Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 585 Successfully Dig the Penguin's Wall

Chapter 585 Successfully Dig the Penguin's Wall

People in the Celestial Dynasty tend to be more subtle in doing things, especially when it comes to job-hopping.

It is very interesting that the word "job-hopping" is originally a brothel language.

In the Ming and Qing dynasties, this word contained the meaning of promiscuity and evil, which was quite indecent.Randomly looking through the novels or notes of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the word "job-hopping" can come into view from time to time.

Xu Ke of the Qing Dynasty clearly explained in "Qing Barnyard Banknotes": "Originally refers to technical (this word is a typo on purpose) women, it is said that the pipa should not be hugged. For example, if a horse eats and drinks, move it to another slot. Ear. Later, he used words to flirt with the guest, saying that it would be suitable for him to go here.”

The meaning is very clear, this word refers to prostitutes. After a prostitute has been lingering with a client for a period of time, she finds a richer master, so she abandons her old love and makes a new one, just like a horse changing from one trough to another. Therefore, this practice of climbing another branch is vividly called "job hopping".

"Jiang is always the major shareholder of Penguin Company. If Guanghui Group enters the instant messaging industry, it will become a competitor with Penguin." Zhang Dalong thought for a while and said, "Will this affect the future development of Guanghui Group?"

"Tianchao has a huge market, and only a part of it is being developed now. I think the primary goal of Guanghui Group and Penguin Company should be MSN." Jiang Hui said: "Our three companies are like Wei, Shu and Wu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. With huge power and backed by Microsoft, it is equivalent to the state of Wei; Penguin is the state of Wu, and the Guanghui Group, which is about to enter the market, is the state of Shu.”

"So President Jiang wants to fight against Wei with Wu?"

"Yes, the Penguin Company occupies the PC side, and the Guanghui Group occupies the Internet side. Let's attack MSN together. Of course, if Penguin is not willing, I don't mind one-on-one," Jiang Hui said confidently.

As far as Weichat's performance in later generations is concerned, it's really not a big problem to be one-on-one.

Guanghui Group is now an Internet giant in the world, and its influence is not small at all. Coupled with Jiang Hui's golden finger, there is really no need to be afraid of anyone.

"I'm actually not good at the development of instant messaging. If Mr. Jiang wants to do this, it would be more appropriate to go to Penguin Communications to recruit talents?"

"Two considerations, first, I believe in Mr. Zhang's personal ability to develop the product I want; second, if you go directly to Penguin Communications to poach people, it is equivalent to alerting potential enemies in advance," Jiang said. Hui stretched out two fingers and said: "So I chose you".

Of course, Jiang Hui would not say that I came to you because I knew that you developed the Weichat in later generations, but just made up two reasonable excuses.

"Although I passively joined Penguin not long ago, Mr. Ma has always trusted me." Zhang Dalong hesitated and struggled.

"In a workplace with potential, personal capital will fission and increase in value in a geometric progression; but if you sprinkle seeds and sweat on saline-alkali soil, you may get nothing. I think Mr. Zhang, when you come to Guanghui Group, it is equivalent to spreading the seeds Sowed in fertile soil, the seeds planted in this land will surely yield a good harvest," Jiang Hui continued to seduce Zhang Dalong.

The purpose of job-hopping is different for everyone. Some people want to start a business, and some people change jobs for their personal development because the company's development goals are inconsistent with their personal development goals, or their personal development space is affected.

Of course, there are also some people who like to move to new fields, new positions, new heights, challenges, sprints, and never admit defeat.


All kinds, but for Zhang Dalong, salary is definitely not the first priority.They achieved financial freedom five or six years ago.

Therefore, Jiang Hui is more likely to persuade Zhang Dalong through some development space, platform and other aspects.

"I have been in Wuyang for more than ten years, and I am used to the life here."

"The Internet companies under the Guanghui Group are all concentrated in the imperial capital. I am planning to disperse them. is already moving to the Shanghai stock market. I plan to put this instant messaging branch in Wuyang." Jiang Hui immediately Then he said: "Let the office first, and then build your own office building later."

"Mr. Jiang, you put me under a lot of pressure." Zhang Dalong touched his forehead and said.

At this time, Zhang Dalong was already a little shaken.

"The instant messaging in my heart is like this. First of all, it must have a basic chat function. It supports sending voice messages, videos, pictures and texts, and supports multi-group chat." Jiang Hui began to introduce the function of micro chat to lure Zhang Dalong .

"Secondly, she can add friends by viewing the phone's address book. This is a very big change, and it is also a major feature that distinguishes her from Penguin Communications and MSN. Of course, other methods such as adding friends by sharing communication numbers can also be used. ".

"Third, she must have the mobile payment function. By integrating Guanghui Payment into her client, users can complete the fast payment process through mobile phones. We provide users with safe, fast and efficient payment services to bind the bank card. Fast payment is based on...".

"In addition, she must have a real-time intercom function. Users can communicate with a group of people through a voice chat room, but unlike sending voice in a group, the messages in this chat room are almost real-time and will not leave any messages. For the record, live chat is still possible even when the screen of the phone is turned off...".

Jiang Hui continued to introduce the plan of Weichat, and Zhang Dalong's eyes became brighter the more he listened.

At the beginning of 2007, Jiang Hui's words were definitely dry goods and full of forward-looking.

For technology lunatics, it is even more tempting.

"Mr. Jiang, I agree to join Guanghui Group, but I request that I be in charge of the development of this product." Zhang Dalong finally made up his mind.

When he said these words, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

Some things are the most uncomfortable when hesitating and hesitating. On the contrary, after making a decision or getting a result, it feels like relief.

"Don't you ask about the treatment?"

"Oh, I didn't join Guanghui Group for money. Besides, I'm not worried that Mr. Jiang will treat me badly," Zhang Dalong said with a smile.

"Happy cooperation, I hope we can create a new brilliance together", Jiang Hui raised his glass and drank with Zhang Dalong.

"This is definitely a phenomenal product, and I have full confidence in her. Mr. Jiang, please give her a name."

"Let's call it Weichat. It's called Wichat in English. At that time, we will simultaneously launch this application globally and drop an atomic bomb on the field of instant messaging," Jiang Hui said with a smile.

"Wechat? It's a good name. I will submit my resignation report to Mr. Ma when I go back tomorrow, and then start working on Weichat as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll ask Liu Chujing from the Human Resources Department and Tang Minghua from the General Affairs Department to contact you to arrange entry, personnel deployment, and office space leasing."

So far, Guanghui Group has gained another general!
(End of this chapter)

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