Chapter 623

Mrs. Hua's Mr. Fang, whose full name is Fang Batian, is from Hong Kong. He inherited a plastic factory from his father in Hong Kong in his early years.

In the spring of reform and opening up, he shifted the focus of the company's development to Shenzhen.

At that time, in the Celestial Dynasty, it can be said that there was a shortage of materials. No matter what it was, as long as you could produce it, you could sell it.

In the past 20 years, Fang Batian has also changed from a young man in his 20s to a middle-aged man with a big belly.

Fortunately, he has a successful career, and he is not afraid that girls will not like him if he is not in good shape.

Entering the 21st century, Fang Batian's plastic factory is facing increasing pressure from private enterprises in China. Although his plastic factory has advanced processing technology and good quality, its turnover is still declining.

However, after Guanghui Mobile built a factory in Shenzhen last year, Fang Batian's plastic factory finally ushered in spring.

Because Gphone is a large-screen mobile phone, it is not resistant to falling, so most people will match it with one.

Guanghui Mobile's direct sales store also directly sells such things as mobile phone cases.

At present, all the official mobile phone cases of Gphone are produced by Fang Batian's plastic factory.

Although there are some people selling Gphone mobile phone cases that have not been authorized by Guanghui Mobile, even those who can afford Gphone are often willing to spend dozens of dollars to buy a mobile phone case.

So don't look at the inconspicuousness of mobile phone cases, they can sell 80 million per month. After increasing the production of Gphone, it can even reach more than 100 million.

These are all money, which can bring more than 100 million income to Fang Batian every month.

Now that Guanghui Group has completely banned Tian Zhenzhen, all companies are investigating the intersection of Tian Zhenzhen and Tian Zhenzhen.

Guanghui Mobile found that its mobile phone case manufacturer had been asking Tian Zhenzhen to speak for itself for many years, so it naturally hit Fang Batian side-by-side.

Fang Batian is also a human being. He has been in the mainland for so many years, but he is very aware of the sophistication of the world.

When Guanghui Mobile, a rising technology star, came forward to block an artist, Fang Batian quickly realized that it was time to give up Tian Zhenzhen.

Can anyone speak for you?

Why do you have to have trouble with your big customers?

"Sister Hua, have you offended someone recently?" Fang Batian thought about it for a while, and considering that the cooperation with Tian Zhenzhen in the past few years was quite pleasant, he planned to reveal it.

"Offended someone? No, I didn't offend anyone?".

"Sister Hua, haven't we been fighting with the Dream Band recently?" Tian Zhenzhen interjected when he heard Sister Hua talking to President Fang in this way.

"Boss Fang, wait a minute, may I ask, who greeted you and wanted to mess with us?".

"Who have you messed with recently?".

"No one, it's just a few days ago that Zhenzhen held a concert in Shanghai and had some unpleasant troubles with Dream Band."

"Dream Band? A Dream Band with a particularly strong relationship with Guanghui Group?".

"Is the relationship between Dream Band and Guanghui Group good?".

"Nonsense, he and Boss Jiang of Guanghui Group performed on the same stage back then."

"Jiang Hui can't make trouble with us because of a band, right?"

"Sister Hua, please do it yourself."

"Mr. Fang, please don't, just for the sake of our cooperation for so many years, please give me advice."

Seeing Sister Hua, who always raised her head to the sky, talking to herself in this tone, Fang Batian didn't hang up the phone directly.

"What do you want me to say? I'm just watching people enjoy food now."

"Mr. Fang, don't you run a factory? How could Dream Band have the power to influence you?"

"Sister Hua, I think you should stay in Hong Kong. The mainland is not suitable for you. Do you know how many companies under the Guanghui Group? Xiaonei, Tudou, Meituan, Guanghui Games, Guanghui Film and Television, Guanghui Weibo , Brilliance mobile phones, etc., all belong to their group.”

"Huh? Then they won't mess with us online, will they?"

"What do you think? I'm just a supplier of Brilliant mobile phones. People have found me now. Do you think companies such as and Brilliant Weibo will be indifferent?".

"Sister Hua, my Guanghui Weibo is no longer available," Tian Zhenzhen interjected while screaming.

"It's too bad, Mr. Fang, you've hit the mark. I really can't use Brilliant Weibo anymore."

"Hehe~ If someone just blocked your Weibo, it would be considered kind~ Guanghui Group is the largest Internet company in China, and the Twitter and Nico websites you use in Hong Kong are also owned by them. If they are on it Spread some really bad news...".

"Mr. Jiang, what do you think I should do? Several companies have canceled their cooperation with us today."

"What can I do? I kicked someone to the iron plate, and it is still a super high-strength iron plate, so I can only accept it."

"Admit it? How do you admit it?".

"To make an apology and make up for the loss depends on whether the other party accepts it or not."

"We are really seniors in the music industry, how can we apologize to Dream Band? At most, we don't say bad things about Dream Band anymore."

"Forget it, don't call me again after all you have said. What I said just now is worthy of our friendship over the past few years."

Fang Batian hung up the phone without waiting for Sister Hua to answer, and then dragged Sister Hua to the blacklist.

"Sister Hua, I just tried it, and not only Guanghui Weibo is no longer available, but Xiaonei, Twitter, etc. are all unavailable," Tian Zhenzhen said to Sister Hua in a tearful voice.

"Really, we might be in trouble."

"What is possibility? Obviously we have gotten into big trouble. I told you at the beginning that Dream Band has a strong background in China, so be careful."

"Really, it's inappropriate for you to speak like this? Isn't it all for you that I did all this? Besides, I did it with your approval."

As a manager, Sister Hua has more than just Tian Zhenzhen as a star. Although Tian Zhenzhen is the most profitable one, but for her, she will not be unable to live.

So Sister Hua weighed it in her heart, and seeing Tian Zhenzhen put the blame on herself, she pushed it back.

If Sister Hua didn't know much about Guanghui Group before, after listening to Fang Batian say that Xiaonei, Guanghui Weibo, Guanghui Mobile, Tudou. Tian Zhenzhen is finished.

Sister Hua knew about companies such as and Guanghui Weibo, and she was well aware of their influence in the Celestial Dynasty. It was just that Sister Hua didn't know that they all belonged to the Guanghui Group.

If she knew, she would not easily provoke people from Guanghui Group.

However, it is hard to buy regret medicine with money.

If there were so many "knowing it earlier", then the world would have entered communism long ago.

Are there still so many contradictions and problems?

(End of this chapter)

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