Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 592 Visiting the Teacher

Chapter 592 Visiting the Teacher
Jiang Hui's New Year's email seems a bit out of date when the Chinese economy has been growing rapidly for many years, the stock market is booming, and the company is thriving.

However, many years later, many people found Jiang Hui's New Year's email again. At the beginning of 2007, it was very close to the financial crisis.

However, from Jiang Hui's email, one can already feel a faint worry. This kind of worry, after the financial crisis, will make everyone believe in Jiang Hui's vision even more.

Of course, these are things for later!
After New Year's Eve, the next day is naturally the first day of the first month.

Du Taiqing of the Sui Dynasty said in the "Jade Candle Collection": "The first month is the end of the month, and its day is the Yuanri, which also means Zhengchao and Yuanshuo."

The original meaning of "Yuan" is "head", and later extended to "beginning", because this day is the first day of the year, the first day of spring, and the first day of the first month, so it is called "three yuan".

Because this day is still the dynasty of the year, the dynasty of the moon, and the dynasty of the sun, it is also called the "Three Dynasties".

And because it is the first new moon, it is also called "Yuanshuo".

The first day of the first lunar month is also known as Shangri, Zhengchao, Sanshuo, and Sanshi, which means that the first day of the first lunar month is the beginning of the year, month, and day.

Early in the morning, Father Jiang got up.

Open the door firecrackers, open the door auspiciously, let off firecrackers first, called "open the door firecrackers".

After the sound of firecrackers, broken red is all over the ground, as bright as clouds and brocades, which is called "full house red".

At this time, the streets are full of auspiciousness and joy.

With the sound of firecrackers, the new year is celebrated, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu.Thousands of households have pupils and pupils every day, and it always feels like exchanging new peaches for old charms.

Since Jiang Hui asked to be vegetarian on the morning of the first day of the new year, he got up and bit an apple. After washing up, he went to visit Jiang Ping to pay New Year's greetings.

The wind of New Year's greetings in the Celestial Dynasty already existed in the Han Dynasty.After the Tang and Song Dynasties, it became very popular. Some people don't need to go in person, but they can vote for congratulations with famous posts.

It was called "thorn" in the Eastern Han Dynasty, so the business card was also called "famous thorn".After the Ming Dynasty, many families posted a red paper bag at the door, which was called "door book" to collect name cards.

The small mountain village where Jiang Hui lives is naturally not that complicated.

Since everyone in the whole village is surnamed Jiang, they were one family 500 years ago, so many people in the whole village are related to each other.

It is naturally impossible to make New Year's greetings so complicated.

As for the neighbors in the left and right houses, there are not many acquaintances on weekdays, but they can talk to each other when they meet, just go to the courtyard, hold each other's fists and say: "Gongxi Facai", "Everything is going well", and sit in the house for a while That's all, not much etiquette.

After two or three hours of tossing around like this, it is considered that the New Year's greetings have been dealt with.

Sweeping from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, by the time I got home, it was already time for lunch.

In the afternoon, I talked on the phone with Bai Xue and He Ling, and the whole day passed quickly.

In the second year of junior high school, I went to my grandmother's house to pay New Year's greetings. Considering that I would not stay at home for too long this time, Jiang Hui even took time to visit the class teacher of the third year, Teacher Rao, in the third year of junior high school.

Teacher Rao was one of the few high-level teachers who changed to Wu County No. 40 Middle School. He is already in his [-]s this year.

Mr. Rao, who graduated from the Chemistry Department of Lingnan Normal University, was considered a top student at that time.

Strictly speaking, there was no such thing as choosing a career for college graduates in that era. At that time, graduation was still assigned uniformly, and you could go wherever you were assigned. No matter which city it was, there was not much room for bargaining.

When I graduated that year, there was a catchphrase that was popular: "I am a brick, and I can move it anywhere. I am not proud when I put it in a building, and I am not pessimistic when I put it in a toilet."

Although it is impossible not to be proud and pessimistic, that is actually the case. There is really very little room for personal choice.

Teacher Rao also returned to Wu County No. 20 Middle School under this background, and stayed there for [-] years.

When other excellent teachers were constantly poached by the city No. [-] Middle School's own high schools in Wuyang and other places, it was even more commendable that Mr. Rao could still stay in Wuxian No. [-] Middle School.

"Teacher Rao, Happy New Year", Jiang Hui knocked on Teacher Rao's door with some gifts.

In the third year of high school, Jiang Hui went to Teacher Rao's house many times. This time he called in advance to confirm that he was at home, and then went directly to the door.

"Jiang Hui is here, why are you mentioning so many things?"

It was Mr. Rao who opened the door. Although he was over 40, he was not too old for a man.After all, according to the definition given by the World Health Organization of the United Nations, people under the age of 44 are considered young people.

However, time will eventually take away the collagen on the face!
When I saw Teacher Rao again, he looked older than a few years ago.

"Teacher, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you still teaching the graduating class?".

Jiang Hui put down the gift and started chatting with Teacher Rao.

"After your graduation, I didn't lead the graduating class directly. Instead, I led the class directly from the first year of high school, and then followed the second and third year of high school, and now I am in the third year of high school again."

"Then their students in this year are lucky, they have a good teacher like you who will always take them with them."

"Oh~ no, no matter the quality of the students or the strength of the teachers, it is obvious that every year is not as good as one year."

The question that Teacher Rao mentioned is very real!
In small counties in vast underdeveloped cities, outstanding junior high school graduates are pulled away by good schools in the city when they are entering junior high school.

Coupled with the outflow of teachers, it is an inevitable trend that it is becoming more and more difficult for schools in small places to be admitted to good universities.

There are many counties like Wu County in the whole country.Because more than [-]% of the population lives in the townships below, most of the students in County No. [-] Middle School also come from rural areas.

As long as you pay attention to it, the proportion of rural college students will decrease year by year. The more key universities and famous universities, the lower the proportion. This has become an indisputable fact.

Due to the uneven distribution of educational resources, some rural students lost at the starting line.

From kindergarten to elementary school and middle school, there is a big gap between rural and urban areas. Rural students are at a disadvantage from the very beginning. Teachers, school facilities, and management levels cannot compare with urban students. The concentration of a small number of good rural schools, inappropriate dismantling and consolidation of schools, has made it difficult for rural students to go to school, and the cost has increased, making it difficult to support, leading to an increase in the dropout rate.

Only a small number of students who can desperately enter key middle schools have the hope of being admitted to key universities.

Moreover, after the expansion of university enrollment, the number of college students has increased sharply, which has caused the actual employment difficulties.

Although various colleges and universities claim that their employment rate exceeds 90%, in fact, there is a lot of water and many people are employed, which is not credible.

Unemployment after graduating from university is no longer an isolated phenomenon, and the number continues to increase.

For college students from rural areas, employment has become an insurmountable barrier. This has caused some rural children to be less motivated to go to college, because many farmers no longer believe that knowledge can change their destiny.

Even if some rural college students find jobs after graduation, the wages are very low, not even as high as the wages of their fathers who work on construction sites, and it is more cost-effective to work early.

(End of this chapter)

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