Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 579 Scandal

Chapter 579 Scandal
"Invincible" starred in Yang Ge's fan group.

"Have you bought your tickets yet?"

"Pleasant Goat Cinema in Oriental Plaza has been fully bought in the past week."

"The Huiqun Plaza store has also bought."

"The Baotai Plaza store has also been settled."


"That's good. When the time comes, everyone remember that the theater must not be empty, and the filming of "Invincible" cannot be given to "Charlotte Annoyance"."

"Must, for Brother Yang, fight hard."


A movie theater in Shenzhen City.

"Manager, the attendance rate of "Invincible" is too low, should we adjust the schedule?".

"Although the attendance rate is very low, there are still pre-sales, and there is no way to adjust it."

"This is also strange. There are only a few people watching such a good show at eight or nine in the evening, but there are even a few people watching the midnight show."

"You pay attention to observe and see if there is any story, I always feel a little strange."

"Okay, I'll let the staff in each hall pay attention."


Brilliant film and television.

"Mr. He, the attendance rate of our "Charlotte Annoyance" is getting better and better, almost all the shows are full, and we have already secured the top spot in this year's Spring Festival."

"How is the performance of "Invincible"?".

"Hey, don't mention it, now the daily box office has dropped to less than 200 million, and the attendance rate is even less than [-]%, and there are even only a few people in some shows."

"How many people? Then the theater hasn't added more movies for us."

"I have negotiated this matter. Although the attendance rate of "Invincible" is very low, there are so many audiences who buy tickets in advance for each show in theaters in key cities, so the theaters cannot adjust the film schedule."

"It's a strange thing, you go to find out and find out what's going on."


In this weird atmosphere, after two days, "Charlotte Annoyance" continued to be hot, and "Invincible" repeatedly failed.

Suddenly, a netizen named "Stupid" broke the news on Guanghui Weibo: I really can't watch it anymore. Although I like Brother Yang very much, I also like Dream Band.Brother Yang's fans' way of "locking the field" makes me sick!

One stone caused a thousand waves, and this Weibo was continuously forwarded by more than 10,000+ netizens in just one hour.

Then Guanghui Film and Television also reacted quickly, saying on its Weibo: Don't play if you can't afford to lose!
Du Niang Encyclopedia, which is "locked", also quickly appeared on Du Niang, and with the promotion of the major platforms of the Guanghui Group, this practice of "Invincible" "fans" quickly spread throughout the Internet.

The so-called lock-in means that tickets are booked in advance, but only a few tickets are booked. Basically, only one ticket is bought for each movie hall, and the seat is occupied in advance. In order to prevent the reduction of film schedules, the attendance rate is very low.

The common point is that fans occupy the latrine and don't shit.

The term "lock field" is believed to be unfamiliar to many non-fans.

In fact, in order to prevent the theaters from lowering the film schedule, fans deliberately bought 1-2 tickets per show, so that the theater would not be able to change the film schedule.

Originally, lock-up was a relatively small matter, but with the popularity of "Charlotte Annoyance" and the promotion of Guanghui Group, this small matter quickly became a scandal in the Chinese film circle.

Think about it, everyone, a theater with a small audience of more than 100 people, and a large movie theater with hundreds of people only sells one or two tickets.
It’s fine in normal times, but now “Charlotte Annoyance” is super hot at the box office, and it’s hard to get a ticket. Audiences have lined up to buy “Charlotte Annoyance”, but there is no screening.

The comparison between Guanghui film and television is the most uncomfortable.

Of course, there are even worse movie theaters.


A movie theater in the capital.

"Manager, the expansion of the crew of "Invincible" is disgusting, should we simply take them off the shelves?".

"Business can't be so hard. If there is no reason, we have to show it if there are audiences."

"But there are only one or two spectators, and these people are obviously trustees."

"So what if it's entrusted? They didn't break the law, and they bought tickets normally through Guanghui Ticketing."

"Is Brilliant Ticketing shooting itself in the foot? When there was no online ticket purchase, although there were things like locks, the operation is much more difficult than it is now."

"You can ask Guanghui Film and Television to see if they have any suggestions?".

"Okay, I'll ask right away."


Guanghui Building, dining hall.

"Jiang Hui, why do you think there are people like this in the entertainment industry? They can do such disgusting things." While eating lunch, He Ling angrily talked to Jiang Hui about the "Invincible" fan lockout.

"It's normal for Brother Yang's fans to overreact to seeing "Invincible", which was shot by celebrities with an investment of 5000 million yuan and whose director and main creators were all overwhelmed by "Charlotte Annoyance" with an investment of less than 2000 million yuan.

"Hmph, what overreaction from fans? This is definitely planned by the crew of "Invincible" behind the scenes."

"So what? The shopping mall is like a battlefield. I can't get it, and I don't want you to get it. Don't worry too much."

"How can I not care, I just can't get angry", He Ling said coquettishly: "Do you have any ideas, teach them a lesson for me?".

"The movie theater is also very unhappy with this kind of practice?" Jiang Hui did not directly answer He Ling's question.

"Of course, blocking people's money is like killing one's father."

"Then it's easy to handle." Jiang Hui took a sip of the soup and said, "I have an idea, but it's a little wicked, and the movie theater will probably be scolded."

"As long as this passive situation can be changed, I think the managers of movie theaters should make the right choice between making money and being scolded."

"Well then, let the theaters say that "Invincible" cannot continue to be played due to equipment damage, and the audience who have already booked tickets will be refunded in full."

"Huh? Can you still do it like this? It seems feasible," He Ling said with her mouth open.

"It must be done, how can a man say no."

"Go away, I'm telling you something serious."

"What I said is also true."

"I don't care about you, I will call the marketing department immediately and communicate with the movie theaters as soon as possible."


Brilliant Ticketing: Dear user, I am very sorry!Due to the failure of theater equipment, the "Invincible" you purchased at 2:1 on February 19st cannot be screened for you.The refund has been processed for you. The arrival time depends on the bank. It is estimated that it will take 20 to 1 working days. Please pay attention to check.Customer service phone 7.

Just that night, a large number of theaters had gone through refund procedures for all movie tickets ordered through Brilliant Ticketing on the grounds of "equipment failure".

Immediately after the ticket refund information was given to various users through the Guanghui Ticketing platform, this text message was also quickly spread on the Internet.

All of a sudden, "lockout" and "equipment failure" became the hottest words on Weibo.

(End of this chapter)

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