Chapter 578

The second day after "Charlotte's Annoyance" was released, audiences who had watched the movie began to enthusiastically recommend this movie on Guanghui Weibo and Xiaonei.

Netizen "Butterfly Flying Queen": Although the structure of the play is flawed, it does not prevent this film from becoming the funniest domestic film this year. The first half has been slapping domestic youth films with venting jokes, and the second half is hilarious and sensational , even Ma Li looks great!
Netizen "Lu Anzhi": Vulgar but not kitsch, there are all the jokes you can imagine, and the audience laughs one after another. It turns out that laughing once can be so simple and ordinary.The place we can't go back to is called the past!
Netizen "Youwen 520": It's more funny than the time-travel movie. I didn't watch it and thought it was Charlotte-Trouble, but it turned out to be Charlotte-Trouble. I couldn't help laughing!

Netizen "can't be unreasonable": The image of Dream Band has changed a lot, and they are going all out!

Netizen “Xiao Er is not Er”: Audiences who say “I can’t do anything, everything fails” should go to the audience again and again. After watching it, I will suddenly become enlightened, cheer and applaud, and then walk out of the movie theater and continue to live the life of “I can’t do anything, everything fails.” "life.

Netizen "God's Forbidden Zone": It's a very happy smile, but the meaning is not very good. Not all school beauties are bitches, not all teachers and principals are scum, and not all dicks are destined to never succeed.

Netizen "Oh...": Returning, Prodigal Son Turns Back, Red Rose and White Rose, 90s, Nostalgic Golden Melody Skewer, vulgar, very vulgar, you can know the end of the story in the first 10 minutes, but it's really funny if you can't stand it !
Netizen "Please allow me to be frightened, I am very happy": Am I the only one who left the scene crying?Why do I feel so moved by the cheap look at the end?The eternal theme is "cherish the ordinary happiness around you...", I hope we can all do it!

Netizen "Luo Ye": The audience laughed throughout the whole process, with a lot of laughs, moderate relaxation, and few vulgar jokes. It is considered a very good domestic drama.

Netizen "Angkor": The first half of the campus was bursting with laughter, and the second half became a song king, which was a bit fake, and the ending was touching.Overall, a good movie.I don't understand why some people always ask for a comedy with the morality of a saint.


Of course, not everyone is a compliment.

"There is a big problem with the script. It is not logical and emotional. It is inevitable that the three views are not correct. There are too many useless scenes, and the jokes and jokes are very hard to sustain."

"I don't understand the jokes of the public. I seem a little out of place among a group of people who laugh like fools. However, this is really a loser's naked fantasy of white roses and red roses. Is this the era of midlife crisis? It's boring to think about it."

"Dreams will always wake up, what to do or what to do! I always feel that such content is a bit ruinous! That's it!"


Seeing all kinds of comments on the Internet, He Ling also asked Guanghui Film and Television to update her official Weibo: You can't assert that love is all vain just because you don't have love; I can't catch up with the goddess, so I assume that beautiful girls are all whores; because I am a Luther, I advise all dicks to live their lives in self-sufficiency.

In short, in the process of mixed reviews, the attendance rate of "Charlotte Annoyance" is getting better and better.

By the third day, it had already reached [-]%, and the hot hours were full of seats.


"Invincible" crew discussion group.

"When our film was released yesterday, the screening rate was very high, but I heard that some theaters have allocated our film to "Charlotte Annoyance" this afternoon."

"There must be a shady scene. It is estimated that Guanghui Film and Television has an exchange of interests with that cinema."

"That's right, how can a movie with an investment of less than 2000 million yuan from Guanghui Film and Television be comparable to our blockbuster movie with an investment of [-] yuan?"

"Brother Yang, Sister Liu, you are the leading actors, and in the next few days I will have to work hard for you to run around and do publicity."

"No problem, I will also call on my fans on Weibo to go to the cinema to join in."

"I'm fine, I'll follow the crew's arrangement."

"Well, everyone should try their best during this time, and we must put Guanghui Film and Television on the ground."


a movie theater.

"Manager, the promotion of "Invincible" is very enthusiastic, and the poster is more attractive, but the response from the audience seems to be not very good."

"Oh, I went in and took a look. Although this film claims to have an investment of 5000 million, I think many scenes are deliberately imitating Hollywood, which is a bit nondescript."

"Yeah, if there is no plot, the storyline is not attractive at all. The scenes are a bit exaggerated. No wonder it went downhill after it was released yesterday."

"Let's watch it for another day. If it doesn't work, lower the schedule and let the movies with high attendance rate go."


Brilliant film and television.

"Mr. He, our box office today has reached 2000 million, surpassing "Invincible" for the first time."

"I watched the movie "Invincible". Before, I was worried that one mountain could not accommodate two tigers. Hehe, I didn't expect them to be a cat or a sick cat."

"Yeah, 5000 million investment made such a thing, I'm also drunk."

"I don't know if they can recover their investment."

"It's a little hanging, 2100 million, 1900 million and 1500 million. This is the performance of "Invincible" these days. In less than a week, I estimate that 1000 million will be gone in a day."

"Then it is estimated that they have to work for nothing."

"Yeah, it's not bad if you don't lose money."

"Considering some benefits in the later stage, it is estimated that I can still earn a little hard work."


The box office of "Invincible" has been declining. In fact, the symptoms can also be seen from the audience's response.

"How could a famous director make such an amazing movie... This is definitely the biggest bad movie I've ever seen... the worst movie ever...".

"Don't talk about fantasy or anything! Bad story, bad screenwriter, bad director! If the gorgeous picture and all kinds of bright costumes support the whole movie, it's better to just watch the video of the TV test machine!"

"The helplessness of being a director, as the master Bergman said, you never know what the next movie will be. Even if you have made countless successful films."

"The director must have had inflated ambitions when he made "Invincible", but this film was completely ruined by his conceit as a literati. Especially the setting of those lines, even a slightly normal person can't bear it. In addition , the sense of form is too strong, but the film lacks soul."


Although the main creative team is desperately promoting it all over the country, it is of no use.

Seeing the box office of "Invincible" getting worse and worse, and the filming rate of "Charlotte Annoyance" getting higher and higher, the crew of "Invincible" couldn't help but start to consider some other means!

(End of this chapter)

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