Chapter 593
As Jiang Hui, who came out of the countryside and achieved good results, he can understand Teacher Rao's concerns.

However, this general social trend cannot be changed by any one person. Jiang Hui is also powerless. Knowledge can be more transformed into money and status!
"Teacher, this problem is not unique to our county. The society is developing too fast, and the outside world is full of temptations. There are very few excellent teachers who stick to their current positions like you."

"Yes, look at the teachers in your third year of high school. Except for Mr. Zhong, who taught Chinese, who retired, the advantage of teaching English was not obvious. Other mathematics, biology, and physics teachers have all gone to No. [-] Middle School or Coastal School."

Normally, teacher flow is an important measure for the balanced development of education, and healthy teacher flow can promote the adjustment of social teacher supply relationship.

On the basis of satisfying each school, it is guaranteed that each teacher can play his best role.

However, under the influence of the concept of "people go to high places, water flows to low places", the flow of teachers in our country tends to flow from rural areas to towns, from small cities to big cities, from the central and western regions to the southeast, and from weak schools to teachers. Schools with strong strength and complete infrastructure.

The one-way flow of teachers has caused a large number of excellent teachers to accumulate in a few schools. Although the quality of education has been improved in a limited area, this improvement is at the expense of the development of most students.

Therefore, on the whole, the efficiency and quality of education have not improved but decreased.

However, in Jiang Hui’s view, from the perspective of human nature, excellent teachers flow from schools with poor conditions to schools with good conditions, from non-key schools to key schools, from rural areas to towns, and from central and western regions to the east Coastal areas, etc., these so-called abnormal teacher turnover phenomena are normal for individual teachers.

If we really want to effectively solve the problem of the imbalance between urban and rural teachers, the correct way is to make rural teachers and teachers in small cities an attractive profession through incentives such as various benefits and salaries, which can attract people to flock to them.

Just as Jiang Hui was chatting with Teacher Rao, the doorbell rang again.

"Teacher Rao, happy new year, I wish you good health, smooth work and good luck in the new year."

As soon as Teacher Rao got up and opened the door, there was a pleasant New Year greeting.

"Lian Jingying? What a coincidence," Jiang Hui said when he saw the girl standing at the door.

Speaking of which, Lian Jingying should be the girl with the best academic performance in the class at that time.

Jiang Hui's class was a science class, and there were only 985 girls among 211 races. Lian Jingying, who was studying at Ludao University, was the only girl who was admitted to [-] and [-] colleges.

"Jiang Hui just came here not long ago, you two have a good understanding," Teacher Rao also joked rarely.

When Jiang Hui and Lian Jingying were in the third year of high school, Teacher Rao, who was the class teacher, naturally knew about the vague and ambiguous relationship.

Now that Jiang Hui and Lian Jingying are both seniors, Teacher Rao is not afraid of the impact his jokes will have on their studies.

"Jiang Hui! You're here too. I haven't seen you for a long time. No, I haven't seen you in real life for a long time. I often see your news." Lian Jingying entered the room with a little surprise and took the initiative to sit next to Jiang Hui. on the sofa.

Today's weather is not particularly cold, Lian Jingying is wearing a brown sweater and jeans, perfectly showing off her slender thighs and bumpy figure.

"The long-legged girl who was a little thin back then has become more and more feminine now."

Jiang Hui thought to himself as he smelled the faint scent coming from Lian Jingying's side.

"It's said that women's colleges have changed at eighteen, you are getting more and more beautiful," Jiang Hui said with a smile to Lian Jingying who was on the side.

"Not to mention, both of you have changed a lot since you went to university, but you have finally achieved something, and you have lived up to the teacher's expectations." Teacher Rao sat down on the side sofa.

"Teacher, I think I will be recommended to CUHK for postgraduate study next year. I thought I didn't waste my college time, but when I saw this guy next to me, I felt like I didn't even know how to get into college." Lian Jingying smiled Then he took Teacher Rao's words.

"To be honest, I didn't expect Jiang Hui to achieve such a great achievement. In my life, he has the highest achievement among so many students."

"I think in our entire Wu County No. [-] Middle School, his achievements are unprecedented, and there will be no one in the future."

"Indeed it is".

"Why do I feel a little blushed after hearing this?" Jiang Hui said with an embarrassing expression on purpose, seeing Teacher Rao and Lian Jingying constantly praising him.

"Cut~", Lian Jingying gave Jiang Hui a wink.

"By the way, you just said that you were recommended to CUHK?".

"It's not fully settled yet, but it shouldn't be a big problem, what's the matter?".

"It's nothing, you ran to Ludao alone, and now you have finally returned to the province."

"Ludao is not far from the imperial capital. Come to Wuyang when you have free time. This girl treats you to dinner~ I treat you, you pay the bill."

"no problem!".

"Jiang Hui, do you plan to continue your studies after graduation?" Teacher Rao interjected.

"I don't have this consideration for the time being. I'm too busy with work and don't have time to attend lectures. In fact, I don't even take a few classes in the current university courses."

"You are enjoying a privilege. You can get a graduation certificate even if you don't attend classes or take exams." Lian Jingying said, "How embarrassing for such a good baby like us who gets up early in the dark."

"Hey, my freshman year is also a person who has won a first-class scholarship. Learning doesn't have to be done in the classroom."

"It's getting harder and harder to find a job now, no, it should be said that it's getting harder and harder to find a good job. Will you take me in after graduation?"

"Raise your feet and welcome Lian Meimei to join."

"Raise your feet? Are you playing the rhythm of kicking me out?"

"Don't dare. When you graduate, if you are interested in joining Guanghui Group, you can go to any company you want, no problem."


Jiang Hui and Lian Jingying stayed with Teacher Rao for almost [-] hours, when a relative called Teacher Rao and asked him to go to dinner, Jiang Hui and Lian Jingying got up and said goodbye!

"Shall I treat you to dinner?".

After leaving Teacher Rao's house, Jiang Hui said to Lian Jingying.

"Forget it, it's the first month of the lunar year, and it is estimated that few stores will open."

"That's true."

"I'll wait for you to come to Wuyang to pay for the treat."

"No problem, our group will enter Wuyang in a big way soon."

"Do you want to come to my house?".

"Forget it, I'll be back in the capital in two days, and I'm going home to accompany my grandparents and the others."

"Okay then, keep in touch."

Jiang Hui stood on the street, looking at Lian Jingying's receding figure, and remained silent for a long time.

It is a kind of happiness to meet the right person at the right time.

Meeting the wrong person at the right time is a kind of sadness.

Meeting the right person at the wrong time is a sigh.

In the best years, who did you meet?When you love someone deeply, who is by your side? How much time does love give you?To meet and separate, to choose and regret?

(End of this chapter)

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