Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 624 He Ling's Status in Jianghu

Chapter 624 He Ling's Status in Jianghu

Tian Zhenzhen made his debut at the age of 16, and has been in the music scene for more than ten or twenty years, and he is still famous.

In fact, in the early days, her reputation was still good.However, with the growth of fame, this shelf is also growing.

Coupled with the fact that Sister Hua is the No. [-] agent, her reputation in the industry is not so good.

Therefore, when the news of Guanghui Group's complete ban on Tian Zhenzhen spread in the industry, many people gloated at his misfortune.


A dinner party for a crew in Hengdian.

"Have you heard that the famous singer in Hong Kong was banned by Guanghui Film and Television."

"It must be, the action is too violent. I searched on last night, and all the videos related to her were taken off the shelves."

"More than that, Xiaonei, Guanghui Weibo and other places also blocked her. I even tried to post a Weibo, and her name couldn't be displayed directly in it."

"Isn't the Guanghui Group blocking her? The entire Guanghui Group blocked her."

"That person relied on her early debut, and it is said that her attitude is very arrogant, and now someone has finally come to clean her up."

"Hey, it's best to block all foreign stars, so that we have a better chance to stand out."

"Have you all heard the story of the Jews? Today Guanghui Film and Television can block Tian Zhenzhen, but there is no guarantee that it will not take action against others in the future."

"Judging from the style of Guanghui Film and Television in the past two years, they are still reasonable. As long as you don't take the initiative to provoke them, they will not do anything to you."


A dinner for a forum in the home appliance industry.

"Old Liu, I heard that your company recently canceled all cooperation projects with Tian Zhenzhen?".

"Not only us, basically no company will shoot commercials starring Tian Zhenzhen anymore."

"So exaggerated?".

"The Guanghui Group has announced through Guanghui Film and Television that Tian Zhenzhen is going to be blocked. You must know that the Guanghui Group has a huge influence on the Internet. Which company does not advertise on the Internet now? No one wants to fight for Tian Zhenzhen. You really want to offend Guanghui Group."

"That's right, our company was originally considering whether to ask her to shoot an advertisement or endorse, and whether to sign a contract."

"That Tian Zhen is really useless, and she will basically have nothing to do with her in the mainland market in the future."

"Not only the mainland, but the business in Hong Kong will also be affected. Now that the artists there are all coming to the mainland to make money, no one is afraid that if he gets too close to Tian Zhenzhen, he will be implicated."

"That's true, no one wants to have trouble with money."


Imperial Sunshine Film and Television.

"Boss, recently Tian Zhenzhen from Hong Kong has been blocked by Guanghui Film and Television."

"Do you know why?"

"The gossip is that Tian Zhenzhen got into trouble with the Dream Band, especially the slander of Zhang Mengze, which made Mr. He of Guanghui Film and Television very angry."

"It seems that we can't imitate the works of Guanghui Film and Television too much in the future, and don't be used to scare chickens and monkeys."

"That's right, Guanghui Film and Television banned Tian Zhenzhen, it's not just their company, and the entire company under the Guanghui Group mobilized to shoot Tian Zhenzhen to death."

"Half the sky of China's Internet is owned by Guanghui Group. How many people can handle it if they are angered?".

"I didn't expect Guanghui Group to move if it doesn't move, and it's a nirvana if it moves."

"Clay figurines are also very popular. If our company has such a big influence, I would have banned a lot of people."

"Hey, especially those beautiful stars who don't listen to greetings."

"Get out, your boss, am I that kind of person?".


Xu Yixin's classmate reunion.

"Xinxin, I heard that Mr. He has done something big recently?".

"You're talking about banning Tian Zhenzhen, right?"

"That's right, it has spread all over the entertainment circle, and Mr. He's efforts are too great, directly making Tian Zhenzhen completely disappear in the mainland."

"I didn't expect that Mr. He would be so fierce, but Tian Zhenzhen spread rumors about Dream Band, and the artists in our company were very upset with her."

"Xinxin, you are so lucky to have such a boss who protects artists."

"Yes, yes, I really envy Xinxin. You all don't know that the boss of our small company is not only lustful, but also likes to drag us to socialize. It's so annoying."

"Glorious Film and Television is really good, and I plan to sell them to them in my life."

"Hey, Xinxin, do you want to sell yourself to Boss Jiang?"

"Stinky girl, what are you talking about, be careful that I tear your mouth apart."

"Look, I became angry from embarrassment when I was told about the central matter."


A performing arts company in Taiwan.

"Recently, a big event happened in the entertainment industry in mainland China, you all know about it, right?" said the company boss from the main seat in the conference room.

"I heard some."

"I don't know if it's true or not."

"Is that true?".

The artists below were discussing in a hurry.

"The focus of our company's development is now in mainland China, everyone must take this as a warning, don't provoke people from Guanghui Film and Television, and bear with everything."

"Boss, is Guanghui Film and Television so scary?".

"Go and check Tian Zhenzhen's situation yourself, and see which platforms you can find it on? Not to mention Tudou, Xiaonei, Guanghui Weibo and Twitter under the Guanghui Group, they are Du Niang and Penguin of the Celestial Dynasty. Because of the good relationship with Guanghui Group, Tian Zhenzhen was banned after they greeted him."

"So cruel?"

"Hmph, I was just the first step, followed by the cancellation of all advertisements, catwalks, and performances, and the postponement of the launch. In short, Tian Zhenzhen has completely become an air in the mainland, and has no sense of existence at all."

"Isn't it too extreme to do this?"

"Not only that, I can use Baodao and Ganggang. Everyone likes Zongyahu, Nico and other websites, and they also blocked Tian Zhenzhen."

"Isn't Yahu an enterprise of Guanghui Group?".

"It's not a company of Guanghui Group, but they also blocked Tian Zhenzhen, which is even more terrifying."

"Hey! It seems that we really don't have trouble with Guanghui Film and Television in the future. If we can't get along with them, it will be a RMB trouble."


Tian Zhenzhen Studio.

"Yingying, I'm really serious, are you free tonight?" Tian Zhenzhen was calling her "friends" in her circle to see if she needed to sing for her recent concert.

"Ah, really, I'm sorry, I'm in rehearsal, I'll call you later."

Before Tian Zhenzhen could say another word, the other party hung up the phone.

"Sister Xiao, I'm really serious. Are you free this afternoon? I want to visit you in your studio?" Tian Zhenzhen continued to make calls.

"I'm out of town now, I'll contact Mi when I go back." After finishing speaking, Deng Tian Zhenzhen didn't follow the next sentence, and hung up the phone.

"Brother Wang, I'm really serious..."

"Brother Xi, I'm really serious...".


Every close buddy, best friend, all avoid Tian Zhenzhen, as if she is a plague!
(End of this chapter)

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