Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 596 Influence on the Auto Industry

Chapter 596 Influence on the Auto Industry

Just when "Bright Speed" was in full swing, Jiang Hui also returned to the imperial capital.

Although the winter vacation wasn't over yet, Jiang Ping went back with her.

As for Jiang's father and Jiang's mother, they are now unwilling to go to the imperial capital so early.


Glorious Building.

"Mr. Jiang, this is the market performance of "Bright Speed" after its launch. So far, the number of registered users has exceeded 500 million, and the highest number of online users is 60."

Not long after Jiang Hui returned to the office, Song Min came to Jiang Hui's office with his computer in his arms.

It's a rare trip home, Bai Xue won't return to the company in a few days, and Song Min will continue to host the Guanghui game for the time being.

"What is the number of downloads we have on Gstore?".

"Bright Speed" has developed both PC version and mobile version.Considering that the direction of online games will be more and more mobile phones in the future, Jiang Hui is very concerned about the performance of "Glory Speed" on smartphones.

"The number of downloads by domestic users has exceeded 30, and almost 150% to [-]% of users have downloaded it. The number of downloads by foreign users has exceeded [-] million. Although the number is much higher than that in China, only about [-]% of users have downloaded "Glorious Speed" "".

Song Min didn't need to look at the information, these basic data were directly at his fingertips.It was a rare opportunity to show his business ability in front of the big boss, and Song Min had made full preparations before coming to report.

"We can't compare it completely in terms of proportion. Foreign users are charged for downloading "Brilliant Speed", while it is free in the two countries, so there is no comparison."

"It's true that after so many days of being online, domestic mobile phone users have brought us less than 100 million yuan in revenue, but foreign users have already charged 150 million U.S. dollars just for downloading."

"At present, the largest online game market is developed countries such as the United States and Japan. That's why I asked Brilliant Games to go international."

"Well, all of our game development is now developed in conjunction with Chinese, English, Japanese and other versions. Our company now has more than 50 professional foreign language talents."

"During this period of time, you have worked hard. Brilliance Games has three popular online games, "Glory of the King", "Cross Fire" and "Glory Speed", combined with small games such as "Plants vs. Zombies". This company has caught up with you."

"It's not hard work. Brilliant Games can achieve today's results mainly because of your leadership, Mr. Jiang. You helped plan several hit games."


at the same time.

General Motors.

"Recently, there seems to be a car game that is very popular. I think this year's advertising can be corrected and moved to this game."

"Did you mean Tejas on the Gphone?".

"Ah? Have you played it too?".

"I don't, but my daughter plays all day".

"Aren't we vigorously promoting the Chevrolet brand now? I think this game is very suitable for placing corresponding advertisements."

"Are you saying that Shining Games will use Chevrolet models as racing cars in the game?".

"Yes, after those users get used to our brand's models in the game, they are very likely to consider our brand when they actually buy a car."

"It sounds like a good idea. You can arrange for people to contact Brilliant Games first, and then come up with a plan."



Toyota cars.

"Minister, recently there is a racing game that is very popular in the United States, China and our country. There are many models of Brilliant Automobiles in it, which has attracted a lot of attention from netizens."

"Brilliant Automobile? I haven't heard of it."

"This is a car company in China, but the products are still under design and have not yet been mass-produced."

"You shouldn't pose any threat to us? Except for GM and Volkswagen, no one is worthy of being our opponent."

"What I want to report today is not these contents. I think this game is a very good publicity platform for automobile companies, but none of our models above."

"Huh? You mean we can let the game company incorporate our car models into the game?".

"Yes, that's what I thought".

"It seems to be feasible. You can make a detailed report and analyze the effect of your plan and prediction."


A certain family in the imperial capital.

"Husband, I think we should buy the Honda Civic?".

"Why? Don't tell me, why don't you go to Hyundai's 4S store to test drive the Elantra tomorrow?".

"I think the power of the Civic will be stronger than that of the Elantra, and the acceleration performance from [-] kilometers will be better."

"Acceleration performance from [-] kilometers? Wife, something is wrong with you? I'm not used to such professional words coming out of your mouth."

"Don't look down on people, why can't I understand some car expertise?".

"Just tell me why you changed your mind? Who told you what?".


"Which 4S store called you and said what?".


"So what's your opinion on Korean cars?".

"Whether it's a Korean car or an island country car, all the cars I buy are domestically produced, so what can I say?"

"Why is that? If you don't tell me, I think it's weird. After comparing for so long, I've already decided to buy the Elantra."

"Hey~ why are you like this, then I'll tell you, don't be angry."

"Say it, I'm not angry".

"It's just that I played a game called "Glorious Speed" on my Gphone in the past two days, and the performance of the Elantra in it is so bad."

"You can believe that everything in the game is written randomly."

"No, other companies may make it up randomly, but I believe that the things of Shining Games are still seriously considered and produced based on facts."

"So you don't want to buy the Elantra?"


"I convince you, whatever you want, Civic is Civic."


car home.

"Mr. Shi, our technical department sorted out the search data of the website in the past month and found an interesting piece of information."

"What's the matter? Has the technical department found out any new rules?".

"Didn't we set the parameters of some models when we cooperated with Brilliant Games to develop "Brilliant Speed" last year?"

"Yeah, is it wrong?".

"No, we found that models of the same level, which were selected as the game models of "Glorious Speed", have seen a sharp increase in the number of users' searches and attention in the past week, which is much higher than other similar models."

"The influence of "Bright Speed" is so great?".

"Yeah, it's a bit beyond my expectation."

"You sort out and share this information with Glory Games, I think it should be useful to them."



(End of this chapter)

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