Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 615 Graduation Thesis

Chapter 615 Graduation Thesis
The UAV used by Meituan Express is specially developed by Guanghui UAV. It uses an eight-rotor wing, a loading area under it, and a flying height of about 100 meters.

The "drone" has a built-in navigation system, and the staff presets the destination and route, and the "drone" will automatically arrive at the destination with an error within 2 meters.

Although Meituan Express currently only operates in a few first-tier cities, in the long run, in some remote areas, the revenue brought by express mail cannot even out the funds consumed in network construction and maintenance.

The use of drones can effectively improve distribution efficiency and reduce manpower and transportation costs.

From this perspective, the “marketing” of Meituan Express and Brilliant UAVs cannot be said to be a mere show.

However, drones have relatively high requirements for safe flight, professional operation, and venues.Delivery requires precise positioning and requires high technology.

It is true that the conditions for large-scale promotion are not yet met.

However, netizens don't care about you so much.The weirder something is, the more it can attract everyone's attention.

"Can you imagine? In the near future, express packages can automatically 'run' to your side?
Sitting in the office building, after you receive the message that the express delivery has been picked up by the robot, you just need to enter the relevant information in the App and wait for a while, the robot can automatically plan the route, get on and off the elevator, cleverly avoid obstacles, and come to you before……"

"A drone carrying a courier box slowed down and landed slowly in a drop-off area of ​​Huiqun Plaza in Shanghai...".

"The drone carries the package, flies into the room from the window of the building, and gently puts it on the coffee table. This kind of scene only in science fiction movies will become a reality - our reporter learned from Meituan Express that the company has Developed the world's first GPS-based..."


Netizens like to watch it, and various media have "followed their favorites". Suddenly, drone delivery has become a hot word.

Even the glorious drones have entered the eyes of ordinary people.

For a long time, the sales market of Brilliant drones has been concentrated in developed countries in Europe and America, and domestic sales are limited.

Why is this happening?

The main reason is that it is too expensive.

Although the products of Guanghui drones are already very cheap compared to those drones in Europe and the United States that cost tens of thousands of dollars each.

However, even if it is cheap, an entry-level Brilliant drone costs several thousand dollars.

In China in 500, when the per capita monthly income was less than US$2007, the Brilliance drone was still an ungrounded product.

Of course, even in another ten years, it may not enter the homes of ordinary people, but the market will not be as small as this.

Although the Brilliance UAV actually had little contact with the common people of the Celestial Dynasty in a short period of time, but with the help of Meituan Express, the Brilliance UAV that showed its face was full of gains.

First, leaders at all levels in Shenzhen City were going to visit, and then various organizations such as the Association for Science and Technology, the Aviation Association, etc. also expressed their desire to visit.

Immediately afterwards, the bank also came to Wen Wen to ask if he wanted a loan.

What is even more surprising is that Shenzhen City also actively gave an innovation subsidy to the Brilliance UAV.

All of a sudden, the Brilliant Drone also had a strong sense of presence!


Just as the hot discussion brought about by Daily Fresh and Meituan Express on the Internet has not completely subsided, Jiang Hui and He Ling returned to the imperial capital in a low-key manner.

During this period of time, Jiang Hui followed the filming crew of "A Bite of the Tongue", half working and half traveling, accompanied by beauties, very chic!
Back in the imperial capital, Jiang Hui was called to his office by Dean He!

He just went out with his daughter to be high for so many days, and as soon as he came back, Dean He looked for him, Jiang Hui was really a little uneasy.

He Ling has been following her silently. It can be said that she has no name and no distinction. Although Dean He and his wife have already seen it, Jiang Hui still feels a little embarrassed to face Dean He.

"You boy, you have a lot of things to do every day. You can't go to school a few times a semester, and you are about to graduate from senior year."

As soon as Jiang Hui slipped into Dean He's office, he saw Professor Chen, the dean of the department, and Dean He sitting on the sofa. Dean He pointed to the opposite sofa politely, motioned Jiang Hui to sit down, and said talk.

Jiang Hui chuckled twice, but sat down on the sofa without answering.

How many things do you do every day?

Hearing these words in the ears of Jiang Hui, who has been brainwashed by Internet language, really has a strange feeling!

The intensity is so great, the body can't bear it!

"Xiao Jiang, you will be graduating soon, don't you still plan to stay in school for graduate school? If you change your mind, I will help you with the rest of the procedures," Professor Chen interjected.

"Director, look at me, who doesn't go to school a few times in a semester. If I stay to study as a graduate student, wouldn't I be setting a bad example? I'd better not start such a bad start." Jiang Hui politely refused Professor Chen invited me again.

In fact, Jiang Hui also knew that it might not just be Professor Chen's personal intention to let him stay in school for postgraduate study, it should be the school's decision.

Jiang Hui, a big celebrity, an entrepreneurial idol, a role model for young people, focusing on the rich, continues to study at Imperial University of Technology, which has a huge intangible impact on the school.

This is similar to how many schools like to invite some celebrities to be guest professors. The main focus is not on your academic ability, but on your influence.

However, Jiang Hui himself has no intention of continuing to play soy sauce at the school, so he has always rejected the school's arrangement.

"Forget it, I know you don't want to, so I won't force you, but there is one thing you have to take seriously." Professor Chen probably expected Jiang Hui's refusal, so he didn't insist on persuading him.

"What's the matter? As long as I can do it, it's okay to go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire."

"Old Chen, look, I said this kid is getting more and more slippery, and he speaks nicely, so people can't catch him." Dean He smiled and pointed to Jiang Hui and said to Professor Chen.

In Jiang Hui's words, he already said "as long as I can do it", and the latter "up the mountain of swords and down the sea of ​​fire" is actually meaningless.

Dean He and Professor Chen, the two old fritters, must have understood Jiang Hui's words immediately.

"Hey, if the leaders have any instructions, please state clearly."

Jiang Hui knew that Dean He and Professor Chen would definitely not really cheat him, so he was ready to treat him really well.

"Actually, it's nothing. No, aren't you graduating soon? Did you come up with the whole thesis?".

Professor Chen has seen Jiang Hui's papers before, and those papers seem to be more discerning and valuable now.

So although Jiang Hui can graduate without a thesis, the college and the department all hope that Jiang Hui can write another high-quality thesis to bring some halo to the school.

Generally speaking, everyone knows the quality of college students' papers.

Putting things together and making up data, this is considered a good performance.

What's more, they directly find someone to write or plagiarize.

However, Jiang Hui obviously didn't need this.

This is also the reason why Dean He and Professor Chen are looking forward to it!
(End of this chapter)

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