Chapter 582

More money, less work, closer to home, higher position, less weight, less responsibility.Sleep until you wake up naturally, count money until your hands cramp.

This is probably one of the dreams of many people.

In the entire Brilliant Group, apart from the Brilliant Investment and Finance Department, there is another company whose hands are cramped when counting money, and that is Brilliant Mobile.

Since the Gphone went on sale for nearly a month, Guanghui Mobile has sold more than 400 million Gphones around the world, basically producing one and selling one.

If it were not for the lack of production capacity now, this number may have to double again.

Although the prices of Gphones vary across the world, because 3400% of the pre-sales are high-end models, the average price exceeds RMB [-].

If the sales of accessories such as mobile phone film and mobile phone case are also considered, the average price of each unit has reached 3500 yuan.

In this way, it is equivalent to the sales revenue of 2007 billion yuan in the first month of 140.

Considering that the average revenue of Gphone is nearly 56%, that is to say, the revenue is [-] billion.

This ability to earn money, except for a few oil monopoly giants, ordinary companies are really not worthy of carrying shoes for Guanghui mobile phones.

Even the two oil giants, as the top two of China's top 2006 companies in 30, commented that their monthly profits were less than [-] billion.

Although Brilliant Mobile’s revenue of 56 billion in a month will not continue to happen in the next few months, after all, most of the 400 million mobile phones sold now are inventory produced in the last few months of last year.

However, considering that Guanghui Mobile itself and the foundry Futukang are expanding their production, in a year or so, the most profitable company in China will be Guanghui Mobile.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the financial statement of Guanghui Mobile in January. Its profitability is very good." Dai Fugan came to Jiang Hui's office with a happy face.

Guanghui Group invested a lot in the early stage for the mobile phone project.Jiang Hui even mortgaged his shares in Penguin and Du Niang to the bank for the construction of the factory.

In this case, as the vice president of Guanghui Mobile, Dai Fuqian was also under great pressure.

After all, Guanghui Mobile is different from other Internet companies in the group.

As soon as the project started, it started to spend money in a rush. If there were no results, Dai Fuqian's life in the group would be difficult.

Fortunately, Gphone is very competitive, and Dai Fugan can finally relax.

"It's about the same as I expected. Our current market share is still very low, and there is huge room for development. You need to plan well and see how to make good use of this profit."

"Doesn't the group take profits?".

"Why do you want to withdraw it? Doesn't Guanghui Mobile know how to use this money?".

"Of course not. I will report to you after I go back and sort out the next step of production capacity expansion and R&D projects of Guanghui Mobile."


Shenzhen Taxation Bureau.

"Xiao Li, is this report wrong?".

"Wang Ju, is there a problem with which data?".

"How come the tax revenue of Glory Mobile is more than 56 million (Glory Mobile has done some reasonable tax avoidance through sales companies around the world, otherwise, of the 25 billion profit, corporate income tax would have to pay 14%, which is equivalent to [-] billion)? No Could it be an extra zero?".

"Ah? Shouldn't it? There are no problems with other data."

"Okay, Director Wang, I'll check right away."


Lingnan Customs.

"Director, this year's export situation is very good. In the past January, we had a good start. The province's export value exceeded 2000 billion for the first time in a single month, an increase of 30% year-on-year. Among them, the Shenzhen market has also increased significantly year-on-year. 50%".

In the past 2006, the total import and export trade value of Lingnan Province reached a record high of 5300 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 24%, accounting for 30% of the national total import and export value.

Among them, the export was 3100 billion US dollars, an increase of 27%, accounting for 32% of the national total export value; the import was 2200 billion US dollars, an increase of 19%, accounting for 29% of the national total import value.

It can be said that Lingnan Province is an out-and-out import and export province, and relevant data has attracted much attention.

"Shenzhen City deserves to be a Special Economic Zone, with such strong growth."

"The main reason is that Guanghui Mobile has added more than 100 billion in export value and made the biggest contribution."

"Glory phone? Is that the company that produces the Gphone?".

"Well, that's the one".

"My daughter still uses this mobile phone. They don't just buy it in China?"

"Yes, they are sold in the United States, island countries and other countries, and the sales abroad are much higher than those in China."

"No wonder, there are more than 3000 mobile phones, and there are several million units every month, and more than 100 billion come out."


Shenzhen ICBC.

"I heard that the amount of deposits in the Development Bank increased significantly last month."

"I heard that Guanghui mobile phone has opened an account with them, and all sales revenue has been deposited there."

"At that time, Mr. Jiang of Brilliance Mobile mortgaged the shares of Penguin and Du Niang. We hesitated for a while and asked the Development Bank to grab the small one."

"There are so many mobile phone factories in China, and no one thought that Guanghui's mobile phones would be so successful."

"Yes, the supply of such expensive mobile phones is actually in short supply. I heard that Futukang in Longgang is also preparing to manufacture Guanghui's mobile phones."

"Now the monthly capital turnover of Guanghui Mobile is already astonishingly high. If it increases production, wouldn't it be possible for the top spot of Shenzhen's leading enterprises to fall into its hands?".

"It's really possible, why don't we contact their finance department to see if we can also open an account in our bank?".

"Okay, but let's not directly pull them to open an account, we can first ask them if they need a preferential loan, and then we can talk about the business slowly."

"Understood, I happen to know their Minister of Finance, I'll ask her out for dinner first."


(End of this chapter)

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