Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 602 Let's start with a practice hand

Chapter 602 Let’s start with a training hand
How important is appearance?

In this face-conscious society, in this age that requires appearance, it is very advantageous to have a good skin.

Be it a person or a car!
Looking at the car sales charts of later generations, there is no ugly car that sells well.

Be sure to have all of them, that is GM Wuling's Wuling Zhiguang and Wuling Hongguang.

However, that is the god car among the god cars, and it is better not to compare the ordinary models.

"You don't have to look at it so seriously now, take it back and study it slowly, I have other things to tell you."

Seeing Kato staring at the pictures intently, Jiang Hui couldn't help but said.

"It's so beautiful, Mr. Jiang, if you don't engage in car design, it's a waste of talent."

"You start a company and ask me to go?".

"Hey, no company can afford Mr. Jiang."

"Okay, don't read it yet. I plan to let everyone try to develop an electric car, what do you think?".

"Electric car? Is it like Tesla?".

"No, I don't plan to make a sports car for the time being, I want to develop an electric truck first."

"Electric Truck? Anyone Buying It?".

"Meituan is doing its own logistics, and Jingxi Mall will also do it in the future. After our car company is established, we also have logistics and transportation needs. I plan to let our electric trucks be sold within the group at cost price."

"Even at the cost price, it should be very expensive, at least half the price of the truck outside, right?" Kato said, "Besides, if you sell it at the cost price, you won't make money?"

"I don't plan to make money from Brilliant Motors' electric cars within five years. I think it's very successful if I don't lose money."

"Although the government has subsidies for electric vehicles, there is no need for us to immediately respond to the government's encouragement, right?"

"You have missed the point of my electric car. What is the most important thing in an electric car? Must be the battery?".

"Indeed, the high price of batteries and the failure of battery performance to meet the requirements of long-distance driving are important reasons why electric vehicles are not popularized."

The proportion of the battery level in electric vehicles, even after ten years, is more than half of the cost.

In the field of cars, the cruising range of electric vehicles generally does not exceed 500 kilometers.

So from this perspective, what Kato said makes sense.

Although the butterfly Jiang Hui is here now, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to completely subversively promote the development of batteries. At most, it will only show the battery technology ten years later and improve the battery level by a few years.

"Think about it, which company's battery does our electric car use?".

"ATL? You mean you want to promote the development of ATL by producing electric vehicles?" Kato felt that he seemed to have captured Jiang Hui's idea.

"You are half right. Supporting ATL's development of power batteries is an important purpose of mine. More importantly, I think governments of various countries will introduce some policies in the future to limit the production of fuel vehicles."

In 2007, few people believed Jiang Hui's statement.

Ten years later, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Norway, the Netherlands and other countries have released timetables for banning the sale of fuel vehicles. According to their plans, the ban on the sale of fuel vehicles will basically be realized around 2025 to 2040.

At that time, Tianchao also announced the "double points" policy to support the development of new energy vehicles.

The so-called "double points" is: average fuel consumption points + new energy vehicle points.

Before the announcement of this policy, the average fuel consumption of automakers can reach the standard, and their models can be produced smoothly.

If the standard is not met, then the average fuel consumption is a "negative point".

If the "negative points" are not compensated, they will be punished by suspending the declaration or production of high fuel consumption products.

The "double points" means that the country has added "new energy vehicle points" on this basis.

If new energy vehicles are not produced or the production is not enough, the production of high fuel consumption models will be suspended as a penalty.If you don't want to stop production, you need to spend money to buy new energy points from other manufacturers to compensate for your negative points.

In addition, new energy vehicles can also be carried forward. If the number of new energy vehicles produced in the first year exceeds the standard and earns a "positive point", it can be used to make up for the "negative points" of new energy vehicles in the second year.

In order to meet the newly added new energy vehicle credits, car companies will definitely develop or introduce a large number of new energy vehicles.

Compared with the parts industry, the field of batteries and related materials has become a "sweet pastry" in the eyes of investors.

At that time, ATL is expected to become the biggest winner under the "double points" policy.

Brilliant Automobile, which has more electric vehicles, will also truly achieve cornering overtaking in the era of new energy vehicles.

"So our company's development of electric vehicles can be regarded as an advance layout?" After listening to Jiang Hui's words, Kato basically understood Jiang Hui's purpose.

"Yes, most car companies don't pay attention to electric vehicles now. Although we are new to the automotive industry, if we start to study electric vehicles now, we will be ahead in the field of electric vehicles."

"In the island country's auto industry, there is a point of view, that is, for new energy vehicles, hybrid vehicles are more promising in the short term, and fuel cell vehicles are promising in the long run."

What Kato said is true.

From the perspective of practical application, hybrid is the closest to the current technical level, and it is also the most feasible.

In this regard, the island country's car companies are at the forefront of the world, and they are also the most powerful in hybrid technology!
Toyota Motor launched the world's first mass-produced hybrid vehicle in 1997, the Prius.

Subsequently, this car was sold to more than 2001 countries and regions around the world in 40, and its largest market is the island countries and North America.

Prius has been highly praised all over the world for its epoch-making significance and advanced nature because of its revolutionary reduction of vehicle fuel consumption and exhaust emissions.

The EPA considers the Prius to be the most fuel-efficient car sold in the United States.

The California Air Resources Board ranks the Prius as the cleanest vehicle in the U.S. based on CO[-] emissions.

The UK Department for Transport has announced that the Prius is the second least CO[-]-emitting vehicle sold in the UK.

However, just because hybrid technology is more mature, although it is more environmentally friendly and more practical, Jiang Hui believes that it is impossible for the Chinese government to support the development of mobile technology.

Subsidies for new energy vehicles in later generations illustrate this point.

The definition of new energy vehicles varies from country to country, and they are usually called "low pollution vehicles" in island countries.

Low-pollution vehicles include 5 categories, namely: natural gas-fueled vehicles, hybrid vehicles, electric vehicles, methanol-fueled vehicles, and clean gasoline vehicles with the strictest emission and fuel efficiency restrictions.

In the United States, new energy vehicles are usually called "alternative fuel vehicles".

In China, new energy vehicles include four types: hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles, and other new energy vehicles.

It seems like why the problem.

Combined with the subsidy policy for new energy vehicles, hybrid models will be developed (plug-in hybrids, which island countries are not good at, are subsidized) and will not enjoy subsidies. In fact, it means that the government does not really regard it as a new energy vehicle. .

Because hybrid technology and patents are basically in the hands of island companies!
The Chinese government is not stupid, how could it use its own money to subsidize island companies?
(End of this chapter)

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