Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 619 New Development of Guanghui Mobile Phone

Chapter 619 New Development of Guanghui Mobile Phone
As the sun goes to the west, a cup of tea is colorless and tasteless, and the twilight gradually rises.

The setting sun is beautiful. Jiang Hui watched it sinking a little bit before his eyes, and the setting sun gradually faded away, until finally only the afterglow of the setting sun was left.

There are not many high-rise buildings in the inner city of the imperial capital, and Jiang Hui's courtyard is surrounded by similar courtyard houses.

The area around Shishahai is considered to be the area with the most courtyards preserved in the imperial capital.

Jiang Hui was lying in the yard, basically able to see most of the sunset.

Jiang Hui spent the afternoon leisurely, but Dai Fugan, who was far away in Shenzhen City, was not so leisurely.

Ever since the launch of the Gphone, the production capacity of Guanghui Mobile has been in short supply.

Among the [-] directly-operated stores that have opened in the world, basically none of them can let go of their efforts to sell, especially the four of Tianchao, which are in short supply.

In the eyes of outsiders, it may be that Brilliance Mobile is engaged in hunger marketing, but it is really not the case.

Hunger marketing can strengthen consumers' desire to buy and enhance brand influence, but the so-called hunger only keeps the market moderately tense, not half-starved.

Gphone's current performance is completely over-hungry.

Jiang Hui didn't want to do this kind of thing that made money but didn't make money.

So from the beginning of the year, Brilliant Mobile started to expand its production capacity. After nearly half a year of hard work, the new production line is finally ready for mass production.

Brilliant Gphone currently only has a production capacity of 120 million per month. Basically, as soon as these phones are produced, they will be airlifted on the same day, appear in specialty stores the next day, and be used by a certain consumer on the third day.

After this expansion, the production capacity of Gphones will reach 200 million. Considering that in September this year, Futukang's first batch of production lines will be completed, and the output of Gphones will reach 250 million units per month.

Although this number is still incomparable with Nokia, it is already a force that cannot be ignored in the mobile phone market.

After all, Gphone is taking the high-end route, and the sales volume of 250 million can generate a turnover of 80 billion.

This is basically equal to the turnover of Nokia's seventy-eight million mobile phones.

If the number of units is 800 million a month, it has already accounted for nearly [-]% of Nokia's monthly sales.

In other words, the monthly turnover of Guanghui Mobile is worth [-]% of that of Nokia.

This is not a small amount.

"Mr. Dai, the opening ceremony of our new production line is all ready."

Jiang Hui and Dai Fugan didn't plan to make a big deal about the launch of the new production line of Guanghui mobile phones.

However, as a newly emerging major taxpayer in Shenzhen City, Guanghui Mobile's every move now has the attention of local leaders.

For such a major event as the mass production of the new production line, the leaders still hope that Guanghui Mobile can do a little work and publicize it.

This is also an achievement of the leaders.

You see, under the wise guidance of the leaders and the active cooperation of related departments, the high-tech enterprises in the jurisdiction have achieved rapid development...

This can be included in the evening news of Shenzhen TV Station, and even Lingnan TV Station is willing to broadcast it.

In this way, Dai Fugan will be busy.

Because I didn’t think about any ceremony before, it was not until the news spread to the government in the past few days that I decided to invite some media and leaders to hold a simple ceremony for the launch of the new production line.

This kind of activity seems simple, but when it is really prepared, there are still many messy things.

Jiang Hui didn't want to worry about such "little things", so he threw it to Dai Fuqian and Zhu Zhengfeng.

"Tomorrow the city leaders in charge of industry should also be present, everyone must attach great importance to it, and don't lose the chain."

Dai Fuqian said after inspecting the scene of the off-line ceremony.

Since Jiang Hui couldn't come, Dai Fugan, the deputy general manager of Guanghui Mobile, was in charge of the work, so the top leaders in the city did not plan to participate in the event tomorrow, but arranged for leaders in charge of the industry to attend.

Shenzhen City is a sub-provincial city, the first and second in command are all leaders at the deputy ministerial level, and the other deputies are also leaders at the department level.

So the leader in charge came to attend, and the level is actually not too low.

Of course, Brilliant Mobile, as the most popular physical enterprise in China in the last half year, has already received visits and investigations from many ministerial leaders, so it is not frightening for the local leaders in charge to attend the ceremony.

It's just that influenced by Jiang Hui's philosophy of "do the best if you want to do it", the least popular attitude of Guanghui Group is the more perfunctory attitude of "almost it".

That's why Dai Fuqian went to the ceremony site again in person to confirm the progress of all preparations one by one.

As the veteran of starting a business with Jiang Hui, although Dai Fuqian is only a senior student.

However, after several years of tempering, he has been able to deal with all kinds of things encountered by Guanghui mobile phone with ease.

Of course, this is also inseparable from his own efforts.

The employees of the Guanghui Group's companies are generally highly educated and from prestigious schools.

As a student at school, Dai Fuqian must have put in a lot of unseen hard work to convince his subordinates.

The most obvious thing is that during the days when Dai Fugan was working in Guanghui Mobile, he basically arrived at the company at seven o'clock every day.

Then go to the cafeteria to have breakfast, and then start to inspect the production site after eating.

Guanghui mobile phone is currently operating in two shifts, and the working hours are from [-]:[-] am to [-]:[-] pm.

Every day, Dai Fuqian starts from the first process of the production line and checks the 5S situation of each team.

5S is sorting (SEIRI), rectifying (SEITON), cleaning (SEISO), cleaning (SEIKETSU), and quality (SHITSUKE). Because these five words in Japanese all start with S, they are called 5S.

As a method that originated in the island country and is used to effectively manage production factors such as personnel, machines, materials, and methods in the production site, it has spread rapidly to the world with the rise of the manufacturing industry in the island country.

5S has played a huge role in shaping the image of the enterprise, reducing costs, delivering on time, safe production, high standardization, creating a pleasant workplace, and on-site improvement, and has gradually been recognized by the management circles of various countries.

Some of the on-site management personnel of Guanghui mobile phone were recruited by enterprises from Congdao country, and naturally, they also used 5S.

Every day, Dai Fugan spent about an hour inspecting the site before returning to the office to start the day's work.

This time is often 08:30, the normal working hours of Guanghui mobile phone management staff.

If you only do this occasionally, it may be understood that Dai Fugan is putting on a show, but if he persists like this every day, it shows that Dai Fugan is really managing the glorious mobile phone with his heart.

Dai Fuqian worked very hard personally, and Jiang Hui took control of the general direction. If he worked hard in the right direction, Dai Fuqian's performance would naturally not be bad.

If the management is good and the performance is good, Ren, who follows the work below, will naturally convince you!
(End of this chapter)

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