobile will sue our company for infringing their patents."

"All of our technologies and appearances are developed independently. How can we infringe on the patents of Guanghui mobile phones?" Jobs yelled loudly.

A friend of Jobs once commented on Jobs: Jobs is like a child, he is easily angry about one thing, and this emotion will not last for too long.But sometimes, Jobs was really frustrated, and the way he vented was by hurting people, and he probably felt he had the right to do that, and normal communication didn't work for him, he was so sensitive, he knew how to hurt someone .

So when employees report to him, no matter what level they are, Jobs may go crazy at any time.

"We also don't want to believe this, but after inquiring about the various patents registered by Guanghui Mobile, we can preliminarily judge that the iPhone may indeed involve infringement in some aspects of appearance layout and button design."

"Have you received a subpoena?".

"Not yet, it's just that there are rumors that Guanghui Mobile will sue us, and it cannot be ruled out that Guanghui Mobile is hyping itself."

"No, it's definitely not as simple as hype. If you want to hype, it's better to directly sue us. The effect is better. Is it possible for us to circumvent the patent of Guanghui mobile phone?".

"Individual patents may be circumvented, but Guanghui Mobile has registered a bunch of patents in a mess, and it is difficult to guarantee that they are all avoided. Moreover, this may delay our launch schedule."

"Then we will make several preparations. On the one hand, we will avoid their patents as much as possible, and on the other hand, we will talk to Guanghui Mobile to see if we can obtain a patent authorization. At the same time, we must also prepare for the worst. The company With so many people in the legal department, it’s not for them to have nothing to do.”

"Okay, that's what I think too. Even if there is a lawsuit, we have to adopt various strategies, drag it until Guanghui Mobile compromises, and finally settle out of court."

"Site! It was a good project, but when it was disturbed by Guanghui mobile phone, it was completely messed up."

"Steve, our main income now is ipods and computers. This is the first time we have entered mobile phones. Some twists and turns are normal and will not affect our development plans."

"No, you underestimate the importance of the iPhone to our company. In my eyes, it is the most important product of our company, not one of them," Jobs said.

Apple's ability to emerge from the state of near bankruptcy in the 90s and achieve today's results is inseparable from Jobs' far-sighted layout.

In terms of development vision, both Jobs and Jiang Hui belong to the kind of superhuman existence.The difference is that Jobs was born with this kind of vision, while Jiang Hui is a prophet brought by the two generations.

Whether it is Gphone or iphone, they are actually epoch-making products.Although Guanghui Mobile is one step ahead now, it does not mean that Apple is out.

There is still a long way to go!
(End of this chapter)

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