Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 575 The Progress of Gpad

Chapter 575 The Progress of Gpad

The iPad is a series of tablet computers released by Apple in 2010. It is positioned between Apple's smart phone iPhone and notebook computer products. It has the same layout as the iPhone, providing browsing websites, sending and receiving emails, watching e-books, playing audio or Video, play games and other functions.

This product has made an indelible contribution to Apple's rise to the top of the technology industry, and Jiang Hui will naturally not forget its existence.

So a while ago Jiang Hui had ordered Dai Fuqian and Wang Mengyu to develop a Gpad based on the Gphone.

In fact, in 2000, the "iPad" was already an extremely important project within Apple. It was originally a secret project based on multi-touch research and development, and it has been carefully protected by Jobs.

After mastering the multi-touch technology, in 2002, Apple's hardware development department had the first iPad prototype, but this machine was relatively thick and the battery performance was too weak.So Apple continued to improve touch technology, while tablet plans were postponed indefinitely.

In other words, in fact, Apple is already advancing the ipad project.

With the iphone stimulated by the Gphone of the glorious mobile phone, the launch of the ipad will inevitably be earlier than in the previous life.

Therefore, Jiang Hui feels that it is necessary to launch the Gpad of Guanghui mobile phone as soon as possible next year.

Speaking of which, Brilliant Mobile is one step ahead of Apple in terms of smartphones, but it's not really a peace of mind.

The brilliant mobile phone has opened the door to the smartphone, and it is entirely possible for Apple to quickly learn from it and launch its own new generation of mobile phones.

Moreover, the biggest problem that the iPad failed to take shape in the past was the obstacles in battery and screen technology, and no satisfactory solution was found.

Now Gphone has opened a door to this solution, and one foot has already entered the tower.

If Guanghui Mobile does not work harder, maybe Apple will take the lead.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the rendering of the Gpad. We have basically finalized the design plan." Jiang Hui called Wang Mengyu to his office to learn about the development progress of the Gpad.

From the appearance, Gpad is a large Gphone. It also runs the Android operating system of GPhone, and uses a processor with an upgraded main frequency. It also supports multi-touch and has built-in maps, calendars, Tudou, Gstore, etc. applications, and can also run all App applications on the Gphone.

Jiang Hui looked at the information and asked, "When will the prototype come out?".

"The first prototype came out at the end of February, and then we will do some tests. It is expected to be finalized in June, and then we can start preparations for mass production."

According to Jiang Hui's requirements, Gpad needs to provide an unforgettable concise, beautiful appearance, and sufficiently simple interaction design.Therefore, it took a lot of time in the early research and plan revision.

"We want to design a product that understands the needs of users. As long as users get it in their hands, they can instantly understand how to use it. There is no need to explain the whole process. This is what you must pay attention to when testing the prototype," Jiang Hui looked at The introduction of the function of Gpad in the information gives my own opinion.

“Understood, what we are still struggling with is whether the back plate should be made of plastic or aluminum alloy.

The plastic shell is relatively simple to produce, and there is no problem of signal interference, but it is not wear-resistant and has a poor hand feel.

For aluminum alloy, it is difficult to produce, and signal problems require more effort, but it feels good in the hand and has a sense of class.”

In fact, before the team of Guanghui mobile phone reviewed and used the Gphone, it used a black or white glossy back cover, and a stainless steel metal frame protected a whole piece of flat glass screen.

However, so many trials and tribulations were encountered that the development team is now left with a choice between a plastic case and an aluminum case.

"Let's focus on aluminum alloys. Since Guanghui Mobile has decided to take the high-end route, we must use materials with a good sense of quality."

"Well, I think so too. To have sufficient room for a premium, we must conquer more difficult crafts, or others will soon imitate and follow suit."

Then Jiang Hui continued to communicate with Wang Mengyu about the development of Gpad, and then talked about the construction of direct sales stores.

"There are only eight stores in foreign countries, too few, and we need to speed up the progress."

"The direct-sale stores in Nagoya and Ottawa opened after the Spring Festival, and the direct-sale stores in Qatar and Moscow will open soon. It is estimated that by the end of June 2007, the number of our direct-sale stores abroad will increase from now 6 to 8, and will reach 15 by the end of the year, plus a newly opened one in China, a total of 25.”

There were originally 4 specialty stores in China, but since Brilliance Mobile is controlling domestic sales, a new directly-operated store opened in Qingcheng throughout 2007.

When the production capacity is almost expanded next year, it can be released for sale.

"When we are expanding the scale of direct-sale stores, we must pay attention to after-sales, so as not to lose the chain."

The quality of after-sales service can affect consumer satisfaction.At the time of purchase, relevant regulations such as product warranty and after-sales service can help customers get rid of doubts and swings and make up their minds to purchase products.

What Gphone now promises is that if there is a problem within half a year, it will be replaced, and if there is a problem within one year, it will be guaranteed.This has greatly dispelled consumers' concerns about new technologies and new products.

Jiang Hui once heard a story in his previous life: A girl in an island country bought a Chanel top for more than 60 yen, equivalent to about 3 RMB.

After wearing it a few times, I took it to the dry cleaner for washing, and the color faded to a horrible level.

The girl was so angry that she complained to the dry cleaner. The staff of the dry cleaner was trembling and called Chanel's after-sales service. The answer she received was:

When designing the clothes in our store, we did not consider the washing conditions.
In other words, it must be thrown away after wearing it several times.It really is poverty that limits our imagination and cognition.

Although Brilliant mobile phones are high-end, they are not so high-end that all users will throw away their mobile phones if they have any problems.

"Understood, the after-sales personnel of our direct-sale stores are all trained uniformly, and the response from customers is not bad. But the more troublesome thing is that the coverage rate of our direct-sale stores is not very high, and some cities are inconvenient to maintain."

The problem Wang Mengyu mentioned exists objectively, and there is no way to completely solve it in a short time.

Fortunately, Gphone's quality control is relatively good, so far, the probability of problems is relatively low.

The main problem for users to repair is that the screen is broken.

The screen is broken, this is basically a problem that every user in the era of smart phones has faced, and it is really a difficult problem to solve.

The only way is to be careful yourself, and then put a film on the phone and bring a cover, so that it can withstand falling!
(End of this chapter)

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