Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 589 Homecoming

Chapter 589 Homecoming
Since the reform and opening up, in order to speed up the economic development of the region, the local governments of China have set up development zones and industrial parks one after another. The earth affects the start-up of economies everywhere, creating many "economic miracles" and "wealth myths".

As a pioneer of reform and opening up, Lingnan Province naturally attaches great importance to attracting investment from its subordinate cities.


Wu County.

"Leader, I heard that Jiang Hui is going home for the New Year this year."

"Is that Jiang Hui from the Guanghui Group?"

"Yes, that's Jiang Hui who created Xiaonei, Tudou, Guanghui Weibo and other companies."

"It's a good opportunity. The economic development of our county has not been satisfactory in recent years. If Guanghui Group is willing to invest in us, then this year's data will be very good."

"I heard that Guanghui Mobile will expand its production again. It would be great if the factory can be built in our county."

"This is difficult, but you can try."


Jiang Hui's car had just stopped at his door, and within half an hour, the town leader had already appeared at his door.

It is estimated that there will be leaders in the county and even the city in the future.

As the founder of Guanghui Group, after brewing in 2006, Jiang Hui became more and more famous in his hometown.

Fortunately, Jiang Hui had anticipated this situation before returning home, and had an idea in his mind.

"Mr. Jiang, hello, I'm Liang Hualong, the mayor of our town. We are all honored to have a young man like you who is both good in character and learning, and talented in the town..."

Liang Hualong is a rather young person, who looks to be in his thirties.

In a small county town, you can become a mayor at the age of 30, which is definitely considered young and promising, with a bright future.

Although the mayor is just a department-level cadre, he can basically be regarded as an important leadership position in the grassroots organizations of the entire government.

After all, the village cadres are no longer regular state cadres, and the town has already been directly connected with the people at the bottom.

After a brief chat with Liang Hualong and the others at the door, Jiang Hui saw that they had no intention of leaving immediately, so he had to invite them into the room and sit down.

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Jiang came to disturb you on the first day when he came home." Liang Hualong said as soon as he sat down, "But our town really needs financial support."

"Understood, it is a great honor for us to have a parent officer like you who cares about economic development in our town."

The bridal sedan chairs were carried by everyone, and before Liang Hualong made a specific request, Jiang Hui didn't want to mention it either, but just said a few nice words to perfunctory.

Liang Hualong originally thought that Jiang Hui, a young man in his twenties, would be able to get some investment promises with a few words of flattery, but he didn't expect that after half an hour of chatting, there was still no progress.

"Mr. Jiang, I won't take up more of your time by going around in circles. As a native of our town, you must know better than me. We want to see if Guanghui Group can have any cooperation projects. Let us Take it easy".

"There is a project, but it's not a big project, I just don't know if Mayor Liang will take it or not."

"I see, Mr. Jiang, you have never failed in your actions. Your small project is considered a big project in our town."

"I don't know if Mayor Liang has any impression of passion fruit and kiwi fruit?".

"Passion fruit is really rarely eaten, but kiwi is because there are some wild ones in our county, so I taste it from time to time."

" is currently preparing for the daily fresh project."

"Fresh every day?".

"Yes, the simple way is to sell fruits and some food products online. In the early stage, we mainly made fruits. You know, the concept of Internet + is popular now."

"Internet +, I know, this is what Mr. Jiang proposed first."

"So I thought that our town can actually develop some special fruit cultivation, such as passion fruit and kiwi fruit."

"Why passion fruit and kiwi?".

"Because of their high economic value, they are not very commonly planted at present, and they are relatively easy to preserve, and the requirements for transportation are not so high."

"But a lot of people don't understand them."

"Because passion fruit and kiwi fruit are still unknown in many parts of my country, development and planting have not yet started, and the supply of passion fruit in the market is in short supply. This is our opportunity."

The most suitable growth temperature for passion fruit is 20°C to 30°C. Generally, it grows well at a temperature not lower than 0°C. When the temperature reaches -2°C, the plants will be severely damaged or even die. Areas with an annual average temperature of 18°C ​​or above are most suitable for planting , easy to obtain high yield, Meishi fully meets its growth needs.

"In addition, passion fruit grows thick and fast, is resistant to diseases and insects, has no pesticide pollution, self-pollinating, and has a high fruit-setting rate. Generally, it can be put into production in half a year. The annual yield can reach more than 1.5 tons per mu. One planting can be harvested for many years. It is resistant to storage and has a fruit supply period of up to 8 months. There is no other fruit that can compare with it," Jiang Hui continued.

"What about the kiwi?"

The kiwi fruit originated in China and was originally a wild fruit. It was not until the beginning of the last century that a New Zealand female teacher brought it back to China from Wudu River in Beihu Province, and it developed into a fruit called kiwi fruit.

The development process of kiwi fruit from wild to cultivated is quite legendary.

As early as the pre-Qin period, there was a record of kiwifruit in the "Book of Songs": "Xi has Changchu (the ancient name of kiwifruit), and Yi Nuo has its branches."

Li Shizhen also described the shape and color of kiwi fruit in "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Its shape is like a pear, its color is like a peach, and kiwis like to eat, so they have various names."

By the early 20s, kiwifruit cultivation was still limited to New Zealand, and the cultivation area was not large.Since then, the unique flavor of kiwi fruit has been recognized and welcomed by consumers, so kiwi fruit has developed rapidly in the world.

"Apart from the fact that kiwi fruit is suitable for our town's environment like passion fruit, it is mainly imported into our country now, and the price is very high," Jiang Hui said: "Although some areas in Northwest China have begun to plant artificially, they have not yet been planted. form a scale".

"So Mr. Jiang thinks that we can introduce these two kinds of fruits to seize the market when there is no large-scale planting in other regions?".

"Seizing the market is out of the question. The main thing is to form our own brand in a small way. Combined with the promotion of's daily fresh products, two kinds of fruits, passion fruit and kiwi, can enter the homes of ordinary people. This way, the market is getting bigger. We It can be expanded to plant in the whole county, and the mayor of Liang may be the mayor of Liang by then."

"Haha~ With Mr. Jiang's auspicious words, then we will follow Mr. Jiang's proposal and encourage farmers to plant passion fruit and kiwi after the spring begins."

"Encouragement alone is not enough, it must be stimulated by real money."

(End of this chapter)

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