Chapter 577
While Jiang Hui was having a great time fighting with lighting giants such as Nokia and Motorola on the Internet, Brilliant Film and Television led by He Ling was also unwilling to be lonely.

In the Gphone that just went on sale, the daily headlines of Guanghui Film and Television have achieved very good results, and [-]% of domestic users have downloaded and installed this app.

And the newly added advertising department of Guanghui Film and Television is also emerging in the industry, and the business within the Guanghui Group alone is enough for them to support them.

As for Guanghui Film and Television's old business, let alone.In this year's Lunar New Year file, Guanghui Film and Television's "Charlotte Annoyance" is also officially released nationwide.

The Lunar New Year file has always been regarded as the most complete, most competitive, highest-grossing box office, and strongest movie schedule in China, and many blockbuster films are selected to be released during this schedule.

To put it bluntly, New Year films first originated and became popular in Hong Kong.Since the 20s, at the end of each year, some stars in the Hong Kong showbiz will spontaneously get together and make several lively and joyful films for the audience regardless of pay.

Most of these films are named after auspicious words such as "Gong Xi Fa Cai", "Happy Family", "Fu Lu Shou Xi", etc., and the content basically meets the following two points: first, it is a comedy, and second, it is played by famous stars.

In 1995, Long Ge's "Red Fan District" was the first film to be introduced to the mainland under the name of "New Year's Eve movie". Its box office revenue was second only to the Hollywood blockbuster "True Lies".

In 1998, Director Feng made the mainland's first New Year's film "Party A and Party C", opening up the mainland's New Year's film market.

In addition to focusing on the summer vacation files created by itself, Guanghui Film and Television will naturally not ignore the most important Lunar New Year files.

After making a selection, He Ling took out "Charlotte's Annoyance" among several film and television drama outlines that Jiang Hui gave to Guanghui Film and Television at the beginning of last year.

This movie mainly tells about a dick named Charlotte, who goes to attend the grand wedding held in a luxury hotel by Qiuya, the schoolgirl she once had a crush on.

While toasting for her, facing her old classmates who had successful careers around her, Charlotte realized that she was the only one who had accomplished nothing, and her heart was filled with sourness. She made a fuss at the wedding scene with a bit of alcohol, and even alerted the police.

But after he vented, he fell asleep on the toilet. In his dream, he returned to high school, took revenge on the teacher who humiliated him, pursued the girl he loved, made his disappointed mother smile again, and even became a well-known writer, musician, and Internet celebrity. People, a series of events happened in an unbelievable and rapid manner...
In the previous life, "Charlotte's Annoyance" was released on September 2015, 9. At the beginning of the release, many people were not optimistic about it. At first, no one paid attention to this movie, and the screening rate was greatly reduced.

But after the release, with the support of the audience, the box office broke through 14 billion, and finally closed perfectly with a box office of 14.41 billion.

Compared with the production cost of 2000 million yuan, the box office results are obvious.The theme is also very suitable for the style of Guanghui Film and Television.

However, with the big platform of Guanghui Film and Television in this life, the release of "Charlotte Annoyance" is destined to be more brilliant and attract more attention than the previous life.

But, the box office may not necessarily be higher. After all, it is 2007, and there are still 2015 years before 8.


Imperial Sunshine Film and Television.

"Glory Films released a new movie today, have you arranged for people to watch it on the spot, have you confirmed it?".

"Yes, we also sneaked in with a video camera, filmed the film and brought it back to the company for further research."

"The last time we imitated their TV series "Struggle" and "The Girl We Chased in Those Years", both achieved good results, and we can't miss it this time."

"Understood, I have already arranged for the screenwriter to watch this drama, and then we will come up with our script in the shortest possible time and start working as soon as possible."


A meeting of directors.

"Director Zhang, your new film collided with Guanghui Film and Television's film again. How about it, this time you don't need to make up shots and postpone the release?"

"Hmph, Old Chen, don't mock me there. You and I are half the same, laughing at the hundred steps. Didn't your drama last time be postponed to avoid the limelight of Guanghui Film and Television?"

"Hey, I'm not teasing you."

"My sister, let me tell you, this time I'm really not afraid of Guanghui Film and Television. They actually made a time-travel drama as a New Year's film, and the investment is only less than 2000 million. See if I don't beat him to death blood flow".

"Although they don't invest much, it's because Dream Band came out at a friendly price. Otherwise, how could an investment of 2000 million be enough?".

"It's useless for the dream band to appear on the stage. This time, my film "Invincible" is an epic blockbuster with a joint investment of 5000 million from several parties. It is aimed at the top spot."

""Charlotte Annoyance" will be screened tonight, and your "Invincible" will be screened tomorrow night. Hey, I'll wait and see. Take your breath away for us and suppress the arrogance of Guanghui Film and Television."


A movie theater in the capital.

"Honey, what movie should we watch?" A couple stood at the entrance of the cinema holding hands.

"Wait for me for a while, I'll check on Douban." The boy took out his Gphone and started checking.

"Hey, there is Jiang Hui in the screenwriter of this movie? How about we just watch this?".

"But looking at his profile, it seems very vulgar. Is it necessary to watch it? Or should we watch Hollywood blockbusters?".

"No, I want to watch "Charlotte Annoyance". I have watched every drama written by Jiang Hui, and I have never been disappointed."

"Well, let's go and have a look."

"You book directly on the Brilliant Ticketing app, there seems to be a discount, and it is very convenient to get the principle of the show and seats."


Brilliant film and television.

"Mr. He, according to the system data just now, [-]% of the tickets for "Charlotte Annoyance" have been sold tonight on average. It doesn't seem to be a particularly good start." Director Zhao took the first-hand ticket he just obtained from Guanghui Ticket The news came to He Ling's office.

Since he started directing "Old Boy", a series of successful film and television dramas have promoted Zhao Dao, who was originally not well-known in the industry, to the position of a famous director.

"Our drama relies on the plot to win, and it is relatively difficult to show in publicity. It is normal that the attendance rate on the first day cannot reach more than [-]%."

"Actually, I think Dream Band is our selling point. If we hold a premiere, it should be able to attract the attention of many Dream Band fans."

"You have to have confidence in Mr. Jiang's script. Since we rely on the plot to win, then don't worry. It's not too late to adjust the strategy after watching the audience's reaction for a few days."

"Well, I just watched the overwhelming publicity of "Invincible", and felt that the limelight of "Charlotte Annoyance" was completely covered by them."

"Hehe, if the box office can overwhelm us, that's really great. Otherwise, it's just a wax gun."

(End of this chapter)

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