Chapter 584
Zhang Dalong, his experience is actually quite interesting.

In 1969, he was born in an unknown city in Nanhu Province. He was admitted to Huazhong University at the age of 18 and studied until he graduated from graduate school.

During his school days, he was dull and unkempt. He went out in slippers during the day, and at night, he and his roommates guarded the alcohol stove, playing "tractors" while cooking instant noodles.

In his spare time, Zhang Dalong likes to fish for shrimps in the pond outside the dormitory, or watch videos and play football.

In short, in the eyes of teachers and classmates, Zhang Dalong in college was just like the people around him, far from being a legend.

The only impressive thing is that he is talented and can learn everything quickly.

A classmate recalled that no matter what Zhang Dalong played, as long as he practiced a little, he could reach the level of a master.

He likes Go, billiards, bowling and computer games. Most of the time, the people who play billiards with him can only hold the cue and sit dryly on the sidelines, waiting for him to make mistakes.

When he was a graduate student, Zhang Falong was assigned to major in microwave, but he preferred software development, which made him feel depressed for a while.

A classmate said to him: What do you do if you don't like it, do what you like.Under his instigation, Zhang Dalong put all his energy on the C language, which had just had the first complete standard at that time.

In the autumn of 1994, 25-year-old Zhang Dalong graduated from graduate school. Because he didn't like the dull and rigid atmosphere, he gave up the opportunity to work in the national telecommunications agency.

At that time, the domestic Internet industry had just started, and Zhang Xiaolong went to Wuyang with high spirits to join the Internet tide.

He has worked in two companies, responsible for program development.Although I did a good job, I started to enter a new stage of my life because I didn't want to be a small cog in a big company and was tired of the step-by-step life.

Zhang Dalong developed an email application, which received a very good response, but because it was free, he did not make any money.

At the most difficult time, Zhang Dalong even wanted to give the software to a friend for management, and go to the United States to work by himself.

Because on the other side of the ocean, developers of free software can rely on advertising and sponsorship to support themselves.

After several years of struggling like this, Zhang Dalong's fate suddenly reversed.

In April 2001, Boda Company announced the acquisition of his products for 4 million yuan and appointed him as the chief technology officer. Zhang Dalong achieved financial freedom at once.

In 2005, after listing, Penguin acquired Boda, and he entered Penguin as the "dowry" of his works.

In the past two years at Penguin, Zhang Dalong is still in charge of the development of the mailbox, but the effect is not satisfactory.It was not until 2008 that Penguin Mailbox ushered in a major reversal and became Penguin's best-performing product that year.

But now, it's only the beginning of 2007, and this is just another trough in Zhang Dalong's life.

This is the best time for Jiang Hui to poach the wall.

"In my opinion, in three years at most, or even sooner, the mobile phone market will be ruled by smartphones." Seeing that Zhang Dalong did not express his views easily, Jiang Hui began to speak out his own ideas.

"Don't look at Nokia now occupying [-]% of the market share. Ordinary mountains lie in the mobile phone industry. But if they can't keep up with the pace of smartphones, then this legendary company may usher in the most legendary moment in life: that is Bankrupt or be acquired", Jiang Hui continued to stimulate Zhang Dalong.

"I also believe that smartphones will replace feature phones sooner or later, but the time may not be so fast." Zhang Dalong hesitated and said, "After all, 99.9% of the products on the market are feature phones."

Zhang Dalong's idea is actually quite correct, but he didn't expect the trend of smart phones to be so violent.

It feels like a spring breeze blowing overnight, thousands of pear trees blooming!
"Smartphone technology has matured, but it is only missing a finger to pierce this piece of paper. Now that Guanghui Mobile has made this finger, the speed of development in the future is by no means imaginable by ordinary people."

"Although I still have some doubts about this, Mr. Jiang has always had the title of golden finger in the Internet industry of China. I trust Mr. Jiang's judgment."

"Since you believe that the era of smart phones will come soon, then we can communicate easily," Jiang Hui said: "There are already some apps on Gphone, which are very popular with users."

"Look, Mr. Jiang", Zhang Dalong took out his mobile phone from his pocket with a smile and said, "I use a Gphone".

"Haha, it's better to communicate," Jiang Hui laughed and said, "I think the current smartphones still lack a special instant messaging tool."

"Isn't there already a Penguin communication on it?".

"Penguin communication is a product developed based on the Internet PC, and smart phones need their own special products."

In fact, in the previous life, most of the Penguin people thought that the Penguin communication on their smartphones was enough at the beginning.

But in October 2010, an APP called Kiki gained 10 million users within 15 days of its launch.

This quickly attracted Zhang Dalong's attention. When he was researching Kiki, he found that this new mobile instant messaging software might pose a fatal threat to Penguin Communication.

So, he wrote an email to Boss Ma overnight, suggesting Penguin to do this business.

Boss Ma didn't sleep either, and quickly sent him an email: Do it right away.

"The starting point of the whole process was one or two hours. Suddenly, I got a wrong nerve, wrote this email, and it started." Zhang Xiaolong described the process in this way in his later memories.

This email became the starting point of the micro chat.

It can be seen from this incident that communication tools specially developed for smart phones are very necessary and very marketable.

"Bright Group is going to make an instant messaging tool?" Zhang Dalong asked: "Now Penguin and Microsoft MSN have basically divided up this market, which is very difficult."

"The Guanghui Group has never been afraid of difficulties. As long as this project is necessary and promising, we will and will be able to do it well." Jiang Hui said sonorously: "This is also the reason why I came to you today."

After a long circle, Jiang Hui's fox tail finally appeared.

Zhang Dalong didn't answer Jiang Hui's words immediately, but fell into deep thought.

In fact, Jiang Hui, the general manager of Guanghui Group, took the initiative to invite him to dinner, and Zhang Dalong had already guessed the theme of this dinner.

But if Jiang Hui didn't take the initiative to mention this kind of thing, he must be embarrassed to mention it, even if he had thoughts in his heart.

Guanghui Group was born out of nowhere, and websites such as,, and became popular all over the world, attracting the attention of countless people. As a member of the Internet industry, Zhang Dalong naturally studied it well.

If there is a good opportunity and a good position, there are not many programmers in the entire Tianchao who can refuse Jiang Hui's invitation.Even Zhang Dalong seldom writes code by himself, and has become a senior programmer who manages the programmers.

(End of this chapter)

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