Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 574 Other People's Year-End Award

Chapter 574 Other People's Year-End Award

The residential, people's livelihood, public, and welfare attributes of the house cannot conceal the essence of the house, which is residence + finance + others.

Why does Jiang Hui always encourage employees to buy houses, even at the expense of signing agreements that some people think are unbelievable?
This is because houses have been the best investment and wealth management products of China in the past ten years and the next ten years. Officials always swear that houses are not for speculation, but to maintain the steady development of the real estate market.

In fact, in Jiang Hui’s view, the so-called positioning of the house is that the house is used for living, and at the same time, it is used for investment appreciation, financing realization, asset securitization, rent collection, pension, settlement, schooling, status symbol, and wealth symbol , marrying a daughter-in-law, resisting inflation, resisting negative interest rates, resisting RMB depreciation, and realizing the dream of heaven.

If under such circumstances, the employees of Guanghui Group are still indifferent to buying a house, Jiang Hui also feels that he has done his best.

Just as the discussion about the house raised by Jiang Hui hadn't come to an end, another incident of the Guanghui Group began to dominate the headlines again!
A message appeared on Du Niang's post bar: Guanghui Group's year-end bonus this year is ten months, and working for one year is equivalent to two years for others.

As soon as this news came out, it quickly aroused widespread discussion!

"It is said that Guanghui Group's salary is very high, and now there is such a high year-end bonus, how can others live?"

"What the hell is the year-end bonus?".

"People who haven't seen the year-end award can't afford to be hurt."

"The boss gave out three boxes of spicy sticks at the end of the year, calling it the Rolls-Royce of food. Seeing the year-end award of Guanghui Group, I silently took out a spicy stick and put it in my mouth, and the strong aroma immediately filled my mouth , A lot of saliva is secreted from the mouth under the stimulation of this delicious food in the world, this is the taste of childhood! Thank you boss! I will continue to work hard!".

"The company distributed more than a dozen packs of auntie towels, and directly contracted the girls' consumption for a whole year. As for gay men, those who are not single can give women tickets, and those who are single can figure it out themselves."

"My year-end bonus is a lottery ticket. The boss claims that the maximum bonus is 500 million. Can you please make a wish?".

"What is a late ticket? Can it be replaced by a month's salary?".

"A box of steamed buns was given out as a year-end bonus, and it is said to be thriving. In fact, it would be even better if it was paired with a box of mustard!"



However, the "2006 Year-End Bonus Research Report" published by a human resources website shows that 93.9% of general employees' year-end bonuses are within 1 yuan.The huge difference between the two makes people feel at a loss.

Netizens expressed, "I'm really sorry for dragging down the country again"!
As the focus of public opinion, Liu Chujing, head of personnel department of Guanghui Group, also personally came out to clarify on Guanghui Weibo: In fact, it is not as exaggerated as everyone said, 10 months is just a big base, not every company can get it .Coupled with the impact of performance, etc., in fact, some people can only get five or six months.

It's okay if Liu Chujing didn't say it, but this made the netizens even more excited.

"Some people can only get it for five or six months? I just want to be this part of the people."

"The implication is that some people can get twenty or thirty months?".

"I heard that the coefficient of the brilliant game is 2, that is, multiply the 10-month year-end bonus of the brilliant group by 2 as the base of the brilliant game, and then multiply it by the performance coefficient. People with good performance will directly get more than 30 months of year-end bonuses. prize".

"It is said that the coefficient of is 1.5..., the roommate who graduated with me, their year-end bonus is higher than my overall income, I can't afford to hurt."

"envy, jealousy, hate……".

"Pull the hatred, this is it".


Shengda Network.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that many employees recently complained in the communication group that the company's year-end bonus is too small."

"What's there to complain about? We pay a lot of bonuses in the entire Shanghai stock market."

"Having said that, the gap with Guanghui Group is huge."

"How do you compare? They have "Glory of the King" and "Cross Fire", two online games that are like money printing machines, and they have developed new ways to make money on GSTORE, making more money than us."

"The same goes for the Brilliant Group. Why pay so many bonuses for nothing? Does Jiang Hui still dislike too much money?".


A school software college.

"Leader, three young teachers in our major have resigned this month."

"Do you know where they went?".

"One went to Guanghui Payment, one went to Guanghui Games, and the other went to, all of which are subsidiaries of Guanghui Group."

"Just for the extra salary?"

"It's more than just one thing. I heard that they recruit directly with salary slips. If the salary is multiplied by three and bonuses are added, one year may be comparable to five years in our school."

"This group of companies know how to poach people everywhere by brandishing RMB."


a bank.

"This month, there are four cases where the tripartite agreement was signed and then breached."

"I figured out why not? Is it because they were admitted as civil servants?".

"It's not because they were admitted as civil servants, but because they received offers from various companies in the Guanghui Group."

"Our bank is very stable, why do you still have to break the contract? There is also a break fee for breaking the contract."

"It is estimated that those people were stimulated by Guanghui Group's salary package. Now there are discussions on Guanghui Group's year-end bonus everywhere on the Internet."

"Do we even get shot while lying down?"


"Mr. Jiang, I'm sorry, I don't seem to be supposed to speak. Now the topic of our year-end awards has intensified online." Liu Chujing came to Jiang Hui's office.

"It doesn't matter, our group has been continuously expanding the scale of recruitment in the past few years. Let everyone see our bonuses, which will also be conducive to the development of future recruitment work."

"The HR of several companies have complained to me in private, saying that we make it difficult for them to do so."

"The Internet industry is a global industry. Compared with Silicon Valley, our salary is not high, and we don't need to take the views of companies that only exploit employees."

During the Chinese New Year, in addition to the normal salary, some red envelopes and gifts are given to employees or subordinates as year-end rewards. This rule has long existed.

In the Republic of China, store clerks, workshop craftsmen, company employees, and pawnbrokers generally all received year-end awards.The form of reward is mainly red envelopes.

The size of the red envelope depends on the level of the recipient, the quality of the sender, and more importantly, the benefits of the "unit" and the work performance of everyone in the year.

Guanghui Group has developed so well, Jiang Hui will naturally not be stingy with the year-end bonus!

(End of this chapter)

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