Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 603 No one is a fool

Chapter 603 No one is a fool
Why does China vigorously encourage the development of new energy vehicles?
Environmentalists may say: Air pollution is so serious, energy saving, low carbon, and environmental protection are social development trends, and new energy vehicles must be launched.

If this sentence is divided into several small sentences, Jiang Hui agrees with all of them, but when put together, he disagrees.

In Jiang Hui's view, although reducing vehicle exhaust can indeed improve air quality, vehicle exhaust, especially that of cars, is not the main factor causing serious air pollution.

Otherwise, wouldn't so many big cities around the world be dark all year round?
In addition, from the perspective of environmental protection alone, traditional fuel vehicles can also meet environmental protection requirements through technical upgrades.

Furthermore, new energy vehicles themselves have zero emissions, but their indirect emissions cannot be ignored, especially in China where highly polluting coal power dominates.

Do you really think that electric vehicles are really "zero emissions"?

From the perspective of the entire industrial chain, it is hard to say which one is more polluting.

So Jiang Hui thinks that the main reason is not this, but because of the overall strategic needs of the development of the national automobile industry and the national economy.

The automobile industry is a pillar industry of a country's economy, which reflects a country's industrial development level to some extent, so the government has always wanted to revitalize the national automobile industry.

Over the years, in order to develop its own automobile industry, China has adopted the strategic policy of "exchanging the market for technology", attracting a large number of foreign-funded enterprises to enter.

However, after more than 20 years, the market has been replaced, but the technology has not been learned.

Just look at the level of the independent brands of those large car companies in Tianchao!
If the strategy of "exchanging the market for technology" fails, then a new development strategy must be adopted. We must not leave the mess behind. After all, we have not reached a hopeless situation.

So the government turned its attention to new energy vehicles.

Why choose new energy vehicles instead of trying to tackle traditional cars like rockets and atomic bombs?

Because the core components and control systems of traditional automobiles are all monopolized by foreign giants such as Bosch, Denso, and Delphi.

There is no hope of surpassing at all!
Instead of letting money go in and waste it, it's better to do something that has a chance of success.

Let's look at new energy vehicles, mainly electric vehicles.

For key technical issues such as electric vehicle cruising range, charging time, battery stability and cost, domestic and foreign companies have not made substantial breakthroughs.

At the same time, in the fields of batteries and motors, there is already a certain foundation in China.

Relatively speaking, in terms of electric vehicles, the gap between domestic and foreign countries is relatively small, so it is still very feasible to use electric vehicles to overtake on curves.

Of course, Jiang Hui just thought about these words for himself, and he definitely wouldn't say them directly to Kato.

But in fact, I’m not afraid to say it. It’s not that foreigners really can’t see through it. Otherwise, in later generations, China’s own family would not be the only one that makes electric cars the hottest.

Because for the United States, island countries and other countries, the necessity and urgency of developing electric vehicles is far less than that of China.

Let's look at another reason.

Modern social life is increasingly dependent on resources, and almost any activity is inseparable from resources.

Most of the resources are non-renewable, especially oil.

It can be seen from the official data. In 2006, my country's crude oil output was 18368 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 1.7%; net oil imports were 16287 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 19.6%.Among them, the net import of crude oil was 13884 million tons, an increase of 16.9%; the net import of refined oil was 2403 million tons, an increase of 37.9%.

China's dependence on foreign oil has reached 47.0%, an increase of 2005 percentage points compared with 4.1.

Jiang Hui also knows that the figure of oil dependence on foreign countries will become 60% in ten years, and China will surpass the United States to become the world's largest oil importer.

Obviously, oil is already a strategic resource related to national security.

With the continuous increase of automobile production, China's car ownership has risen rapidly, and soon, half of China's oil consumption will be used in cars.

As an oil-poor country, how could the leaders of China watch this situation continue to deteriorate?

If one day there is a conflict with the United States or other countries such as Asan, and they do something in the Indian Ocean or Malacca, they will directly block the way for China to import oil.

That would be a pain in the ass.

In America, the smartest people go to Wall Street.

In the Celestial Dynasty, all the smartest people went to the civil service exam.

The smart people in the Celestial Dynasty don't want their eggs to be pinched!

Therefore, the task of reducing fuel consumption in the automobile industry is imminent.

These two reasons are the fundamental reasons why Jiang Hui believes that Tianchao will vigorously develop new energy vehicles!
"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang? Did you hear me?" Seeing that Jiang Hui had been distracted for a long time, Kato couldn't help shouting.

"Ah? I'm sorry, I was just thinking about your question." Jiang Hui was stunned for a moment and said, "Kato, although hybrid power is a good direction, Brilliant Automobile does not have any advantages in this regard. On the contrary, it is electric vehicles. , we have our own battery business, which deserves to be vigorously developed."

"Having said that, I think it will take at least four or five years for electric vehicles to be introduced to the market on a large scale."

"For an automobile company, four or five years is not a long time, we can afford to wait."

"Okay then, Mr. Jiang, what kind of electric truck do you want us to develop first? Heavy? Medium? Or light?" Kato seemed to resign himself to fate, and the boss said what to do.

"Let's start with light trucks, which will also be the type of trucks that Jingxi Mall and will demand the most in the future."

"If we consider the needs of each company in the group, I think we can also develop a bus to serve as a commuter vehicle for each company."

Kato quickly entered the state and began to consider the discovery of electric vehicles in accordance with Jiang Hui's thinking.

"Although passenger cars and buses can also be produced, priority should be given to the development of light trucks."

The road condition of the transport truck is more complicated, and it runs on the road all day and night, which can better test the problems of the battery and its control system, which is conducive to the next development of Guanghui Automobile.

"Okay, then I will go back and make arrangements, and I will give you the promotion plan next week."

Seeing that it was almost time to get off work, Kato ended his report this time.

Today's report is also very rewarding for Jiang Hui.

On the one hand, it has basically clarified the direction of the location of the automobile factory, and on the other hand, it has determined the next research and development direction of Guanghui Automobile.

The troops and horses have not moved, the food and grass go first!
For Brilliant Automobile, the new models developed are the company's bread and butter.

Therefore, Jiang Hui started to lay out three SUVs and a light electric truck in advance, laying a solid foundation for the blockbuster of Guanghui Automobile in two or three years.

Just as the so-called Qianlong waits for the clouds to gather in the abyss, and the pheasants and tigers hide in the forest, the future of Brilliant Automobile is destined to be a new legend.

(End of this chapter)

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