Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 597 Brilliant Automobile Development Team

Chapter 597 Brilliant Automobile Development Team

The popularity of "Brilliant Speed" made Guanghui Automobile Co., Ltd., a company that was originally unknown, quickly become known to everyone.

Brilliant Automobile, which has been moving forward in a low-key manner for a year, has basically completed the formation of the R&D center development team.

Guanghui Automobile R&D Center, as a large department directly and concurrently held by the deputy general manager of Guanghui Automobile, has nine functional departments under it.

They are Modeling Department, Test Certification Department, Body Design Department, Chassis Design Department, Interior and Interior Design Department, Electrical Design Department, Powertrain Design Department, Material Department and General Management Department.

The styling department is responsible for the design of the exterior styling of various models, and there are mainly engineers with rich artistic skills and industrial knowledge.

The styling department can be regarded as the leader in model design. After all, appearance is the most important factor for a model. Especially in China, consumers first look at the face. If it is not good-looking, no matter how good other performance is, there are not many Individuals will buy it.

Moreover, as the styling department located in the upstream of the industrial chain, it means that a random stroke of a designer may affect the entire downstream supply chain, all the way to the basic raw material suppliers; it also plays a decisive role in shaping the company's brand.

So Jiang Hui paid the most attention to the styling department, and when recruiting people, he took part in the re-examination in person.

The personnel in the modeling department have almost the highest requirements for hand-painting foundation, [-]D modeling, clay model ability, surface software ability, [-]D/[-]D rendering ability, knowledge of materials, knowledge of processing technology, knowledge of ergonomics, and basic engineering knowledge. .

For the two core positions of automotive exterior and interior designers, it is even more necessary for designers to have superb three-dimensional modeling capabilities.Many of the recruits have a background in studying abroad.

After the styling department is the test and certification department, which is mainly to promote various tests in the model development process.

Experiment (generally considered to be a kind of experiment) is a scientific technology and method developed with the modern industrialization revolution. Experimental science has made great contributions to the development of modern science and technology. Through experiments, people can test certain new hypotheses, hypotheses, and principles , theory, can reproduce some natural phenomena, through experiments and tests can confirm the understanding of many unknown things.

Since automobile production is a mass flow method, the production volume is large, the manpower and capital investment are large, and the social ownership of the product is also large. Once the product development is unsuccessful, it will cause heavy losses to the enterprise and sometimes even cause the enterprise to go bankrupt.

At the same time, automobiles are means of transportation. Once safety and quality problems occur, the impact on life, property and society will be huge.Therefore, experimental verification in vehicle development is essential and throughout development.

Therefore, the position of the test and certification department in the Guanghui Automobile R&D Center is also very important.

In the fields of vehicle reliability, driving performance, NVH, safety, electrical appliances, and power lights, various tests such as vehicle testing, matching testing, and component testing are required.

Considering that the test and certification department has relatively high requirements for experience, Brilliant Automobile mainly recruits people from major domestic joint ventures and foreign research institutions.

The remaining design departments, such as the body design department and the chassis design department, as the name suggests, design parts in the field of body and chassis lights.

The parts corresponding to the body design department are mainly the structural parts of the car body. The crash performance of a car is basically determined by the structural parts of the car body.

In his previous life, when Jiang Hui went to the 4S shop for maintenance, he would always see some customers gently tapping on the car's hood, fenders, door panels, and opening and closing the car doors. The dull sound could be used to judge whether the car's steel plates were thick, and then judge whether the steel plate was thick or not. Is the car safe.

I don't know when or why this misunderstanding started to appear, and even extended the saying that "Japanese cars have thinner steel plates and are unsafe, while German cars have thicker steel plates, and the cars are heavier and safer".

In fact, the body parts that customers can see basically have nothing to do with safety.

Covering parts such as hoods, car doors, and tailgates cannot be regarded as structural parts, but can only be called decorative parts. No matter which OEM you make these parts, they are all made of "mild steel", without exception .

An exception must be made, that is, individual models are made of aluminum plates, which has nothing to do with high strength.

What really determines whether it is crashworthy or not is the structural parts that are not easily seen by consumers, such as bumper anti-collision beams, front and rear longitudinal beams, A-pillars, B-pillars and other parts. These are really related to the strength of the car body. Various skeletal pieces.

The difference between low-end models and high-end models can often be reflected here.

The chassis design department is mainly the design and development of the four-part functions of the transmission system, driving system, steering system and braking system. Power is necessary to ensure normal driving.

Whether a car's shock absorption is good or not, and whether it is stable or not, are basically determined by the chassis, which is also generally weak in Tianchao enterprises.

As for the interior and exterior design department, it corresponds to the design of seats, dashboards and various decorative parts, which are mainly affected by aesthetics and comfort.

Relatively speaking, this is the simplest, and it is also the field that self-owned brands are best at, and it is best to recruit people.

As for the powertrain department, this is a bit of a long way to go.Engines and gearboxes are the two things China’s independent brands in the auto industry are least good at, especially automatic gearboxes, which are almost 100% controlled by foreign companies.

If there is no Jiang Hui, this state will not be fundamentally improved in ten years, at most there will be only a slight improvement.

It is also the most difficult to achieve results in this department, otherwise Geely and those companies would not have been making cars for so many years, and they would not be able to achieve the average level of foreign brands.

That is to say, after the financial crisis, we acquired some foreign-funded enterprises, and then slowly improved our own level.

Jiang Hui is also planning to take the path of combining acquisitions and independent research and development, and use the financial crisis and the vast market demand of Tianchao to improve the level in this area.

The last department is the General Management Department, which is mainly responsible for all kinds of messy things.

The general management department is responsible for the ordering of trial parts, experimental equipment, project management, and product planning.

After a year of hard work, the nine departments of Guanghui Automobile R&D Center have finally been set up in a decent manner.

In terms of the number of people alone, there are already more than 300 people, and they are still increasing rapidly.

Although compared with the tens of thousands of R&D personnel of Volkswagen, GM, and Toyota, the Guanghui Automobile R&D Center is still very small, but the seeds have been sown, and when the right time comes, it will naturally grow vigorously.

Is the golden scale a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it encounters a storm.Nine heavens and dragons chant shocking changes, and the wind and clouds will swim in shallow water.

(End of this chapter)

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