Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 576 The giant wants to step on the glorious mobile phone

Chapter 576 The giant wants to step on the glorious mobile phone

Just when netizens posted photos of broken Gphone screens on Twitter and Guanghui Weibo from time to time, Nokia also started to take action.

On, potato and nico, users have successively uploaded videos of the total Nokia mobile phone smashing walnuts, knocking nails, and even being able to use it normally after falling from the second floor to the first floor.

Immediately afterwards, Nokia's "Military Industry Enterprise History" was heated up.

Netizen "Nilke" said: Many people don't understand why Nokia mobile phones can smash walnuts. Now I finally figure out the reason: It turned out that it had made bullets decades ago. Such a company with military genes can manufacture mobile phones that can Not resistant to falling?
The CEO of Nokia also said on his Twitter: Every Nokia mobile phone has to be dropped 100 times in a special box during the test, and the quality of the drop resistance is first-class.It's not like some phones have schizophrenia.

There was also a navy in the back who immediately responded: Looking at the century-old history of Nokia, we can find that it is a steady and steady manufacturing company that has affected the national economy and people's livelihood in Finland. When it was established in 1865, it was a paper mill, and then the business involved rubber, cables, pharmaceuticals, natural gas, oil, etc. The telecommunications industry was just a by-product of their inadvertent creation: Nokia's first mobile phone was born in 1982 years, it has been 25 years now.

Some people even commented: Mobile phones are nothing more than making calls and sending text messages, and other fancy functions are used to cheat customers out of money.


Regarding Nokia's behavior of jumping out and taking the initiative to make troubles, there are G fans who come out to refute without Guanghui mobile phones.

"Gphone is so beautiful, can you compare it?".

"What's the use of being beautiful? I have a Nokia that is resistant to falling."

"My Gphone is beautiful".

"My Nokia costs only 999 yuan, and my Gphone costs 2888 yuan."

"My Gphone is beautiful".

"Nokia has many styles and many choices."

"My Gphone is beautiful".

"Nokia has a long history and reliable quality."

"My Gphone is beautiful".


Ren Er's southeast and northwest wind, I only care about her beauty!
For many female G fans, Gphone is beautiful, and that is enough, even if she is useless in other aspects.

Besides, can Gphone be useless?


Seeing that Nokia and Guanghui are fighting each other, other companies are not far behind.

Sharp mobile phone has started its new round of publicity on its official Twitter and major online platforms. The slogan is: It is better to flip the mobile phone. Sharp will give you the best screen and the best mobile phone!

The younger generation may not feel much about flip phones anymore.Flip phone, also known as foldable phone: refers to the main display screen or buttons that can only be seen when the cover of the phone is opened.

Flip phones have many disadvantages, such as relatively small screens, slow processors, low-quality cameras, and short battery life.

Therefore, flip phones quickly became unpopular in the market, and it didn't take long for many flip phones to stop production early due to low popularity and no longer appear on the market.

However, flip phones are very popular in island countries, which is not only related to national characteristics, but also related to practical applications.

After the flip phone is opened, the microphone can be very close to the mouth, allowing the other party to hear clearly without disturbing the people around. This is very consistent with the cultural atmosphere of the island country, so Sharp has insisted on flip phones for many years.


Samsung mobile phones are vigorously promoting their new slider phones: just swipe, and you have a keyboard and a screen!

The first slider model should be from Siemens. As early as 1998, Siemens launched a slider model SL10, but it was not sold in China.

In fact, domestic slider phones evolved from the pull-out keyboard design proposed by Nokia. In 2002, the Nokia 7650 was the first slider phone in China, but people paid more attention to its camera configuration than to the slider. cover itself.

On the contrary, the slider phone launched by Samsung last year was very popular in the market, and the price of more than 3000 was also very popular.

But this is the last flashback!

Sony Ericsson also made a new round of offensive for its new candy bar large-screen mobile phone: choose Sony Ericsson, your favorite!
Many people like to use a candy bar phone, precisely because it is very simple, without the cumbersomeness of a flip phone and a slider phone, and it can be seen at a glance when it is taken out of the pocket.There will be no slides or hinges to glitch out of a slide flip phone, either.

The mainstream of smart phones in the future will also be candy bar phones.

However, in the era of feature phones, some people think that candy bars are not trendy enough, and it is difficult to show themselves through the appearance of mobile phones.

Also, when you put your mobile phone in your pocket, if the keypad is locked, it is easy to broadcast the number if it is not locked, causing unnecessary trouble.

This has caused flip and slider phones to occupy a lot of the market in the feature phone era.


In fact, although the bosses of Nokia do not look down on Guanghui mobile phones and Apple mobile phones at all, it cannot be completely attributed to their lack of vision.

In fact, Nokia has long foreseen the concept of smartphones.

In 1998, Nokia joined hands with Ericsson, Nokia, Motorola, and Psion to establish Symbian (Symbian) company.

The company's product is Symbian -- the enlightenment operating system for many smartphone users today.

Subsequently, Nokia and Symbian began to develop in-depth cooperation.Later, Nokia acquired Symbian.

However, success is also Saipan, and defeat is also Saipan.

Nokia thinks Symbian is enough, and now that the annual output is so large, it is really not an easy decision to make an easy decision to develop a new operating system.

It is not easy to turn around when the boat is too big, and this is also doomed that the giant Nokia will slowly fall.

Jiang Hui is very clear about this round of developments on the Internet.The public opinion monitoring team established at the beginning has been working silently.

After two years of training, Lin Guizhou and other members of the monitoring team are already familiar with getting the information they want.

Regarding the performance of opponents like Nokia, Jiang Hui naturally wanted to stand up and resist.

Jiang Hui wrote on his Guanghui Weibo: Today is cruel, tomorrow will be even crueler, and the day after tomorrow will be beautiful!Many people will die tomorrow night without seeing the sun of the day after tomorrow.Not every mobile phone giant can still see the opportunity of the acquired sun!
As soon as Jiang Hui's Weibo was published, it quickly spread throughout the Internet. You must know that Jiang Hui is a big V with more than 1000 million fans.

Motorola's official Weibo immediately updated its content in a targeted manner: Sitting in a well and looking at the sky, the sky is small, and the sky is not small.

The text quoted a sentence from Tang Hanyu's "Original Dao" to satirize Guanghui Mobile and Jiang Hui for sitting in a well and looking at the sky, with narrow vision.

This Weibo was also quickly known by Jiang Hui, and then Jiang Hui updated his own Weibo: Laugh, there are times when you cry.


In this way, you come and go, the mobile phone circle can be regarded as a blockbuster movie for free for the people who eat melons.

(End of this chapter)

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