Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 571 Economic Person of the Year

Chapter 571 Economic Person of the Year
In the past, the filth was not enough to boast, but now there is no limit to debauchery.The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day. ——Tang Mengjiao "After Enrollment"

The fiery performance of Gphone during this period has swept away all doubts about the Korn Ferry Group's first entry into the mobile phone industry in the past.

Although giants like Nokia haven't taken Guanghui mobile phones seriously, the long queues at the direct sales stores of Guanghui mobile phones are enough to satisfy Jiang Hui.

And just when Brilliance Mobile was making great strides, Zeng Qingying, Director of the Group's General Manager Office, brought another surprise to Jiang Hui.

"Mr. Jiang, the imperial court contacted me just now to let you participate in the awards ceremony for the annual figure of the Chinese economy on January 1," Zeng Qingying said holding an invitation letter.

"Awards party? What do you want me to do?" Jiang Hui didn't know what to do.

"My boss, this means that you won the lottery, but the official result will be announced at the party."

The selection of China's economic figures of the year is known as the "Oscar of China's economic circles". It is the most professional and influential selection in China.

Through this list of winners, it is possible to "know the world" about the Chinese economy of that year.There are 10 Annual Person of the Year Awards for Chinese Economic Figures each year, rewarding entrepreneurs, economists, etc. who actively promote the economic development and social progress of China.

2006 Selection Criteria: Responsibility, Innovation, Influence, Driving Force.

In the original history, most of the ten award-winning figures this year are leaders of large central enterprises and a few private enterprises, and none of the leaders of Internet companies.

However, under the influence of Jiang Hui, the butterfly, Guanghui Group really did a lot of things in 2006.

Not only and have been listed on NASDAQ successively, but Guanghui Mobile has released the epoch-making smartphone Gphone. In addition, Guanghui Weibo, Tudou and other companies have performed well in China, giving Jiang Hui an "annual economic The "Character" award really lives up to its name.

"Can you arrange someone to pick it up?".

"Mr. Jiang, this is an award held by the imperial court. To a certain extent, it represents the official. There is a saying that everyone carries a sedan chair. If you don't go, you will be slapped in the face. You know, some departments are most concerned It's your own face."

"That's all right, I'll go see and see, and just join in the fun," Jiang Hui said helplessly.

What Zeng Qingying said is not wrong. On some occasions, people invite you, but if you don't go, you will not give them face.If you don't give others face, if you encounter narrow-minded people, you will remember it in your heart.

Maybe at some point in the future, someone who is out of the blue will jump out and step on you.

With Jiang Hui's status today, he is not afraid of someone stepping on him, but for no reason, there is no reason to make the leaders of the court unhappy, and it is not worth it!

"Oh~ You finally figured it out, I was worried that you really wouldn't go," Zeng Qingying patted her chest and said.

Although it was winter, the indoor heating was relatively sufficient. Zeng Qingying wore a slightly tight-fitting, yellow-green sweater, which was stretched high by the full canteen.

As soon as he patted it, he could feel a faint shaking, Jiang Hui's mouth felt a little dry, and he quickly averted his eyes.

"As the end of the year is approaching, I guess there are a lot of messy award-giving activities. If you can refuse, you will refuse me; if you can accept it on your behalf, you will help me accept it," Jiang Hui said.

"It will be too late for you to order. I have already understood several awards for you, such as the Internet figure of the year, the best employer of the Imperial City Miyoshi student...there are quite a lot of various kinds." Zeng Qingying probably felt the same thing just now Seeing that his eyes were wrong, Jiang Hui rolled his eyes and said.

As an executive who had a good personal relationship with Jiang Hui, Zeng Qingying and Jiang Hui spoke more casually on less serious occasions.

In addition, women have privileges, especially beautiful women.It's perfectly normal to act coquettishly, make a fuss or something.

Zeng Qingying is a few years older than Jiang Hui, and it is when a woman is the most beautiful and charming. If she hadn't been the director of the general manager's office, others would know that she is Jiang Hui's confidant and love general at a glance, and even guess whether the two of them have a special relationship. Because of her relationship, the people chasing her are probably all lined up from Guanghui Building to Chang'an Avenue.

"Eh~ there are three good students in there?" Jiang Hui said a little speechlessly.

Three good students is an honorary title given by Chinese schools to outstanding students who have been selected. Three good students refer to good moral character, good study, and good health.

The selection of "Three Good Students" began in 1954, with a fixed selection ratio and basically the same measurement standards, and it was generally implemented in all large, middle and primary schools in the Chinese dynasty.

To say that in the first semester of freshman year, giving Jiang Hui a "three good students" may still be in line with the actual situation, but now...Jiang Hui rarely appears in class once a month...

"Mr. Jiang, don't forget that you are still a senior student at the school. There is nothing wrong with the school helping you fight for this honor. Besides, the entire Imperial University of Technology, and even the entire Chinese university, is there any student Than you fit this title?" Zeng Qingying said.

"Okay ~ don't talk about it, you go and arrange someone to help me with the speech on the night of the 22nd. It's better to speak on this occasion."


Compared with other official evenings, the China Economic Figure of the Year awards show is not much different.

Except for people in the economic circle who pay more attention to the results of the awards, ordinary people don't pay much attention.

Jiang Hui took Zeng Qingying and Liao Yun to the award presentation site. After listening to the clichés of the leaders, it was the evening party, which was mixed with the presentation of various awards.

In addition to 10 annual person awards, reward entrepreneurs, economists or government officials who actively promote China's economic development and social progress.A single award is also set up, usually the annual innovation award.

At the same time, a public welfare figure will be selected—an individual who is involved in a major public welfare event of the year, is enthusiastic about public welfare, and works around or makes outstanding contributions to the development of Chinese society, environmental protection, and ecological balance.

I didn't gain much from participating in this party, but I did get to know a few bigwigs from all walks of life.

Those who can win the annual economic figure award are those who are brave in innovation, are leading and forward-looking in their industries and industries, are committed to creating sunshine wealth, and promoting green productivity. Business leaders still have a pivotal position in the Chinese economic circle of.

Although Guanghui Group has been very successful, it is a young company after all and lacks foundation.

As the big boss, Jiang Hui, there is no harm in knowing and making friends with some leaders from all walks of life.

(End of this chapter)

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