Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 622: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Chapter 622: You Can't Die If You Don't Die

Just after He Ling and Jiang Hui finished talking about Tian Zhenzhen's disgusting Zhang Mengze, Jiang Hui immediately made arrangements.

It is said that ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge.

That's just because the "gentleman" has no strength, and he has no choice but to look for suitable opportunities in the future.

However, for the Guanghui Group, for Jiang Hui, and for dealing with Tian Zhenzhen, it's a grudge against her, so just fuck her directly!

First, all Tian Zhenzhen MVs and various interview videos, concert videos, film and television dramas, and variety shows were removed from

Then, Xiaonei blocked all Hetian Zhenzhen related articles, comments, song sharing, etc.

Then Guanghui Weibo blocked Tian Zhenzhen's Weibo, and at the same time, all articles with Tian Zhenzhen's words were either blocked or turned into ***.

What's more, Guanghui Weibo blocked all the various entries made up of "Tian Zhenzhen".Such as Tian / Zhenzhen, tianzhenzhen and so on.

At the same time, Daily Toutiao and other Guanghui Group companies have also done similar processing simultaneously.

Various companies also refused to accept the advertisements of Tian Zhenzhen's appearance and the products she endorsed.


Tian Zhenzhen Studio.

"Really, look, listen to me, right? If you muddy the water, there won't be so many people scolding you," said manager Sister Hua.

"I heard that Dream Band has a strong background in the Mainland, will there be any sequelae?" Tian Zhenzhen was still a little worried.

"What kind of background can there be? How can people with real background come out to show their faces? They are nothing more than affiliated with Guanghui Film and Television."

"But Guanghui Film and Television is an enterprise of Guanghui Group. I heard that Guanghui Group is very powerful in the Mainland."

"Let's not talk about whether they are really good or not, even if they are really good, they may not be able to stand up for Dream Band."

"That's right, the Dream Band didn't give us face this time, so it's good to toss them a little bit."

"That's right, Zhenzhen, you are the big sister of the Chinese music scene, and they don't give us face at all for a band that has only been established for two or three years, those hillbillies."

"In our studio, it doesn't matter what you say, but when you go out, you can't call them bumpkin bumpkins."

"I know, these country bumpkins have money, how can I have trouble with money."

"Indeed, if you just attend an opening ceremony, sing a song and say a few words, you can earn 50 yuan, which is very easy to earn."

Whether in Hong Kong, island countries, or South Korea, except for a few top artists, most people's income is not high.

For a singer of Tian Zhenzhen's level, an announcement was made in Hong Kong, which cost tens of thousands of Hong Kong dollars at most, and it had to be a relatively generous businessman.

50 yuan for an opening ceremony, which is very difficult to get in Hong Kong, even if you are a superstar.

But it's different on the mainland.

It is not uncommon for a slightly famous artist to have an appearance fee of 10,000+, hundreds of thousands, or even millions.

This makes artists from South Korea, Hong Kong and other places feel that people from the Celestial Dynasty are stupid and have a lot of money!
For example, in Korea, artists are under a lot of pressure.

Due to the very fast metabolism of the Korean entertainment industry, the career period of an artist is relatively short.

Therefore, Cha Tae-hyun, Cha Tae-hyun, Rain, etc. were all exhausted and hospitalized, and Korean stars such as Lee Eun-joo, Choi Shin-jin, and Jang Ja-yeon also committed suicide one after another due to too much pressure.

Even first-line artist Kim Hee-sun once lamented the intense competition and pressure.

Therefore, a place like Tianchao, where it is so easy to make money, quickly attracted stars from all walks of life in Asia.

Jang Nara, who is now popular, is a typical representative.

So in her previous life, she said on a Korean entertainment show: If you have no money, you will go to the Celestial Dynasty to perform.

This is obviously a place where they regard the Tianchao market as a place to collect money.

"Jingle Bell"!
"Jingle Bell"!
"Sister Hua, your phone is ringing."

"Really, wait a minute. I'm going out to answer a phone call. I guess either an advertiser or Shui will invite you to perform again."

"It's okay, you can pick it up here."


"Hey, Mr. Wang, our family's schedule is quite full recently. If you want her to participate in activities again, it may be more embarrassing~".

"What? Don't make things difficult for me? No, Mr. Wang, what do you mean? Didn't the commercial have already been arranged for shooting? Why was it suddenly cancelled?".

"Hello? Hello? Mr. Wang ~ don't hang up the phone."


"Sister Hua, what's the matter?" Tian Zhenzhen also heard the conversation between Sister Hua and Mr. Wang, and said a little strangely.

"It's okay, there's something wrong with the advertising schedule of Mr. Wang's company, and it's temporarily canceled," Sister Hua said with a little embarrassment.

"Oh~ why are they doing this? We have already arranged our schedule recently. For the sake of their company's advertisement, we even rejected another announcement."

"Really, it's okay. We won't cooperate with this kind of company in the future. I will communicate with the circle and collectively block this company so that they can't find celebrity endorsements in the future."

"Jingle Bell"!
"Jingle Bell"!
The phone rang again, and Sister Hua glanced at her Gphone and said, "I'll take another call and see if I can make up the gap."

The income of the agent is completely derived from the income of the artist. Only when the income of the artist increases, the income of the agent will increase.

"Take it, you look at the arrangement."


"Hey, Mr. Li, you want to ask our family to speak for you, right?"

"Ah? Don't think about it? Aren't we almost done talking? Why did you suddenly not think about it? Look at our family, how famous we are... Hey, hey, why did you hang up on me?"


"Is the company's endorsement by Mr. Li dirty?".

"I don't know which star has snatched it away, let me know that I have to show her some color...".

"Jingle Bell"!
"Jingle Bell"!
"Sister Hua, your phone is ringing again."

"Director Chen from Mango Channel, I'll pick it up later." Sister Hua looked at her mobile phone and said, "He must be discussing with us the specific arrangements for the variety show on Mango Channel."

"Hey, Director Chen, if you don't call me again, I'll arrange for our family to record other programs~".

"Ah? What? Let's go then? Director Chen, what do you mean by that? Back then you took the initiative to invite us. In order to meet your schedule, we made a great sacrifice... Hey, hey, Director Chen ? Director Chen?"

"Really, look ~ something strange happened today, don't worry, I will contact a few companies right away before we reject the business and reschedule the schedule."

Just as Sister Hua finished speaking, the phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm Ah Hua, huh? It was canceled? Why was it canceled again?...".

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, I'm Xiaohua, about your company's advertisement... huh? Excuse me? What's the use of being sorry? Can you give me a reason?".

"Hey, Mr. Fang... We haven't known each other for a day or two, so you can just say it, who is messing with us?".

(End of this chapter)

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