Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 618 The Direction of Efforts

Chapter 618 The Direction of Efforts

Xu Yun seemed very talkative today, and chatted with Jiang Hui about some things in the class in the past few years.

Why did Zhao Jiaren chase after Shi Jindan for two years without success, and then found a girlfriend who looked a bit like Shi Jindan at the Foreign Studies University next door; Aska changed several girlfriends; .

Xu Yun, as the counselor, can be said to be the one who knows the class situation best.

"Did you know? I heard that Dean He is going to be promoted to vice-principal?"

The two found a private room, and after ordering the dishes, Xu Yun continued to gossip.

"Really? When did it happen? I haven't even heard of it."

"For the last week or two, your family probably didn't care too much about his father's affairs, so you must not have had time to find out from her."

Recently, Guanghui Film and Television has been busy filming "A Bite of Heaven". He Ling first confirmed the preparations, and then went to participate in the shooting of the first episode with Jiang Hui. In addition, the news of Dean He's promotion has not yet been released. It is normal for He Ling not to know about the official announcement.

After eating with Xu Yun, Jiang Hui didn't go to the company anymore, and went straight back to Shi Shahai's yard.

Basically, this courtyard is already Jiang Hui's home in the imperial capital. Some time ago, the family next door to the courtyard moved to the United States, and Jiang Hui bought that courtyard again.

Although the newly bought yard is not as big as the current one, but the two yards are connected, and a door is opened in the middle, and the space feels much larger at once.

Therefore, although Jiang Hui has also bought villas in other places in the imperial capital one after another, apart from the Bauhinia Garden and the Jinbi Garden, which are the two independent love houses with Bai Xue and He Ling, he has rarely lived in other places.

As soon as Jiang Hui entered the yard, Wang Cai and Jin Mao rushed over.

These two Tibetan mastiffs are about to turn one year old now, and their bodies have become more and more majestic.

Now when Jiang Hui takes them out for a walk, he has to put them on a strong dog leash, otherwise he is really afraid that they will run wild!
It's only three o'clock in the afternoon, Bai Xue is still at the company and hasn't come back, Jiang Ping has to go to class and won't come back today, and my parents are still in their hometown and don't want to come over.

Nuo Da has a yard, but it feels a bit empty.

Fortunately, Wangcai and Golden Retriever brought him some popularity, no, it should be dog-like!

Jiang Hui made a cup of tea and lay down on the bed in the yard, shaking and basking in the sun.

It is rare to have time to think quietly about the future alone and plan the development direction of Guanghui Group.

Jiang Hui has always felt that thinking is a very important thing, which is like sharpening a knife without cutting firewood by mistake.

People who are not good at thinking are slaves to circumstances.

A person who does not have the ability to think well will often find himself always at the mercy of his surroundings.

They can't solve problems and find themselves in the same predicament over and over again because they don't think ahead, so they are always reactive.

More important than intelligence is hard work, more important than hard work is diligence, and more important than diligence is the ability to think about problems.

Theoretically, under the condition of excluding the influence of external factors, through hard work, many people can embark on the road to success, but whether they can succeed in the end depends on whether they have strong thinking ability.

Especially in today's world of fragmented information flying all over the sky, it is very difficult for enterprises to move in the right direction in a world where success in chicken soup can be seen everywhere.

Especially a company of the size of Guanghui Group.

Although, in the next ten years, Guanghui Group will definitely be able to continue to thrive with the golden finger of Jiang Hui's rebirth.

But what about ten years from now?

Jiang Hui is still self-aware.

Although I may be smarter than ordinary people, there are countless people who are smarter than me.

If you don't make full use of the current prophetic advantage to lay out a good layout, it will be even more troublesome in the future.

In the next ten years or so, the most popular Internet industry, electronics industry, financial industry, automobile industry, real estate industry, pharmaceutical industry, etc.

Guanghui Group has been slowly getting involved, except for real estate and medicine.

It's not that Jiang Hui doesn't like these two industries or anything else.

Rather, it needs a suitable opportunity. For example, in the real estate industry, when the market is booming, the competition for land acquisition is fierce. If a newcomer from the Guanghui Group rushes in rashly, it may not be able to win against all the local leaders.

However, if we wait until the subprime mortgage crisis breaks out completely, maybe the situation will be different.

Similarly, the pharmaceutical industry also needs opportunities to enter. Guanghui Group can acquire some pharmaceutical companies around the world when it is not short of money to enter this field.

Of course, these are mid- to long-term matters.

The most urgent thing is to take advantage of the rapid development of the past two years to reorganize the company's organizational structure.

The companies under Guanghui Group now have more than 2 people around the world.

Is it more than 2 people?
Just looking at the numbers, it seems like a lot.

But if you look at the penguins of later generations, Alibaba and Jingxi, you will know that this number is not much at all.

On the contrary, very little.

Last year, Guanghui Group launched a recruitment plan for [-] people, and those fresh graduates will be employed in July this year.

Considering that in the second half of this year, the group will continue to implement the recruitment plan of 3 people, and the number of employees will break through 4 or [-], which will be a very fast thing.

If you consider the employees of Guanghui mobile phone stores and factory workers, the number of employees has exceeded 5, that is, the past two years.

How to let people make the best use of their talents and make the best use of them is a very important thing.

As early as the early Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi used Guan Zhong to become the first overlord in all over China.

Qin Shihuang used Li Si's strategic decision to make far and near attacks, unite Qi to attack Chu and unify the six countries, ending the years of melee in the Warring States period.

Tang Taizong Li Shimin used Wei Zheng as an admonisher to discuss government affairs, and created the rule of Zhenguan that never closed the door at night and never picked up lost things.

Although every company has a head of personnel department, the group also has Liu Chujing in charge of personnel affairs.

However, some big directions and big strategies still need to be decided by the big boss Jiang Hui.

In Jiang Hui's view, the basic spirit of talent management is to maximize the talents of each individual, and make everyone's talents develop in a direction that is conducive to achieving the company's goals.

And how to mobilize the enthusiasm of employees, know the needs of employees, and make the interests of employees closely related to the development of the enterprise, this requires the top management to grasp it in detail.

Effort is important, but direction is more important.

As the helm of the aircraft carrier of the Guanghui Group, Jiang Hui's most important job is to grasp the direction of progress.

If the direction is wrong, the harder you work, the more terrifying you become. If you are not careful, the whole group will collapse!

(End of this chapter)

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