Chapter 608
The United States is the country with the largest coffee consumption in the world. Americans drink coffee almost everywhere. No matter at home, school, office, public place, or anywhere else, the aroma of coffee can be heard everywhere.

American cafes have their own unique form and atmosphere. Like the popular fast food culture in the United States, most American cafes also reflect a fast-paced lifestyle in American society.

Jiang Hui asked Elon Musk to meet him at a coffee shop in Los Angeles.

"Jiang? You must be the Jiang of the Celestial Dynasty, I know you."

Not long after Jiang Hui, Lin Tiansheng and others sat down in the coffee shop, Elon Musk appeared on the spot.

Maybe it was Lin Tiansheng who told her about Jiang Hui in advance, maybe it was because he was also from the Internet and really knew Jiang Hui better.

Anyway, as soon as they met, Elon Musk recognized Jiang Hui.

"Mr. Musk, hello, nice to meet you."

Jiang Hui reached out and shook hands with Elon Musk.

"A latte," Elon Musk said to the waiter, before sitting across from Jiang Hui.

"Jiang, you can call me Elon, I have known you since the beginning of Twitter's popularity", Elon Musk sat opposite Jiang Hui and said: "In just a few years, you have created so many Many companies, you are amazing."

"Compared with Elon, it's nothing. You are the legend of Silicon Valley."

Jiang Hui's words were not completely flattering.

On June 1971, 6, Elon Musk was born in South Africa. His father was an engineer in South Africa, and his mother was a Canadian who worked as a nutritionist and model.

Although when he was born, there were no colorful auspicious clouds, no dark clouds and thunder thundering, and no auspicious beasts to accompany him.

However, in 1981, at the age of 10, Musk owned his first computer and learned software programming, and the shadow of a genius has begun to emerge.

In 1983, at the age of 12, he successfully designed a game called "Blastar", and charged $500 for this commercial software.

So, in 1983, 99% of Chinese people had less than $500 in personal wealth, right?
Due to parents' divorce and other reasons, in 1988, at the age of 17, he went to Canada and lived with his mother's relatives, but his ultimate dream was the United States.

The American dream promoted by Hollywood seems to be very marketable!
In 1992, after studying at Queen's University in Canada for two years, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania to study business and physics. The first small goal of a teenager was finally realized.

After graduating from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in economics, he stayed on for another year to earn a bachelor's degree in physics.

Musk then moved to Silicon Valley, California, and planned to study for a Ph.D. in applied physics and materials science at Stanford University, but dropped out after two days of enrolling.

We can't understand Xueba's thoughts!
At this time, Musk considered three fields that he most wanted to get involved in. In his opinion, these three fields are fields that will profoundly affect the future development of mankind, namely: the Internet, renewable energy, and space.

In 1995, after dropping out of school, Elon Musk and his younger brother Camba Musk founded Zip2.8 with $2 in startup funds sponsored by their father.

This is a company that develops online content publishing software for news organizations. At that time, the New York Times and the Chicago Post were both customers of the Musk brothers.

1999年,美国电脑制造商康柏公司以3 .07亿美元现金和3400万美元股票期权收购了Zip2公司,28岁的马斯克在这笔收购中获利2200万美元。

In March of the same year, Musk invested 3 million US dollars and founded an online financial services and email payment business company "" with two partners from Silicon Valley.

The life of a genius seems to have entered a state of cheating since then.

In 2000, Musk merged with Confinity, a company founded by Peter Thiel and Max Lavchen, in order to solve the competition in the online fast transfer business. The new company was renamed PayPal in February of the following year. .

In October 2002, PayPal, which focused on the mobile payment field, was wholly acquired by eBay, the world's largest e-commerce company at the time, for US$10 billion. Musk was the largest shareholder with 15% of the equity, and received US$11.7 million of it.

At this time, our genius ushered in his first failure in life.

Musk was ousted from the company after losing a battle within the company.

However, after Musk realized the dream of the Internet, he began to fight for the two remaining ideals of clean energy and space.

In June 2002, Musk established Space X as CEO and Chief Technology Officer. Musk began to study how to reduce the cost of rocket launches, and planned to realize Mars immigration in the future and create a real space civilization for mankind.

In 2004, Musk invested $630 million in Tesla, founded by Martin Eberhard, and he served as the company's chairman.

Since then, both the space dream and the clean energy dream have taken a solid step forward.

"Jiang, if I were really a legend, we might not meet here today. I have studied your entrepreneurial history. From the Internet to the cultural and entertainment industry, to smartphones, you have been very successful. This It's not easy".

"From the Internet to space to clean energy, I believe that you, Elon, will also succeed, which is why I asked you out today."

"Haha! I suddenly felt that we are quite alike. The only difference is that you have been very successful, but I am facing difficulties now. Of course, as you said, I firmly believe that I will succeed in the end."

Although it is the trough of Musk's life now, he still has full confidence in his business, and only those who have always believed that they can succeed can truly achieve success.

"I heard that another wish of yours is to retire on Mars."

"Yes, I firmly believe that my wish can come true."

"I also have a similar wish. I hope to settle on the moon and die on the moon in my lifetime," Jiang Hui chatted with Musk with a smile.

"For our common space dream, let's drink coffee instead of wine," Musk said to Jiang Hui, picking up the coffee.

"How much money is SpaceX missing right now?".

Jiang Hui saw that the conversation was almost done, so he cut to the chase.

"The more the better, Jiang, how much can you provide?"

"As much as you want, as long as you are willing to give up more shares."

Jiang Hui kicked the ball back to Musk.

"I think you should also know that my previous asking price was valued at 5 million U.S. dollars. I wonder if you agree?"

"I can pay $2.5 million for a 49.9% stake, or $1.2 million for a 30% stake, so how much valuation I can accept depends on your decision."

Musk did not reply directly. He has already understood that if Jiang Hui is to accept a valuation of 5 million US dollars, he needs to sell more shares, otherwise Jiang Hui will only accept a valuation of 4 million US dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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