Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 600 Introducing the Engine

Chapter 600 Introducing the Engine

Bring in the engine?
Jiang Hui hadn't thought about this idea before, but it seemed feasible.

Ford is now in the most difficult period of time.They are willing to sell all kinds of brands, so it is not impossible to sell a not so cutting-edge engine.

"Kato-san, your idea sounds good. In this way, Sean from the powertrain department worked in an engine factory of Ford before, right? Let him join the negotiation between Guanghui Investment and Ford. Let's start with a Let the engine come back."

Although he didn't think carefully before, once his subordinates put forward a more reasonable suggestion, Jiang Hui accepted it decisively.

"No problem, but what Ford is best at is large displacement engines. Do we have any specific goals?".

The United States is sparsely populated and fuel prices are low, so models equipped with large-displacement engines are very popular.The structure of W8, W10, and V6 are all small cases, and the inline four-cylinder is even less.

Of course, this situation will improve with the increase in oil prices in the past two years, but on the whole, the proportion of models equipped with large-displacement engines in the United States is still much higher than that in China.

"No, we don't consider introducing large-displacement engines for the time being, and advance with a displacement of about 2.0 or 2.5."

In Tianchao, the difference in purchase tax paid for models with different displacements is very large.

Especially in the case of China's increasing dependence on imported oil, the government will further encourage the development of small-displacement vehicles.

Just next year, the government will further adjust the consumption tax policy. The consumption tax rate for cars with 1.0 liters and below will be lowered from the current 3% to 1%, making it the only product to reduce the tax rate in the consumption tax adjustment.


Reduce the consumption tax rate for small-displacement vehicles, increase the consumption tax rate for large-displacement passenger vehicles, and further widen the gap in consumption tax rates for vehicles with different displacements.

"Suppressing the big and promoting the small", it is obvious that the government's intention is to encourage small-displacement vehicles and restrain the excessive development of large-displacement vehicles.

In the later dynasties, the prevalence of turbocharged engines was actually forced by policies.

It's not that turbocharged technology is more advanced as many car companies boast.

The main function of turbocharging is to increase the air intake of the engine, thereby increasing the power and torque of the engine and making the car more powerful.

After an engine is equipped with a turbocharger, its maximum power can be increased by 40% or even higher than that without a supercharger.

This technology actually existed decades ago, but it has not been popularized on a large scale due to the disadvantages of high after-sales maintenance costs, high requirements for engine oil, and relatively short engine life.

In Jiang Hui's view, using a turbocharger is a bit like an athlete taking hormones.

However, the development trend is like this, you still have to take it when it's time to take it.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!


"2.0 or 2.5? It's fine, it just fits on the medium-sized urban SUV we developed."

Kato spent a lot of thought on the models he personally organized and developed, thinking about them all the time.

"Well, we can consider launching these two displacements together, and launch a few more models to give consumers more choices."

Tianchao consumers have a variety of tastes, and there are many models that can fully meet different requirements.

In the previous life, there were countless models of Haval H6, which had occupied the top spot in China's SUV sales list for a long time.

If there is a record in the Guinness Book of World Records as "the most sold car models in the world", there is no doubt that Harvard H6 will easily win the championship.

According to incomplete statistics, there are more than 6 versions of Haval H6 and Haval H80 Coupe on sale - including brand new, classic, upgraded, sports, red label, blue label, gasoline, diesel...

Although Jiang Hui didn't plan to make so many models of each model of Guanghui Motors, more than a dozen are needed anyway.

"If this is the case, then we may need to consider the issue of factory construction, whether it is an engine factory or a car factory."

Although Jiang Hui had arranged personnel to start the site selection work since last year, but it has not been finalized.

Since Brilliant Automobile is a novice in the auto industry, local governments are generally not very optimistic about its development, and the preferential policies given are not as good as other joint ventures.

So this thing has been delayed a bit.

"Has Wuyang's attitude changed?".

Wuyang City is a city that Jiang Hui thinks is most suitable for Guanghui Automobile, so Jiang Hui's first concern is the situation in Wuyang.

"Since the sudden emergence of Guanghui mobile phone and its outstanding contribution to the economic development of Shenzhen City, Wuyang's attitude has changed, but some conditions still cannot meet our requirements."

It was the first time that Guanghui Group made a mobile phone, and it made such a big noise, and the momentum of development was extremely rapid.

The leaders of Wuyang also somewhat expected that Guanghui Group, which is making a car for the first time, will also do something fierce, so their attitude has changed.

"What are the main conditions that are different from what we proposed? If it is about tax incentives, we can make appropriate concessions, and we are not interested in taking advantage of this."

"It's not about taxation, but mainly about land supply."

"Do they think we're asking for too much land?".

"Yes, we have requested land based on a production capacity of 50 yuan, but they think it is enough to supply land at 25 yuan."

Judging from the current average level of the automobile industry, the annual production capacity of a production line in two shifts is about 10 to 15. Taking the middle number of 12.5, 50 production lines are required for a production capacity of 4.

Automobile companies generally occupy a relatively large area. A factory with a production capacity of 12.5 will probably need 500 to 1000 acres of land, depending on the needs of your supporting workshop.

Although arranging 4 lines in one factory area can save some space, at least 2000 mu of land is needed.

This is just the production plant. If the land demand for the R&D center is included, at least 500 mu must be added, because the test track of the R&D center takes up a lot of land.

To be on the safe side, Brilliant Automobile's land requirement is to provide at least 3000 acres of land, with a target of 5000 acres.

The leaders of Wuyang did not dare to directly decide on such a large land supply, and they did not even have the right to directly decide on such a large land transfer, so they needed to report it.

As a result, the progress of the negotiations will be delayed.

"Other aspects can make some appropriate concessions, but in terms of land area, I still hope to follow our plan. That is where the headquarters, R&D center and first batch of factories of Guanghui Automobile are located. I don't want them to be scattered in different places."

Although in the long run, Guanghui Automobile will definitely build a factory in other places, but in the early stage, considering management and other issues, Jiang Hui still hopes to focus on Wuyang.

"Okay, I will go to Wuyang again next week and talk to their leaders."

"Well, the site selection work must be completed in the first half of this year, and then the preliminary construction of the factory building will begin."

(End of this chapter)

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