Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 620 Eye-catching Effect

Chapter 620 Eye-catching Effect
In addition to the leaders of relevant departments, representatives of some suppliers also attended the launching ceremony of the new production line of Glorious Mobile.

At the same time, a lot of local and Lingnan media also came.

As a result, the news of the increase in Gphone production capacity spread quickly.

Brilliance Mobile simply updated a message on its own Brilliance Weibo: The good news for G fans is coming, the new Gphone production line is officially put into production today, starting a week later, no appointment is required to buy Gphone.

As soon as this information was released, it quickly aroused heated discussions among fans. In just one hour, the number of comments reached 10,000+.

In the previous life, when a certain star announced his love affair, Weibo was once crashed.

Although the news of Guanghui Mobile was not that violent, it was still at the top of the popular comments in a short period of time.

Netizen "Water floats in the sky": Finally, there is no need to make an appointment, and you need to make an appointment to buy a mobile phone. This means that Gphone can be so awesome!
Netizen "Morning, Old Time": It's useless to let go of the sale. Tianchao has directly-operated stores in four cities. When can we open more stores?Otherwise, it is useless to increase production.

Netizen "Zhi Ge 03": I hope that after the increase in production, the quota of Jingxi Mall will also increase, so that I don't have to work so hard to get it every day.

Netizen "Luoshengri": Where is the new production line put into production for Brilliant mobile phones?It's just that the new money printing machine is put into production, okay?
Netizen "Gu Feng Ming Hua": 200 million a month, 2000 million a year, more and more Gphone users.

Netizen "Yelu 1 Xiaosu": The scalpers' business is probably going to get worse, and everyone doesn't have to work so hard to grab them.

Netizen "Daoist friends, please stop?": 200 million monthly production capacity?Why do I feel like this is not enough at all?Continue to expand production!

Netizen "Bandit": Gphone should be regarded as the flagship product of China's foreign exchange earning export, right?It is said that more than [-]% of sales are abroad.

Netizen "Don't bow your head": Other mobile phone brands of Tianchao have to work hard~
Netizen "There are always people who want to harm me": Guanghui's Gphone is becoming more and more popular. I wonder how Nokia and Motorola feel about it?Seek their psychological shadow area.


As the social platform with the widest audience in Tianchao, Guanghui Weibo basically has all major companies settling there.

Many companies have assigned someone to maintain their official Weibo and track the status of their competitors in real time.

The new production line of Guanghui mobile phone was put into use, and it immediately became the most popular Weibo, which naturally attracted the attention of other mobile phone manufacturers.


Nokia China.

"President, the monthly production capacity of Guanghui mobile phones has expanded to 200 million. Should we remind the headquarters to let them develop a similar smartphone?".

"Do you think our reminder is useful? Those elders only pay attention to our own monthly sales growth, and they have no rivals in their eyes."

"Our sales volume in the first quarter of this year has created a record high. In this case, it is estimated that it is really difficult to convince the headquarters to give full attention to Gphone."

The year 2007 was basically the peak year for Nokia. Both the market share and the total number of units sold reached the peak in the past ten years.

However, this is a bit like a flashback!

After this year, Nokia began to go downhill, and it went faster and faster, almost going straight to collapse!

"We still have to think about how to increase the sales of our new music phones."


Motorola Dynasty.

"Jack, according to the marketing department, Gphone is the mobile phone that attracts the most attention from Tianchao consumers. Now that Guanghui mobile phone has expanded its production, I am worried that it will have some impact on us."

"Tianchao's mobile phone sales are basically 1000 million units per month, of which there are only more than 20 Gphones. Even if the production is expanded, they are mainly for foreign markets, and the impact on the domestic market is limited."

"Although in terms of overall sales volume, the impact of Guanghui mobile phones is very small, but they are all high-end phones. Looking at the high-end market, Gphone has already had a great impact."

"If you want to affect Nokia, it is the first to affect Nokia. They are not in a hurry, and we don't need to be in a hurry. Besides, the US headquarters has a greater influence. There is no need for us to rush up first."


opoo technology.

"Leader, Guanghui Mobile has begun to expand the production capacity of Gphone."

"Well, I saw the news, it seems that we are going to speed up the progress of the smartphone project".

"Yeah, now that the smartphone market is getting bigger and bigger, it is impossible for Guanghui Mobile to meet the demand. Before other mobile phone manufacturers react, we will rush in and have a drink of soup."

"You will arrange a weekly meeting in the future, and the Sang project team will report to me on the progress. We must launch our smartphone within this year."


A mobile phone knock-off workshop in Shenzhen City.

"Boss, I saw on Guanghui Weibo that Guanghui mobile phone has increased the production of Gphone, should we lower the price of the smartphone that we sell on a certain".

"Why do you want to lower the price? It's selling very well now."

"Many people can't buy Gphone now, so they bought our mobile phone online. The production capacity of Gphone will increase in the future, which may affect our sales."

"You are wrong. Now people buy our mobile phones, not because they can't buy Gphones, but because they can't afford them. With the hot sales of Gphones, more and more people want to buy smartphones. Our Mobile phones will only get better and better."

"Ah? That's it, it seems to make sense."

"Nonsense, otherwise how could I be the boss?".



"I heard that China's Guanghui Mobile phone has increased its production of Gphone."

"Has the price changed?".

"nothing now".

"That's good, our iPhone is coming soon, if they deliberately lower the price at this time, we will be in trouble."

"Yes, but now they sell so much every month, I'm worried that it will affect our sales."

"I'm not worried about this. I firmly believe that the prospects of smart phones are unlimited. The hot sale of Gphone will only make more people pay attention to smart phones. Our iPhone has more potential customers."

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with this understanding."


Jingxi Mall.

"Mr. Liu, Gphone production capacity has almost doubled, should we ask Guanghui Mobile to give us a little more quota?".

"Is the current Gphone consumers rushing to buy enthusiastically?".

"It's hard to find a machine. We release a batch of goods at nine o'clock, twelve o'clock and eight o'clock every day, and basically grab them within a second."

"So hot?".

"Yeah, like twelve o'clock at noon, the traffic of our website is usually relatively low during this period, but since the launch of Gphone sales on our platform, it has attracted many consumers, and the traffic growth has been very obvious."

"Really? Then I have to have a good chat with Mr. Dai in these two days and let them take care of us."


The increase in production of Gphone by Guanghui Mobile, a seemingly insignificant event, has attracted countless eyes. This eye-catching effect is also invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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