Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 591 New Year's Eve

Chapter 591 New Year's Eve
In the next few days, Jiang Hui basically spent meeting various leaders and visiting relatives.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the phone calls continued.

Tang Wenwen, Fang Dawen, Zhou Benqiang, Tang Minghua, Wang Zhenguo, Lu Yang, Chen Hu... not to mention He Ling and Bai Xue.

One after another, Jiang Hui's cell phone almost ran out of battery.

And the phone text message inbox is almost full.

"Red lanterns are hung high, full of auspiciousness rising, fragrant dumplings wrapped in happiness, sincere blessings spread well-being, the Spring Festival is coming, I wish you both good luck and fortune, a happy family, and a happy Spring Festival!"

"The spring breeze is dancing, the fragrant flowers are blooming with smiles. My heart is boundless, and I send text messages to wish you New Year greetings. May your friendship and love be sweet, and your career will be renewed. Happiness surrounds you, and you will be healthy forever. I wish you a happy Chinese New Year!"

"The drizzle nourishes the spring, the sun warms the world, greetings represent concern, miss and care for friendship, smiles express wishes, and text messages convey blessings: I wish you a happy Chinese New Year and all the best!"


All kinds of text messages are flying all over the sky.

This is probably the last glory of SMS.

As a service on mobile phones, SMS has turned the mobile phone, which originally had the function of language transmission, into a telegram-like interpretation tool, leaving ears idle and text playing a greater role.

As a way of conveying information and communication with text, SMS makes the thumb sensitive and developed, and the mouth rests. The business of modern telecommunications has a dual color of technology and culture.

In 1992, when the world's first text message was successfully sent to a mobile phone through a PC on the GSM network of Wolfon in the UK, no one would have thought that this service was launched by the telecom operator to solve the high mobile phone bill. cheap text messaging service.

This seemingly very childish thing for communication and exchange will have such a big impact on people's economic and cultural life many years later.

Despite the rapid development of the mobile market, SMS is still its most important value-added service.

According to previous IDC statistics, text messaging is still a mobile service with the highest penetration rate among mobile phone users in the Asia-Pacific region. Even in developing markets for SMS, such as Western Europe, the utilization rate of SMS services has reached 90%.

It is said that China's mobile communication network had the SMS function in 1994, but it really entered the consumer's field of vision in 1998.


However, except for Jiang Hui, no one could have imagined that text messages were the last two years of glory left.

With the launch of Gphone, more and more smartphones will inevitably enter the market. When the Weichat app comes out, coupled with the popularity of Guanghui Weibo, Xiaonei, Penguin, etc., fewer and fewer people will I'll be texting.

Jiang Hui remembered that at this time in his previous life, he was constantly sending various blessing text messages with his mobile phone.

But a few years later, except for a few text messages, wechat has been used for New Year greetings and so on.

At that time, the most text messages in the mobile phone were often spam text messages or various verification code text messages.

People who have not experienced that era cannot imagine!
"Brother, you are almost becoming an operator."

"No way, work hard."

"Disgusting~", Jiang Ping said with a grimace.

"How about it, are there many boys chasing you?"

"Don't tell you".

"That is not there."

"Who said, it's too much, I haven't thought about it yet."

As the younger sister of the founder of Guanghui Group, Jiang Ping has practiced in various companies such as, and has also met many young talents.

To be honest, there are quite a few people chasing her.

Jiang Ping is not ugly, the most important thing is to have such a rich brother, which directly reduces the rhythm of struggling for 30 years.

"When will you bring one out for me to take a look at?"

"Just take care of your own affairs, and be careful of instability in the harem."

Jiang Ping naturally knew the relationship between Jiang Hui, Bai Xue and He Ling.


"Don't hey, your foolishness has spread throughout the group. You didn't see your secretaries. Although they are so beautiful, no one in the company dares to chase after them?".


"Because those are your people in their eyes."

"What is my person, I have never even touched my little hands."

"Ha ha".


"It doesn't matter how true it is, you have to believe it."


He Ling's house.

"Lingling, I'm going to graduate next year, what are your plans?"

"Mom, what is the plan? I am the general manager of Guanghui Film and Television, so I must continue to work."

"I'm not saying this".

"Then what are you talking about?"

"Are you pretending to be stupid with me on purpose? I said you and Jiang Hui."

"I'm fine with him."

"You, Liu, pretend to be with me. Everyone knows that his girlfriend was a girl named Bai Xue. What are you?".

"Mom, why are you bothering about those things? I know it myself."

"Alas~ The cabbage that has been raised so hard for so many years is just like this being arched by pigs."


Glorious Building.

This year Jiang Hui went home for the New Year, while Tang Wenwen and Fang Dawen stayed in the company to take charge of the work.

Guanghui Group now has more than 1 people, but at least one-third of them stay in the company and work overtime.

Similar to previous years, this year also held a special dinner in the cafeteria.

When Jiang Hui wished everyone, he also sent an email to all the staff.

"Entrepreneurs who make money when the economy is good cannot be called true entrepreneurs.

When the stock market is in a bull market, old ladies who buy vegetables on the street can make money. You can't call yourself an investor, you can only call yourself a stock speculator.

When the economy is bad, you are an excellent company.Good companies have basically experienced several tragic experiences, either due to their own reasons or economic reasons, so I think that only companies that can survive the crisis have antibodies.

Every year in the future is very important to Du Guanghui Group, but every time I think about the coming year, it is very difficult.

I know that there must be many people doing better than us in the second year. Our company may not be able to do better. Our company may have many unexpected difficulties. Therefore, it is particularly important to overcome these difficulties and meet various challenges. important.

Since its development, Guanghui Group has achieved good results.

Shopping malls are like battlefields. Those who live on the battlefield are successful, and so are enterprises.

On the battlefield, at the end of last year, the shopping malls could still stand there to listen to lectures, communicate, and pay bonuses and wages, which is good.

The first element of each company of the Guanghui Group is not to die, just like a soldier, the first element of going to the battlefield is sometimes not to win, but to live... ".

Considering that,, Guanghui Weibo, and other websites have become the leaders in the industry, and employees are generally optimistic, Jiang Hui feels that it is necessary to calm them down.

(End of this chapter)

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