Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 590 Teach a Man to Fish

Chapter 590 Teach a Man to Fish
Mencius said: "If you respect morality and righteousness, you can make a fuss. Therefore, scholars who are poor will not lose righteousness, and they will never deviate from the Tao.

If you are poor but do not lose righteousness, the scholars will gain themselves; if you do not deviate from the Tao, the people will not be disappointed.

The ancients, who achieved ambition, benefited the people; if they failed to achieve ambition, they cultivated themselves and showed themselves to the world.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world. "——From "Mencius · Devotion · Forgetting the Potential"

In modern terms, it means: if you don’t mix well, just take care of yourself, don’t cause trouble for others, and don’t always think about what you have and what you don’t have.

If you do well, don't just enjoy yourself, take care of the people around you, and let everyone get better with you.

As far as Jiang Hui's current situation is concerned, he is already qualified to consider the issue of benefiting the world at the same time.

"Mr. Jiang, how can we stimulate the villagers?" Liang Hualong asked, "The town government doesn't have much money to spend."

"It doesn't necessarily have to be paid directly, we can do it together through several means."

"I also ask Mr. Jiang to guide and guide."

"Don't dare to be a guide, let's talk casually," Jiang Hui said: "For example, we can help contact seeds or seedlings, and invite experts from Southern Agricultural University to guide."

"I heard that Mr. Jiang's pig farm had experts from the Agricultural University to guide him?".

"Yes, let professional people do professional things."

"I think this will work."

"This alone may not be enough. After all, farmers only see the input, but don't know the output."

"Then what should we do?" Liang Hualong was listening to Jiang Hui's opinion very humbly.

"I can ask to come forward and sign an agreement with the cooperative farmers, agreeing on the minimum purchase price of kiwi and passion fruit, and give everyone a reassurance."

Liang Hualong's eyes brightened when he heard this: "Mr. Jiang, can you let meituan design an office here? Responsible for the liaison and communication in the process of fruit planting and acquisition?".

"no problem".


After finalizing the general direction of cooperation with Liang Hualong, and leaving the contact information of Meituan, Jiang Hui didn't worry about the details.

Planting passion fruit and kiwi fruit has been proven feasible in previous lives.

The small mountain village where Jiang Hui lives mainly grows tobacco and rice.

Tobacco can only be planted for one season, and whether the harvest is good depends entirely on the weather, and the price is fixed by the tobacco company, and the annual increase is limited.

Although growing tobacco makes more money than rice, it is tiring.Especially when it comes to flue-cured tobacco, no matter it is windy or rainy, the tobacco leaves are picked at five o'clock in the morning, and after more than ten procedures, the finished tobacco leaves will appear at the purchasing station.

The hard work in the middle is hard for those who have never done it to understand.

As for growing rice, in the southern hilly area, Meishi, where the per capita land is less than one mu, can actually be said to be a loss-making business. What they earn is only a little bit of their own labor costs, which is definitely not as good as a part-time job.

Jiang Hui hopes to change the living standards of the people in the villages, towns and even wider areas within his ability.

And planting kiwi and passion fruit is a very feasible and effective way.

This is also conducive to the development of the characteristic tourism industry in the future.

The combination of fruit picking, fishing, ecological breeding, and farmhouse entertainment creates a colorful new countryside.


That night, Jiang Hui's family went to the uncle's house for dinner.

Since the uncle's family cooperated with Jiang Hui's family to set up a pig farm, the family conditions have also improved rapidly.

Otherwise, it would be very difficult to rely on the little salary of the village secretary and the little money from the eldest aunt to cultivate the land.

In rural areas, there is a situation that often causes headaches.That is, after you earn money, all kinds of aunts and six wives will come to you to borrow money. If you don't borrow money, you have no conscience.

But once you soften your heart and open your mouth, there is no end to it.All kinds of people with relatives come to you to borrow money, anyway, they think you have a lot of money.

Therefore, Jiang Hui has been adhering to the viewpoint of helping the urgent rather than the poor in dealing with this aspect of the relationship.

Anxious, and poor, have different manifestations.

For example, it's like two brothers born in a village. One of them has done well in the city, while the other in his hometown can only have more than enough food and clothing.Or maybe, there are two college classmates, one is prosperous and the other is a little bit down.

Jiang Hui felt that one of them could be considered poorer, and sometimes even had to live in poverty.But this is not urgent, because in terms of time extension, if the main person does not work hard to improve himself and improve himself to create finances, then his poverty will not be improved in the short term or even in a few years.

But urgent, it may be some sudden accident, for example, I got a serious illness but I can’t afford so much money to treat it immediately; or my son worked hard to get into a good university, but he couldn’t afford the tuition, and if he didn’t pay it, he couldn’t afford it. Going to college.

Although these essential reasons are also caused by poverty, after all, it is at a point in time in life experience, and after this emergency, we can have better development expectations.

These are all things that can be borrowed, no matter how much.

Don't help the poor if you don't save the emergency, and it doesn't mean that you don't care about your poor relatives.

Jiang Hui hopes to solve the problem of poverty by teaching people how to fish.

It's like starting a pig farm with your uncle, which directly solves the economic problems of the uncle's family.

Next, the cultivation of passion fruit and kiwifruit can also encourage your relatives to enter first and expand the scale.

With regard to the profitability issue that everyone is worried about, Jiang Hui can make some personal promises.

"Fourth Uncle, I discussed with the town today, if you don't want to grow tobacco next year, you grow dozens of acres of tobacco every year, and you are exhausted, but you are going to make money for the tobacco company."

Before eating, Jiang Hui chatted with his fourth uncle.

Because many people in the village go out to work, the land in the village is usually planted by dozens of households who stay at home, and the fourth uncle is one of the big farmers.

However, it is too difficult to get rich relying on agriculture alone.

"But besides growing tobacco, growing rice doesn't make any money."

"Grow passion fruit and kiwi fruit. I will arrange for people to go to practice experts to give guidance, and buy seedlings. When the fruits are mature, the company will purchase and sell them in a unified manner."

"Do you think you can make more money than growing cigarettes?".

"It is necessary. I can still deceive my own uncle. It is definitely no problem to earn more than 5000 yuan per acre of passion fruit. If the yield is good, it is no problem to earn more than [-] yuan."

"Then if I plant 10,000 acres, wouldn't I be able to earn [-]+ or ​​even more?".

"If you grow it alone, it may not be sold if there is no market, but we have Meituan Daily Fresh to cooperate with the sales promotion. Next year, you can earn 10,000+ and it will be no problem."

"Okay, then next year I will plant passion fruit first, and then add kiwi fruit later."

"Later, you and your aunt also talk about it, you can grow it together, and you won't lose money."


(End of this chapter)

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