Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 581 The Attacking Brilliant Investment Finance Department

Chapter 581 The Attacking Brilliant Investment Finance Department
"Hanshu·Xiao Wang's Biography": Wangzhi, Kanben respected by his master, ascended the throne, met with several banquets, talked about chaos, Chen Wang's affairs!

When Guanghui Group's business was busy, Jiang Hui was able to accompany him to play everywhere. This respectful attitude definitely made Bai Xue's parents unable to say anything wrong.

Seeing that Jiang Hui treated Bai Xue and himself very well, they were relieved.

The two of them also have work to do, and after playing for three or four days, they will be in Haizhu City.


"Honey, I've worked hard for you these few days," Bai Xue said while lying in Jiang Hui's arms after some intense exercise.

"What kind of hard work is it to travel around the mountains and rivers?" Jiang Hui pretended not to understand the meaning of Bai Xue's words, and deliberately misinterpreted: "The two old people are still having fun?".

"Well, they are finally relieved. Although they knew that I had a boyfriend before, but I didn't take the initiative to tell them, they held back and didn't take the initiative to ask. I guess they were very entangled in their hearts."

"It's not easy being a parent."

In the Celestial Dynasty, being a parent is really not easy. When the child was first conceived, he was worried whether he would be born smoothly, and after he was born, he was tossing day and night.

After finally going to kindergarten, I have to start worrying about various interest classes.The next step is to consider going to a good elementary school in this way, and walk from various school districts.

Going to elementary school is just the beginning, followed by junior high school, high school, and university.

After finally finishing school, I started to worry about work again. My parents resorted to all kinds of martial arts to see if I could get into a good unit.

It's not over yet. After going to work, I started to worry about my marriage.Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, when will you get married, and how is the preparation of the wedding room going? . .

When the child gets married, a new round of worrying begins again.When do you have grandchildren?when……

Jiang Hui and Bai Xue were chatting, and before they knew it, they both fell asleep.

The next day, after Jiang Hui arrived at Guanghui Building, he went directly to the Financial Department of Guanghui Investment.

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and Jiang Hui also wants to go to see the dark horse of the Brilliant Group's profitability, the Brilliant Investment and Finance Department that made the most money for the group throughout 2006.

Nothing is impossible, this is the greatest feeling of all staff in the Financial Department of Guanghui Investment in 2006.

When people were tortured by the 5-year bear market to the point where they no longer believed in a bull market, an unprecedented bull market came suddenly.

The stock market requires imagination, but in 2005, the most optimistic people probably could not have imagined that the Chinese stock market in 2006 actually rose from the lowest point of the five-year bear market to continuously hitting new historical highs.

The Shanghai Composite Index has more than doubled its growth in a year, and it has risen all the way almost without looking back. There is no highest, only higher.

The Shanghai Composite Index rose by 2006% in 130.43, the largest annual increase since 1992, and the second largest annual increase in the 16-year history of the Shanghai stock market.

Although the increase in 1992 was higher than that in 2006, the stock market had just started at that time, the number of stocks was small (only 8 at the beginning), and the index position was low.

However, in 2006, under the background of a large increase in the number of stocks and a rapid expansion of the market size, the index's growth rate more than doubled in a year, which was extremely difficult and unexpected.

The Chinese stock market is so unexpected, and the international oil price is the same.

Throughout 2006, the global economy still showed an accelerated upward trend, and the demand was strong.

Coupled with Iran’s rejection of the UN Security Council’s request to stop its uranium enrichment activities in late March, the situation in the Middle East was tense, and a large number of speculative funds poured into the futures market. Oil prices quickly climbed from US$3 per barrel to more than US$60, and have remained high.

Later, the Lebanon-Israel conflict broke out and intensified, which further promoted the rise in oil prices.

In early August, BP oil company's oil pipeline in Alaska in the United States leaked and temporarily shut down, which had a certain impact on the oil supply in the United States, and oil prices hit a record high as a result.

Although in the last few months, the price of crude oil has dropped sharply for a while, but at that time, the financial department of Guanghui Investment has turned from bullish to bearish in time, and it has hardly lost any money during that time.

As a result, throughout 2006, the financial department's income has increased significantly.

On the whole, Jiang Hui has successively invested more than 50 billion yuan in the domestic stock market, and now it has become more than 160 billion yuan, and it is still increasing rapidly.

Since entering 2007, China's Shanghai stock market has become even hotter.

In the crude oil market, the cumulative investment of 30 billion U.S. dollars has also turned into more than [-] billion U.S. dollars.It can be said that China does not earn more from the stock market, which is mainly due to the effect of increased leverage.

The most important thing is that Jiang Hui knows that this is just the beginning, and the climax will not come until the second half of this year.

Speaking of which, the employees of the Financial Department of Guanghui Investment are both painful and happy in their hearts.

Because when they entered the financial department of Guanghui Investment, they had just experienced a five-year bear market, and they were tortured to death.

So I chose a high salary, low commission salary payment method.

Throughout 2006, the income of the Guanghui Investment and Finance Department exceeded 300 billion. If the high share method was used, then every employee might become a billionaire.

But billionaires are obviously not so easy to make.

Jiang Hui clearly knows how hot the market has been in the past two years, and he can make money almost lying down. In addition, the employees of the financial department themselves also choose low share, so Jiang Hui has considered these contents early.

It will neither make employees feel that the boss is stingy, nor will they feel that their efforts have not been reasonably rewarded.

This is probably the effect Jiang Hui hopes to achieve.

"Everyone be quiet, let us ask Mr. Jiang to say a few words."

Jiang Hui and Guan Weidong came to the office area of ​​the Ministry of Finance, first to visit everyone, but to announce the year-end bonus.

Due to the particularity of the financial department, the group's unified year-end bonus method is not applicable and needs to be formulated separately.

"Hello, everyone! The Finance Department has achieved remarkable results in the past year. On behalf of Guanghui Group and Guanghui Investment, I would like to thank you for your hard work."

"Looking back on 2006, China's stock market has ushered in an era of overall rise, and international oil prices have entered an upward channel...".

"In the new year, I think the situation of China's stock market will become more complicated, but the upward trend in the first half of the year will not change. Everyone will continue to enter the market boldly...".

"With the economic growth of various countries, the demand for crude oil will maintain a relatively high growth level, and considering the loose monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, the international crude oil price will also step into a more violent rise...".

"Finally, I announce that the company will take out a special fund of 30 million yuan as this year's year-end bonus, and the more than [-] people present will distribute it according to their contribution..."

The bonus of 1 million yuan was divided among more than 30 people, with an average of more than 300 million yuan per person.

In 2007, more than 300 million yuan was enough to buy two good houses in the Fourth Ring Road of the imperial capital.

As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed it!
(End of this chapter)

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