Chapter 594
Just when Jiang Hui put down his work and spent the New Year leisurely at home, Guanghui Group made another move.

Brilliant Games lasted more than a year, and the brand new online game "Glorious Speed", which has undergone many tests and modifications, is finally about to be officially launched.

Although the general manager of Brilliance Games Bai Xue has returned to Haizhu City for the New Year, the deputy general manager Song Min is still in the company to take charge of the coordination work, so it will not affect the promotion of Brilliance Games' new products.

"Glorious Speed" is an online game similar to "QQ Speed" in the previous life. The game operation settings are simple and clear, and the operation skills are easy to deep. The feel is real and shocking.

You can operate the Brilliant Speed ​​Car with only 5 keys, which is very easy to use.

In the game, players can play games with other friends on and Guanghui Weibo (the benefits brought by the exchange of Guanghui Group accounts), grow up, make friends, and form a team to continuously improve their ranking status in the country; sharpen players Excellent driving skills, ready for the competition at any time.

At the border, players can engage in bounty duels with players from other countries, win generous rewards from the system, and fight for honor for the country.

If you are tired from the game, you can also go to the seaside leisure area to exchange experiences with other players and meet various friends.

Having friends to play alone makes the game of one person no longer lonely.

February 2007, 2, the fourth day of the first lunar month.

The official Weibo of Brilliant Games: Friends, the long-awaited "Glory Speed" officially meets you today, come and play now!
On the homepage of, a group of "Bright Speed" animation mini-movies were also officially launched, presenting the excitement of the game intuitively to everyone.

YY live broadcast, several beautiful anchors signed by the company are playing "Bright Speed" while interacting with netizens.

On the Gstore of the Gphone, the download order of "Glorious Speed" is at the top!


After a series of combined punches, the number of users of "Bright Speed" increased rapidly.


A certain Internet cafe.

"I'll go, there are so many people during the Spring Festival holiday, boss, is there any room?".

"There are more on the second floor."

"Give me the computer."


"Huh? What kind of games are those people playing? Seems like the first time I've seen you?".

"You mean that racing game?".


"That is the new "Glory Speed" launched by Brilliant Games, it seems very fun, you can try it."


A school intranet chat group.

"In the past few days during the winter vacation, I have been visiting relatives, gathering and drinking every day, and I am exhausted."

"Haha~ I stayed in school every day, ate and slept, and played games for the rest."

"The place where you have to take a 48-hour train to go home, you should obediently take it with you at school."

"Don't tell me, I just found another fun game, do you want to form a team and play?".

"Don't you play "Glory of the King"?".

"Playing, but I found that the new "Glory Speed" released by Guanghui Games is also very fun."

""Glorious Speed"? I haven't played it, is it fun?".

"It has to be fun, you go and download one quickly, and we will team up and go racing."


Shining game.

"The number of registrations has exceeded [-]!"
"Breakthrough [-]!"
"Breakthrough 30"!
"Call quickly and report our situation to Mr. Bai."



"There is a new game on Gstore, it's very fun."

"Did you mean "Bright Speed"?"

"Yes, you can buy and download it for only 999 (about one US dollar) won five days before it goes online."

"Then I'll try it out quickly. The games on Gstore are all very fun, and I hope "Glory Speed" will be the same."

"Hurry up and download it. It's more interesting for us to form a team and play together."

"Can you still form a team? Great."


Island country.

"Is this really a game developed by China Enterprise? Why do I find it so fun?"

"In the past two years, China's game development level has risen rapidly. I can't believe that "Glory of the King", "Cross Fire", and "Glorious Speed" were developed by China's people."

""Cross Fire" was developed by Koreans".

"That company was acquired by Brilliance Games, which is equivalent to a product of the Celestial Dynasty."

"Ah! Nintendo is going to be in trouble, now it's so convenient to play games on Gphone."

"Yeah, didn't you see that during the press conference of the glorious mobile phone, you deliberately took out Nintendo and stomped on it?"


United States.

"Is this really a game developed by the Chinese? The picture quality is very good."

"Glory Games is really amazing."

"Blizzard has to work harder, otherwise the game industry's cake will be eaten by Brilliant Games."

"It's so convenient to play this kind of game on your mobile phone, and now you can download and install it for only $0.99. It's difficult if it doesn't become popular."

"Let's go to Google to search to see which listed companies develop mobile games. I think we can buy some of their stocks."

"Huh? I think this will work."


ninth city.

"Manager, Brilliance Games' "Glory Speed" seems to be very popular."

"When will it be launched, but it will be during the Spring Festival, which is really worrying."

"Yes, it is estimated that with the appearance of "Bright Speed", the pattern of domestic online games will change again."

"Not only in China, but they launched this product simultaneously globally. It is said that with the influence of Gphone, the download ratio of "Glorious Speed" in foreign countries is also very high."

"It seems that our game has to speed up the progress, and we need to put it on Gstore as soon as possible."

"Yeah, now Gstore is full of Brilliant Games products, and they are all going crazy for money."


Shengda Network.

"The number of online users of our products has been declining today."

"The influence of Brilliant Games is getting bigger and bigger. The launch of a new game has actually affected our online numbers."

"According to incomplete statistics, Brilliant Games took [-]% of the profits of China's online game market last year. You can imagine their influence."

"It won't work like this. In the last quarter, our stock price couldn't go up a bit."

"The company is already making every effort to promote the mobile phoneization of existing games, and it should change by then."

"There is still a big difference in operation between PC and mobile games. We blindly change existing games into mobile games, which may not necessarily be recognized by users."

"It's not as good as it is. There are not many games on Gstore now. As long as we launch it as soon as possible, we can grab a part of the market no matter what."

"That's true, but I think we also need to consider developing a few games specifically for mobile phones."


As the leader in the Chinese game industry, Brilliance Games' "Glory Speed" has attracted the attention of users all over the world once it was launched.

The number of downloads on Gstore exceeded 24 in just 20 hours, which is equivalent to creating a profit of 20 US dollars for Brilliant Mobile and Brilliant Games. .

If the penetration rate of smartphones is higher, Brilliant Games will have to make a lot of money!

(End of this chapter)

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