Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 586 Jingxi Wants to Sell Gphone

Chapter 586 Jingxi Wants to Sell Gphone
In the midst of the colorful clouds of the White Emperor, a thousand miles of Jiangling will be returned in one day.The monkeys on both sides of the strait could not stop crying, and the light boat had passed ten thousand mountains.

——Tang-Li Bai "Early Sending to Baidi City"

After finishing Zhang Dalong, Jiang Hui returned to the imperial capital in a happy mood the next day.

I told Zhang Dalong the general framework of the micro-chat and the functions I hope to achieve, and the rest will be mainly promoted by the people below.

Liu Chujing from the personnel department will select some developers from the group to add to the Weichat project team, and will cooperate with Zhang Dalong to recruit some personnel from Penguin Guangzhou and other companies.

The General Affairs Department will go to Wuyang to rent an office for the preliminary office work of the Weichat project team, and provide corresponding office equipment and supplies.

The legal department will cooperate to promote the registration of Weichat Technology Co., Ltd.In the future, Weichat will exist as an independent company within the Guanghui Group.


All kinds of trivial matters will be promoted by various departments under the coordination of the general manager's office. Jiang Hui only needs to check the progress of the project regularly.


Penguin Company Wuyang Branch.

"Xiao Zheng, are you ready to come to the company?"

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, I came to the company as soon as I graduated, and followed Mr. Zhang to develop the mailbox business."

"Do you have a girlfriend?".

"There is one, and I plan to get married next year."

"Is your girlfriend also in Wuyang?".


"Are you interested in going to Guanghui Group with me?".

"Brilliant Group? Mr. Zhang, are you leaving?"

"I sent a resignation letter to Mr. Ma this morning."

"Mr. Zhang, I was brought out by you, and the current position of project manager was also promoted by you. I will follow you wherever you go?".


At the same time, Jingxi Mall.

"Mr. Liu, this is the report compiled by the after-sales department in January."

"The problem with the most complaints and feedback is still the logistics problem."

"Yes, but since the cooperation with Meituan Logistics started a few months ago, the proportion of complaints in several key cities has dropped significantly."

"So many people are asking if we sell Gphone?".

"Yes, because our platform mainly sells electrical and electronic products, and also sells mobile phones of various brands, but there are no Guanghui mobile products."

"Gphones are in short supply right now, and you can't buy them anywhere except Guanghui's directly-operated stores."

"There is a scalper on a certain treasure who is selling Gphone, and the price is generally increased by more than [-]."

"I'm going to talk to Mr. Jiang."


Penguin Inc.

"Old Chen, Mr. Chen of the Wuyang branch submitted his resignation letter to me today. Do you have any suitable personnel to recommend to take charge of the work at the Wuyang branch?" Boss Ma said to the economic manager of Penguin's personnel department.

Speaking of which, Chen Dalong has been in charge of the mailbox business in Penguin Company for the past two years, and his achievements have not been remarkable. Although Boss Ma has no intention of changing generals, he is still a little dissatisfied psychologically.

Now that Chen Dalong took the initiative to resign, he readily agreed.

With the development of Penguin Company to its current scale, apart from the flag of Boss Ma, there are really few people who are indispensable.

This is also a characteristic of a large company. The employees in it are not considered the most basic ordinary employees, or the management team. Few of them are indispensable.

A large company is like a rumbling machine, and everyone is a screw. It is precisely because of the close cooperation and interlocking of everyone that this machine can run at high speed and efficiently.

This situation is even worse for Internet companies than traditional companies!

The biggest characteristic of Internet companies is "fastness". In order to be fast, they need to adopt this assembly line model, let everyone focus, and then launch fast breaks through efficient collaboration and strong execution.

In such a tight and collaborative assembly line, there is no difference. Everyone is a screw. If you are an executive, you are a big screw. If you are a grassroots employee, you are a small screw.

Some people may think this is alarmist talk. If you are a vice president or a minister, think about it, you are just a cog in managing people. Do you still understand the specific business details?
If you were asked to quit your job and start a business now, would you still be able to charge forward?
So there is a saying that you can learn the system from a large company and learn from experience in a small company.

"Mr. Chen resigned? Does he want to start his own business again?".

"He didn't say that, you can chat with him later to see if he wants to do it himself or jump to another company to continue developing mailboxes."

No one in Penguin, including Boss Ma, would have thought that Chen Dalong would engage in instant messaging. It was only when Weichat was officially launched that everyone discovered that there was an additional heavyweight player in this industry.

"Okay, let me communicate with him. As for the candidates, I have a few candidates. I will sort out their situations and let you confirm later."


Glorious Building.

"Mr. Jiang, I finally caught you." Liu Qiangxi came to Jiang Hui's office and said, "I haven't seen you go to Jingxi Mall for a long time except for Double Eleven. Let me take some time to inspect it." ".

"Mr. Liu, you always go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, just tell me what resources you want."

"Hey, Mr. Jiang still understands me," Liu Qiangxi said with a smile: "Our Jingxi Mall lacks a big publicity point, and I wonder if we can come up with one."

"What do you want to do?"

"Gphone is the hottest thing now. There are news about Gphone in various news media every day, so I want to give it an idea."

"Jingxi Mall wants to sell Gphone?".

"Hey, I've been thinking about it, and I'm going crazy thinking about it."

"Glory's mobile phone production capacity is currently insufficient, and it is estimated that it will be difficult to supply Jingxi in a short period of time."

"It doesn't need to be right away, but at least there is an agenda, and then I can use this news to do some publicity to attract more netizens to pay attention to our company."

Liu Qiangxi's idea is also good. By directly taking a batch of goods from Guanghui Mobile, and then putting them on Jingxi's official website for pre-sale, or releasing a few units every day for snap-up, it should be able to attract more popularity.

"Then you should discuss it with Mr. Dai in detail. If you only give [-] units a month, you should be able to squeeze in a little bit, and in the second half of the year, you can have more."

According to Jiang Hui's plan, by May of this year, the monthly production capacity of Gphone can reach 5 million units, and it will reach another level in September.

The goal is to basically solve the production capacity problem of Gphone next year, and sell it openly, so that US dollars, Japanese yen, British pounds, and euros will all flow to Guanghui mobile phones.

"Secretary Liao, you have to testify to me. Mr. Jiang specifically promised to distribute a part of the production of Gphones to Jingxi. When Mr. Dai refuses to admit it, you have to make the decision for me," Liu Qiangxi said half-jokingly.

Liao Yun smiled and didn't talk to each other. As a secretary, it's better not to participate in some jokes between the bosses.

In this regard, Liao Yun has done a good job!
(End of this chapter)

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