Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 604 The Tip of the Tongue Shooting Plan

Chapter 604 The Tip of the Tongue Shooting Plan

In March in the imperial capital, the weather is no longer so cold.

It is rare that there is no sandstorm today, and the sun is particularly bright. Miss Chun finally smiled.

Jiang Hui was sitting on the rocking chair, with Wangcai and Jin Mao rubbing each other affectionately.

The sun's red beams shot over, and the sun shone on the body, making people feel very comfortable.

There is an old masson pine in the yard, and the green leaves make people feel some warmth.

"The performance of "Bright Speed" is still satisfactory?"

Bai Xue stood behind the rocking chair, leaned over and held Jiang Hui's shoulders, and said.

In the nearly one month since its launch, the number of users of "Bright Speed" has successfully exceeded 1000 million, and the highest number of online users has also exceeded the 100 million mark, bringing more than 3000 million item revenue to Brilliant Games.

Although this level is not as good as "Glory of the King" and "Cross Fire", it is obviously still on the rise.

More importantly, the number of downloads of "Bright Speed" on Gphone actually exceeded 300 million times.

You know, since Gphone went on the market, it has sold more than 500 million units.

Of these more than 300 million downloads, except for the nearly 100 million downloads of Tianchao, which are free, and the early 40 downloads are about one dollar, the other downloads are charged for about $4.99.

This is equivalent to "Glorious Speed" bringing about 800 million US dollars in revenue to the Guanghui Group.

This amount of money is more than selling props!
Although Brilliant Games can only get [-]% and Brilliant Mobile takes [-]%, for Jiang Hui, it is nothing more than the difference between his left hand and his right hand.

Because these two companies are actually 100% owned by Jiang Hui himself!
"As soon as the game queen makes a move, she will know if there is one." Jiang Hui grabbed Bai Xue's hand, pulled her onto the recliner, and laid her in his arms.

"I'm serious with you, are you satisfied or not?"

"You must be satisfied, you can make money, and you can advertise Guanghui Motors."

"Hee hee, when it comes to advertising, don't even mention it. Recently, many car companies have come to our door."

"In order to put your own car into our game?".

"Not only that, but they also want to make their cars appear to have better performance and higher grades."

"The number of users of "Brilliant Speed" is constantly increasing, and many of them are potential car buyers, or future car buyers. Car companies with vision will definitely pay attention to this area."

"I only agreed to two or three companies first. For example, those in modern times who had conflicts with us before found an excuse to refuse."

"Bangzi those bird people, ignore them."

"It's almost time to graduate from college in a blink of an eye."

"En~uh? You're spinning too fast."

"Hmph, it's a rare weekend, I don't want to talk to you about work anymore."

"You mentioned it first."

"That's because you haven't paid attention to Brilliant Games recently, and stayed at Brilliant Automobile all day long."

Well, it is unreasonable to reason with women, no matter what you say!


at the same time.

London, England.

"Mr. Sean, what are you thinking about?"

Sean is an experienced photographer of the British BBC Documentary Channel, but because he and his boss have different views in the past two years, it seems that Beixue has hidden it.

When Guanghui Film and Television was preparing for "A Bite of Heaven", it entrusted a headhunting company to help find a photographer.

The circle of high-level documentary photographers is actually very small, and there are not many people in the whole world.

Sean's situation was quickly reported to Brilliant Films by headhunters.

Director Zhao from the preparatory team flew to London to invite Sean to join Brilliant Films.

"Your boss really intends to spend so much money to make a documentary?".

"Yes, "A Bite of Heaven" is just the beginning, and we plan to shoot several more difficult and exciting documentaries."

"What kind of difficult method?"

"You can imagine a few shooting locations at random. For example, the Antarctic, the North Pole, and Mount Everest."

"Going to these places to shoot documentaries is not the style of your Chinese people."

"If you say that, I can only say that you still don't know our boss very well. His thinking is definitely not like that of the Chinese people you read in the newspaper."

"Are you talking about Ms. He?".

It seems that when Xiao En came to see Director Zhao, he also wanted to know about the situation of Guanghui Film and Television, but he didn't seem to get the point.

"No, He is always our general manager. The boss I'm talking about is Jiang Hui, the founder of Guanghui Film and Television and even Guanghui Group." Director Zhao glanced at Xiao En's mobile phone on his right and said, "The Gphone you are using now It was designed by our boss himself."

"You mean that Guanghui Mobile also belongs to your group?"

"Of course, it's not just the Guanghui phone, you are using Twitter and potato, right?".

"Of course, every day I post something interesting on Twitter and watch some videos on potato, and I'm still a diamond member of potato."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao En, for your trust in our group company's products."

"Huh? What does that mean?".

"Exactly what you think!".

"The Guanghui Group is so powerful."

"So you can't go wrong if you choose Guanghui Film and Television."

"Okay, I will submit a resignation letter tomorrow, when will I join the job."

"The sooner the better"!

Brilliant film and television.

"Mr. He, the preparations for "A Bite of Heaven" are almost done, and this is our shooting plan."

"A Bite of Heaven" Wang Lu, the deputy head of the preparatory team, led a few project members to report the progress to He Ling.

"Should we go to Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces in the first wave?"

"Yes, we are going to start filming next month. At that time, the Jiangnan water town is a time when all kinds of delicacies are abundant."

"That's fine, you can make a specific itinerary, and I'll make an appointment with Mr. Jiang."

"Is Mr. Jiang going too?"

"Will he go to the shoot?".

"He should have gone to part."


Imperial Sunshine Film and Television.

"You said that Guanghui Film and Television has switched to making documentaries now?"

"It's not considered a transformation, it's just that they went to make documentaries while filming film and television dramas."

"Can documentaries make money? Isn't this generally arranged by financially subsidized institutions like the imperial court?".

"Yes, but I hope that Guanghui Film and Television will really put more energy into making documentaries."

"That's right, fall down and overwhelm their prestige, so as not to look like invincible every day."

"Brilliant Films and TVs have basically taken over all the popular film and television dramas in the past two years. Although we have followed suit and made some money, compared with others..."

"After the filming of their documentary starts, we will also help to promote it to them behind the scenes. The higher they stand, the more painful they fall. At that time, we will also let them try the feeling of losing their money."

"Hey, I think this will work!".


(End of this chapter)

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