Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 616 Make a Contribution

Chapter 616 Make a Contribution

Jiang Hui studied industrial engineering as an undergraduate in his previous life.When I was in my senior year, I gave up my postgraduate education in this major, and applied for a postgraduate degree in information and communication engineering in other colleges of the school on a whim, until I graduated with a Ph.D.

In his freshman year, Jiang Hui specially prepared several papers related to industrial engineering in order to obtain some privileges not to attend classes.

Based on the theory that was confirmed more than ten years later, it must be a high-level paper in 2003.

Coupled with Professor Chen's help and recommendation, Jiang Hui's paper was naturally published.

Jiang Hui's little calculation can be regarded as a success, so he doesn't have to wander around the classroom every day, and has time to start a business!

In the past few years, Jiang Hui has basically rarely published anything related to his major, so much that what he learned during his doctoral period in his previous life was almost wasted.

Now that Professor Chen suddenly proposed to write a graduation thesis by himself, Jiang Hui really had some ideas.

Many majors of Imperial University of Technology are related to military industry, and many scientific research projects are also used for both military and civilian purposes, or are directly used by the military.

From the scientific research funds of various universities in China that Du Niang could inquire about, it can be found that Imperial University of Technology, which is not very high in the overall ranking of the school, can enter the top ten in terms of scientific research funds.

With so many colleges and universities, which projects have the most adequate research funding?

The ranking of scientific research funding has already explained a lot!
Naturally, Jiang Hui had previously studied information and communication engineering, so he was exposed to some dual-use technologies for both military and civilian purposes.

Even after graduation, the professional skills that I often come into contact with are dual-use for both military and civilian use!
Although, in terms of information and communication engineering, China is not the best in the world.

However, if the technology ten years later is brought to the present, it can be regarded as an international leader.

Maybe it can also give some inspiration to domestic scientific research workers, so that China can take this level to a higher level.

This is not a waste of the technology that Jiang Hui has studied for so many years!
"Dean He, Professor Chen, do you have any other requirements besides the thesis?"

"Are you agreeing?"

Seeing that Jiang Hui agreed so readily, Professor Chen choked on all the persuasive lines he had been brewing up so hard that he couldn't use them anymore!
"The leader has already spoken, and I must agree."

"Have you decided what direction to write?" Dean He asked.

Industrial engineering focuses more on the level of factory site management. The improvement in this aspect is relatively fast, but it is of little significance to the development of China's high-tech.

The information and communication engineering major is not the same.

The professional layman may not be particularly aware of what it does.

But this is normal. Jiang Hui has studied it for so many years in his previous life, and he dare not say that he understands its various fields.

Simply put, this is a comprehensive major with a wide range of basic knowledge and broad application fields.

It involves many high-tech fields such as wireless communication, multimedia and image processing, electromagnetic field and microwave, medical X-ray digital imaging, array signal processing, phase space wave propagation and imaging, and satellite mobile video.

A bunch of professional vocabulary looks dizzy.

However, there is one thing that everyone must be very concerned about, and it is also something that Tianchao needs to improve, and that is radar.

Radar is an electronic device that uses electromagnetic waves to detect objects.By emitting electromagnetic waves to irradiate the target and receive its echoes, the distance, distance change rate, azimuth, height and other information from the target to the electromagnetic wave emission point can be obtained.

Whether it is a fighter jet or a warship; whether it is missile interception or satellite launch, it is inseparable from the assistance of radar.

The radar technology of the Celestial Dynasty is relatively weak.

Radar can detect long-distance targets day and night, and is not blocked by fog, clouds and rain. It has the characteristics of all-weather and all-weather, and has certain penetration capabilities.

Therefore, it has not only become an indispensable electronic equipment in the military, but also is widely used in weather forecasting, resource detection, environmental monitoring, etc., as well as celestial research, atmospheric physics, and ionospheric structure research.

As a doctor of information and communication engineering, Jiang Hui has naturally been exposed to various radar technologies and has read many related papers.

"I'm going to write a paper on radar display."

"What? What does this have to do with our major? When did you learn this thing? Engineering is not like liberal arts, just mix it up."

"Well, didn't I preside over the development of the products of the glorious UAV and the glorious mobile phone before? At that time, the flight control of the UAV, image processing and transmission, and the signal reception of the Gphone all encountered some problems, so I took it seriously. I studied the content related to the information and communication engineering major."

Of course, Jiang Hui wouldn't directly say that he was reborn in the past, and he had learned the relevant techniques in his previous life, but made up a reason that seemed reasonable.

"Is that okay? You can write papers just by looking at books in other majors? Engineering papers are often combined with experiments."

"Why doesn't it work? When I learned that knowledge, it was combined with the test situation of the product."

"Well, I forgot that I can't look at you from the eyes of ordinary people. But why did you think of writing about radar? You can write a thesis on the process of developing the glorious drone."

"Either don't do it, or do it well. Since I promised the dean and the director, I must come up with some dry goods."

"It's still dry~ Don't come up with something that catches people's teeth. I am very familiar with Lao Liu, who majors in information and communication engineering, and specializes in radar. I will ask him to help you check it out."

"No problem, I will send the paper to you after the May Day holiday."

"Not in a hurry, quality is more important."

Dean He was worried that Jiang Hui would just get some materials to hand in homework in order to cope.

Although Dean He believes that Jiang Hui's random papers are several grades higher than other undergraduate papers, but after all, it will not achieve a blockbuster effect, which is not what he wants!

"Dean, Director, I will handle the matter, you can rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory answer sheet."

Then, Jiang Hui chatted with Dean He and Professor Chen again and said goodbye.

After leaving Dean He's office, Jiang Hui didn't go back to the company directly, but went to the library.

Now that he has decided to write radar-related papers, Jiang Hui feels that he still needs to go to the library to look through relevant materials and look at the latest magazines, so that he can write better articles with a purpose.

By the end of April, the temperature in the imperial capital had gradually picked up, and from time to time long-legged girls walked by in short skirts on both sides of the school road.

Jiang Hui was wearing a mask and sunglasses. He was not a very familiar person, and it was not easy to recognize him.

However, it also made it easier for Jiang Hui to look at the beautiful school girl. No matter how he stared at the beautiful school girl, it was not easy for others to notice after the north sunglasses blocked it.

Jiang Hui felt that he seemed younger again!
(End of this chapter)

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