Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 607 Investing in SpaceX

Chapter 607 Investing in SpaceX
Jiang Hui came to the United States this time because of SpaceX.

Korn Ferry Group has popular Twitter and potato in the United States. It is still very easy to contact Elon Musk, who is also from the Internet.

Although SpaceX is located in the suburbs of Los Angeles, Jiang Hui is going to New York first to listen to a report from the office of Guanghui Investment and Finance Department in the United States.

In 2006, the Financial Department of Brilliant Investment achieved fruitful results, and Brilliant Investment also successively opened offices in Hong Kong and New York.

The staff in the office are basically engaged in venture capital and financial investment.

And Jiang Hui came to Guanghui Investment's office in New York to listen to their evaluation and valuation of SpaceX.

"Mr. Jiang, Silicon Valley and Wall Street are not very optimistic about the development of SpaceX. So far, no startup company has successfully launched a rocket, let alone wants to land on Mars."

Lin Tiansheng, director of venture capital business in the New York office of Guanghui Investment, said.

As a high-achieving Harvard student who once worked in Sequoia Capital and Goldman Sachs, Lin Tiansheng from Hong Kong has a good understanding of the American venture capital circle.

"Because no one has successfully done this kind of thing, once Elon Musk succeeds, SpaceX's valuation will usher in a round of skyrocketing," Jiang Hui also expressed his point of view.

In the previous life, the valuation of SpaceX had exceeded 2015 billion US dollars in 100, and exceeded 2017 billion US dollars in 500.

Definitely a super unicorn enterprise!

"Elon Musk has been in contact with several venture capitalists recently, but none of them seem to have reached an agreement. This is why they are willing to negotiate with us this time."

Most of the time, the money comes from power. When you see you are doing well, you will show all kinds of courtesies, and you will have as much money as you want.

When the situation is unclear or even not very good, they tend to hide far away.

"In the eyes of Musk, SpaceX is definitely worth a lot, and it is difficult to reach a consensus on valuation."

"Yes, Musk has invested more than 1 million U.S. dollars in it. Although most of the money has been spent, his current valuation of the company is as high as [-] million U.S. dollars."

"Actually, I think he is still worth [-] million U.S. dollars."

"This valuation makes many VCs very dissatisfied. They are only willing to give [-] million US dollars at most... Huh? Mr. Jiang, what are you talking about?".

"I think he's worth half a billion dollars."

"But other investment institutions feel that the asking price of [-] million yuan is too high. Of course, if their rocket launch was successful last month, let alone [-] million yuan, some institutions will consider doubling it."

"If the SpaceX launch was successful last month, do you think there is anything for us?"

"That's true. Just as private civil aviation companies replaced the U.S. Army as the main force of civilian transportation, the call for privatization of the U.S. space transportation industry has been around for a long time. SpaceX can also be regarded as an early response to the echo of U.S. officials. Funds with an investment background are very cautious.”

In the past two years, there have been rumors that U.S. government officials have privately revealed that various private companies will be encouraged to build and launch various spacecraft in the future.

NASA even intends to rent private spacecraft to send astronauts to the International Space Station in order to save money and carry out more "cutting-edge" outer space exploration activities.

However, there are also concerns that the move could cost some space agency employees their jobs and reduce the government's "voice" over the U.S. aerospace sector.

In fact, it can also be seen from this that companies like SpaceX generally do not accept Celestial Capital, and even if they enter under special circumstances, they should not even think about controlling it.

If it really takes a controlling stake, it may not be a blessing or a curse!

When the rocket is successfully launched, not to mention that other investors will be jealous, the US government will start to punish you.

So in fact, now is a good time for Brilliant Investment to enter SpaceX.

Of course, the current SpaceX has not yet entered the real valley, and it will be the moment of life and death when it fails to launch again next year!

However, this is like buying stocks, you can't expect to always enter at the lowest point and sell at the highest point.

There are no such good things in the world, even if Jiang Hui has a golden finger, it is unrealistic.

Therefore, in Jiang Hui's view, now is a good time for Guanghui Investment to enter.

On the one hand, SpaceX has just experienced a launch failure, financing is difficult, and there is a strong need for funds.

On the other hand, SpaceX's current valuation is not high. Of course, this means that in Jiang Hui's eyes, it is not high, and it does not need to invest too much money to occupy a suitable share.

Jiang Hui never thought about controlling SpaceX, that is an unrealistic problem.

You know, what people are researching is rockets, proper high-tech, with the word sensitive outside.

Now as long as there are [-]% of the shares, after being diluted in the future, they can keep more than [-]% of the shares. Jiang Hui thinks it will be fine.

It can be said that investing in SpaceX is a practice of Jiang Hui's idea of ​​being able to die on the moon in this life.

It is not entirely considered from the perspective of income. Of course, even from the perspective of income, it is a very good choice to invest in SpaceX at this time.

You know, Elon Musk’s asking price is only 500 million U.S. dollars now, and the valuation has increased a hundred times in ten years: [-] billion U.S. dollars!
Properly a high-yield project!

"So we invested when someone just failed to launch. For Elon Musk, it was a timely relief, and for the US regulators, it was not such a tight moment."

"The truth is this, but the valuation of [-] million US dollars is really not low. The most important thing is that no one believes that they can succeed."

"I believe, I believe they can succeed in the end."

Jiang Hui believes in SpaceX so much, of course, because of his own prophet, he knows that he will succeed.

However, in fact, the success of SpaceX is also traceable.

It can be seen from its employee composition that there are many talents from high-tech companies, and even many former employees of NASA work for SpaceX.

In addition, U.S. officials are encouraging private capital to enter this field, and the success of SpaceX is basically a matter of time.

Maybe some VCs didn’t see this, but for them, if they wait a little longer, they can get more shares at a lower price when SpaceX enters a more difficult time.

Capital is greedy!
"Since Mr. Jiang has confirmed SpaceX, let's discuss how to get their shares at a lower price." Lin Tiansheng saw that Jiang Hui was determined to win SpaceX, so he stopped trying to persuade him.

"Yes, but I think the first thing we need to consider is in the name of which company to invest in, so as to reduce future risks as much as possible."

Jiang Hui was worried that entering the market directly under the name of Guanghui Investment would be too conspicuous in a few years and would be targeted by US regulators.

"Mr. Jiang, we have already considered this point. We have two proposals, one is to buy shares in the name of Twitter, and the other is to open shares in the name of an offshore company."

"Twitter", Jiang Hui thought for a while and made a quick decision.

Twitter is an Internet company registered in the United States. Although the US officials know that it is a Chinese company, after all, its shares are scattered on the surface. Moreover, Twitter is already a well-known company in Silicon Valley, so it seems natural to invest in SpaceX.

If it is in the name of an offshore company, it cannot be completely kept secret, but it is a bit superfluous.

(End of this chapter)

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