Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 573 The sooner you buy, the sooner your dream will come true

Chapter 573 The sooner you buy, the sooner your dream will come true
The playing time of "Face to Face" is 45 minutes. Considering that some editing needs to be done in the later stage, it is necessary to prepare at least one hour of content when recording and broadcasting.

"The Guanghui Group can be said to be the most successful international company among domestic companies. What experience do you have to share with everyone?" Chen Yanping asked.

"This 'most successful' is what you said, I didn't say that. Many people in domestic companies are anxious and afraid of entering the international market. On the one hand, everyone has realized the importance of internationalization. On the other hand, I don’t know what to do…”

"The Guanghui Group started from the Internet, and now it has entered the physical industry. Does it mean that you are not optimistic about the future development of the Internet?".

"No, on the contrary, I am very optimistic about the development of China's Internet, and I firmly believe that it will become one of China's pillar industries."

"Then why did you change the focus of development to the real industry?".

"Your statement is not very appropriate. Guanghui Group's development focus is not only one. We uphold that both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong. The physical industry and the Internet lighting virtual industry develop in a balanced manner and move forward simultaneously...".

"Many people say that the physical industry is difficult to do, but Guanghui Group has done well in the Internet industry but prefers to enter the physical industry?".

"How to put it, from a higher point of view, the real industry is the foundation of a country's economy. Only when the foundation is solid can it be meaningful to develop other industries. Especially for a big country like ours, the real industry absolutely needs to be strengthened. ;

From a smaller point of view, a large part of the reason why physical stores are difficult to do now is because the market is saturated, such as traditional industries such as catering and clothing, the pressure of competition is too great, and it is difficult to open without a competitive advantage.

And Guanghui Group chose to enter the pioneering industries such as drones and smartphones, and we have innovated... ".

"Mr. Jiang, can you tell us about the future development direction of Guanghui Group?"

"It's hard to say. To put it simply, Guanghui Group will expand its influence in drones, smartphones, cars, etc. while continuing to strengthen its advantages in the Internet..."

"Finally, as a student, can you give some favorable suggestions to our students who have just graduated and will graduate?".

"Do you really want to say it?" Jiang Hui thought for a few seconds and asked.

"I'm afraid that if I say it, you don't dare to broadcast it, and it's useless to say it"!
"Let's just talk about it first and listen to it."

"I think young people should have dreams. In order to pursue a better life...the last and most important thing is to buy a house as soon as possible, especially for young people in first-tier cities. The sooner they buy a house, the sooner their dreams will come true."

Jiang Hui thought about it for a while, and then said "buy a house" from the bottom of his heart.

Now, perhaps not many people will take Jiang Hui's words of "buying a house" to heart, but looking back more than ten years later, they will know how reasonable these words are.

Overall, the interview went well.If this is a drama, then the two leading actors are acting in their true colors, and there is no need for too much concealment and affectation.

So the post-processing is also very fast. On Sunday night, "Face to Face" aired Jiang Hui's exclusive interview.

I don't know whether it was the platform of Chaotingtai that made "Face to Face" or the guest Jiang Hui attracted the audience.

The ratings of "Face to Face" set a new record that night, breaking 0.5%.

As a talk show that is not broadcast in prime time, it is absolutely amazing to have such ratings.

This further strengthened the determination of the "Face-to-Face" program team to continue to maintain close contact with the Guanghui Group and invite more senior executives of the Guanghui Group to do exclusive interviews.

After the broadcast of the program, starting the next day, also began to watch this episode of "Face-to-Face" interviews.

Compared with TV, Tudou has more viewers.The daily hit rate exceeded 50. Although it is nothing compared to popular movies and TV series, it also created a new record for online talk shows on Tudou.

With so many people watching, naturally there will be many comments.

"It turned out that Jiang Hui really had no background, and started his career step by step by relying on his own strength."

"It turns out that the clothing business makes so much money. I think I can give it a try."

"Since the birth of Brilliant Games, it has been feeding the Brilliant Group as if it has come to hang. No wonder Boss Jiang wants his girlfriend to sit in the town in person."

"There are so many young people among the executives of Guanghui Group, it seems that the times make heroes."

"When I saw the last paragraph, I thought it was a bowl of chicken soup, but why did my style suddenly change?"

"Boss Jiang himself doesn't engage in real estate, so why did he trick us into buying a house? The current housing price has doubled compared to the previous two years. If he buys it again, won't he become a successor?"

"At first I was a bit hesitant to become a house slave. After watching this program, I still felt that I should just obediently become a house slave. I believe Boss Jiang doesn't need to cheat us."

"After watching this program, I went to Du Niang for a while, only to realize that Guanghui Group is such an awesome existence. It can be said that half of the Chinese Internet is owned by others."

"The Guanghui Group can succeed in whatever it does. Others can't learn this, and they are destined to play the role of 'other people's children'."

"I heard that Guanghui Group has launched a zero-interest housing loan benefit, which can be enjoyed by all employees who have not had a house for one year."

"What was said upstairs is not the most violent, but the most violent thing is that Shangjiang's boss promised in the loan contract that if he felt that the price of his house had fallen within ten years, he could sell it to him at any time, and he would redeem it at the original price plus interest."

"The best boss in China, why don't I have such a boss."


Jiang Hui originally thought that his last sentence would be cut out, but he didn't expect that the imperial TV station would broadcast it intact this time. It seems that the "Face to Face" program team has also made a lot of determination.

However, this may also have something to do with the current environment.Although housing prices in key cities have doubled in the past two years, they are not particularly expensive overall, at least not in the eyes of the leaders.

In 2007, this situation was not so serious compared with the land transfer fee, which was the biggest income of the local government later.This is one of the reasons why the last paragraph was broadcast.

This passage may not have much influence on ordinary people, but it is still very lethal to the employees of Guanghui Group.

Jiang Hui has repeatedly encouraged employees to buy houses on different occasions, and the company also has a financial support policy. Under such circumstances, employees who have not yet bought a house finally started to take action.

(End of this chapter)

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