Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 598 Bold Ideas

Chapter 598 Bold Ideas

"Mr. Jiang, this is the SUV we are developing. It has completed the preliminary verification. The next task is to start making a one-to-one clay model." Kato, the deputy general manager of Guanghui Automobile, reported the company's recent work to Jiang Hui .

Kato is a senior executive with a research and development background that Guanghui Automobile has spent great efforts to poach from the island country Subaru. Now he is assisting Jiang Hui in charge of various affairs of Guanghui Automobile.

"Which model of this car are you targeting?"

"It's CRV. After we did market research, we decided to develop a medium-sized city SUV first, based on Mr. Jiang's request to develop an SUV first."

Although Jiang Hui did not ask them to make any specific achievements in the past year since the establishment of Guanghui Automobile, the main thing is to pull the team together first.

However, with so many people recruited, it is not easy to let everyone idle, so Kato is asking everyone to try to develop a model.

The appearance of CR-V is relatively exquisite, full of the feeling of American SUV. With its fashionable, harmonious and rounded shape, comfortable and spacious, wide vision and meticulous driving space, CR-V has become a flexible, fast and urban SUV. One of the best-selling models in the market.

Since the first generation of CR-V, Honda has adopted a car-like frame and four-wheel independent suspension without hesitation, which is the biggest feature that distinguishes it from mainstream SUVs at that time.

The development of the Chinese auto market in later generations has also proved that urban SUVs like CRV are the most popular SUVs.

Since Dongfang Honda introduced the CRV, the market has always had to increase the price to pick up the car, and the sales are very hot, which is why Guanghui Automobile chose it as the benchmark model.

In China, whether a car sells well depends on how easy it is to pick it up.

For models that are not easy to sell, there are often existing cars in the Sizi shop, and you can take the car away after paying the money.

Hot-selling models often have to wait for ten days and a half months, or even one or two months.

For popular models, sometimes it is not a matter of time, but that you have no chance to pick up the car without a price increase, or the fourth son shop will not sell it to you at all.

Of course, some of these hot models are really hot models, and the production capacity of the manufacturer is limited; some are the hot-selling atmosphere created by the joint efforts of the Four Sons Store and the manufacturer. Consumers need to carefully identify the specific situation.

Anyway, Jiang Hui is still very relieved that the first model of Guanghui Automobile chose to compete with the CRV.This is an evergreen tree in the car industry that still needs to increase the price of the car for many years since it was launched.

"What is the most difficult thing now?".

Jiang Hui agreed that Kato arranged for the team to develop a medium-sized urban SUV first, so he started to care about the specifics of the development.

"To say that it is difficult, there are actually quite a lot. Our team comes from all over the world, and some of them grew up under the influence of European and American culture; some of them came from Japanese and Korean companies like me; there are also native-born local talents. Everyone's way of thinking It's quite different, and it's quite difficult to twist into a rope."

Taking this opportunity, Kato also poured bitter water on Jiang Hui.

"Also, although the company recruits elites from all walks of life, after all, it is the first time we develop products belonging to Brilliant Automobiles. There is no existing development system that can be used directly. We need to explore and build our own. system".

The importance of the system is unquestionable. Broadly speaking, the universe is a system, and each galaxy is a system.

To put it bluntly, society is a system, humanities are a system, religion is a system, and even every discipline and its branches are a system, and a person, a grass, a word, and a dust are also a system. system.

The large system contains endless small systems, and the small system contains endless and infinitely deeper smaller systems.Many small systems form a large system.

A car has more than [-] parts, several parts form a part, several parts form a certain function, and several functions form a system...

The development of these parts is released among different people. If there is no effective system, it will be very difficult to advance!

"The most troublesome thing is that we don't have ready-made engines and gearboxes to use. If we want to start from scratch, the difficulty is too high."

General car companies have several sets of their own powertrains.

For example, the engine, people may already have engines with various displacements of 1.0L, 1.5L, 2.0L, 2.5L, and 3.0L. When developing models, they have already locked in which displacement they want to use.

What needs to be done during development is whether to upgrade this engine, or just tune the engine to make it more suitable for the corresponding model.

The same is true for gearboxes. Automatic and manual gearboxes with four, five, and six gears are readily available. When developing a new model, you only need to match the gearbox and the engine. .

Even so, it often takes several years for major companies to develop a new model.

Just look at the Mercedes-Benz S600 or BMW 730 on the market. After a model is launched, it often takes six to seven years to fully replace it.

Of course, there will definitely be some small facelifts in the middle, such as changing the front grille, changing the headlights, changing the rims, and then the so-called 2007 model is launched.

For faster-paced models, it will take four to five years for a new generation.

The work of each replacement model often starts after the previous model has been launched.

Starting from market research, customer feedback, the development of new materials and technologies, changes in regulations, etc., it takes many years to launch a new model.

Although everything will change when it comes to China, the same goes for car development.However, no matter how it changes, it is nothing more than compressing from four or five years to two or three years.

If you want to compress it to less than two years, unless you are directly copying or copying other people's mass-produced model drawings, you will hardly do new development.

Will Brilliant Automobile do such a thing?

I really can't say no.

Before the acquisition of Jaguar Land Rover, Brilliant Automobile did not have its own powertrain to use, so it could only "learn" from others first.

Then who should "learn from"?
Jiang Hui chose Ford without even thinking about it!
Why choose Ford?

There are actually many reasons!
In 1908, Ford Motor Company produced the world's first car for ordinary people - Model T, which made immortal contributions to "America on Wheels", and the world's automobile industrial revolution began.

In 1913, Ford Motor Company developed the world's first assembly line. This pioneering work brought the total number of Model T cars to 1 million, creating an unprecedented world record (later recognized by Volkswagen-Beetle with a cumulative total of 500 million. vehicle record was broken).

Ford has maintained sales No.75 in the US auto market for 2 consecutive years, second only to General Motors.


There are countless achievements of all kinds.

But these are not the most important things.

What is the most important thing?

That's because the engine used by Jaguar Land Rover is Ford's!

(End of this chapter)

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