Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 617 A Chance Encounter in the Library

Chapter 617 A Chance Encounter in the Library
University libraries are usually full when exams are about to take place.

The library of Teito University of Technology is no exception.

Xu Yun is still the counselor of Jiang Hui's class.

Four years have passed, and Jiang Hui has changed from a freshman to a senior who is about to graduate.

Xu Yun also changed from a graduate student to a doctoral student.

Recently, there has been a joke circulating on the school’s Internet, that is: junior college students are Xiaolongnv, undergraduates are Huang Rong, graduate students are Zhao Min, doctoral students are Li Mochou, postdoctoral students are Miejue Shitai, and continuous master’s and doctoral studies are even more terrifying—— It is the legendary "Invincible in the East"! ! !
As a beautiful woman, Xu Yun came all the way by accident and became Li Mochou.

In a place like Imperial University of Technology, where there are many wolves and few meat, it is considered a miracle!

However, if Xu Yun wanted to get out of the order, she would really have to "mochou", there were many hungry wolves waiting every minute.

No, not long after Xu Yun came to the library, Liu Sihua, a brother from the laboratory, took the initiative to come over and ask for warmth.

"Xiaoyun, recently appeared in a Hollywood blockbuster, I bought two tickets, why don't we go to the movie this afternoon."

"Sorry, I don't really watch Hollywood movies."

"It doesn't matter, we can also watch Hong Kong movies. There is a police and gangster movie that is being released in Hong Kong, which is made by the famous Hong Kong director Wang. I think it has a good score on Douban."

"Now I'm starting to think that mainland films are actually quite good, and I don't really like to watch films from other regions."

"Don't worry, there are all of them. Director Feng's film seems to have just won an international award, and it is now being screened."

"I only go to the cinema to watch films produced by Guanghui Film and Television, and I don't go to the cinema to watch other movies."

"Then why don't I treat you to dinner at noon? I know that there is a new Cantonese restaurant near the school. I went there once, and it's pretty good."

Seeing that Xu Yun had no intention of going to the movies with him at all, the senior brother started to change the subject.

"Cantonese food is too bland for my liking".

"It doesn't matter if you don't like Cantonese cuisine, there are many other restaurants nearby."

"I'm not hungry right now".

Xu Yun was too lazy to make so many excuses, she lowered her head and started reading her book.

Seeing Xu Yun like this, Liu Sihua had no choice but to give up trying, and sat opposite Xu Yun to start reading.

It seems that Liu Sihua's EQ has not yet reached a negative number, that is, it is close to 0.

It is said that chasing a girl is shameless, shameless, don't be afraid of being ugly, and don't be afraid of having no money in your pocket, bravely look at each other, ask for the mobile phone number, and then stalk her.

One day, she will call the police!

Jiang Hui spent an hour browsing the latest newspapers and periodicals in the reading room.After learning about the current radar situation in various countries, I probably have an idea in my mind.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, Jiang Hui left the reading room.

The reading room of the Imperial University of Technology Library is located in the north area of ​​the second floor. After leaving the reading room, you can cross the reading area of ​​the library to reach the stairs.


Jiang Hui, who was walking towards the stairs, felt someone calling him, so he turned around.

"Director Xu, you're here too."

It was the counselor who stopped Jiang Hui, and I saw that she was wearing a long-sleeved high-necked beige tight top with a long floral skirt. She looked a little charming and charming.

"It's rare that you old man still recognizes me. Why are you free to come to school today?".

Fortunately, it was near noon, and it was not during the final exam period. There were relatively few people in the library, and the conversation between the two of them would not affect the others too much.

However, when Xu Yun and Jiang Hui were talking, Liu Sihua glanced at him, and then pretended to keep his head down and continue reading, but he was actually listening attentively.

"I happen to have something to check for information, so let's take a look."

"Do you still owe me several meals? You don't want to renege on your debts, do you?"

"Hey, how can it be, why don't you choose a day instead of hitting the day, and I invite you to lunch?".

When he was a freshman, Xu Yun, the counselor, helped Jiang Hui a lot, and Jiang Hui still remembered this kindness in his heart.

"Now? OK".

Hearing what Xu Yun said, Liu Sihua, who was sitting opposite her, twitched his eyebrows: Didn't you just say you weren't hungry?

"When I came here, I saw a new Cantonese restaurant opened near the school, why don't we go there to eat?".

"No problem, wait a minute, I'll pack my things."

Fortunately, Xu Yun's "wait a while" really means wait a while, if a girl says "wait a while" to others in the dormitory, then "wait a while" is not easy to say.

In less than a minute, Xu Yun packed her things.

"Your friend? Do you want to ask him to come with you?" Jiang Hui could already see that Xu Yun and Liu Sihua who was opposite seemed to know each other.

Hearing Jiang Hui's words, Liu Sihua finally couldn't pretend that he was reading a book, and looked at Xu Yun eagerly.

"No, he's just a brother in my lab, we just go."

Xu Yun's "just" explained the relationship between the two in a disguised form.

In fact, Xu Yun herself didn't know why she went so far to explain, but subconsciously, she didn't want Jiang Hui to think that she and Liu Sihua were lovers.

Hearing Xu Yun's answer, Liu Sihua's eyes dimmed, feeling that Du had lost all energy.

"You are wearing a mask, most people really can't recognize you."

Xu Yun and Jiang Hui walked side by side to the gate of the library, talking at the same time.

"No way, without a mask, I dare not go around the school in broad daylight."

"That's right, your popularity in our school is not so high now. Do you know who the principal is, but there are really few people who don't know you."

"Is it so exaggerated?".

"It must, what do you think?"

The Cantonese restaurant that Jiang Hui mentioned was very close to the school gate, and the two of them walked directly to it.

Pan Wei and a few people followed in a car not far away.

The security department of Guanghui Group has developed to the present, and there are more than 50 security personnel dedicated to Jiang Hui, his family members, and company executives.

From the point of view that safety is no small matter, Jiang Hui, who is a little afraid of death, must be followed by several full-time security personnel every time he travels.

In order to allow these security personnel to serve him loyally, Jiang Hui also gave him good treatment in material and spiritual aspects.

"I heard that you are called Xu Mochou now, that senior brother just now is not bad, don't you think about it?".

"Whose mouth is so wicked? This girl is only 26 now, what's wrong with not having a boyfriend?"

"Our school is so scarce, you are wasting resources."

"I'm Ning Que Wu Lan~ I'm not like some people, I'm stepping on two boats, and the entire Imperial University of Technology students know it," Xu Yun said with a blank stare at Jiang Hui.

He wanted to tease Xu Meili, but unexpectedly he lifted a rock and shot himself in the foot, Jiang Hui couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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