Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 630 Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly into the sky

Chapter 630 Standing on the tuyere, pigs can fly into the sky
"You finally see me. Today I prepared some words about 'Vajra's glaring eyes' and some words about 'Bodhisattva's eyebrows lowered', but you are so enthusiastic, I should talk more about Bodhisattva."

After the president of the student union came on stage as a guest host, introduced and flattered Jiang Hui, Jiang Hui began his speech.

"I think people who speak here are most afraid of four kinds of people: one is not to listen to the speech at all; one is to go to the bathroom halfway through listening; of".

As soon as Jiang Hui finished speaking, there was a burst of warm applause.

"Because I have not been in good health for the past few days, I have a cold and cough, and I can't talk much. Please forgive me. However, I think it may not be a bad thing. This is a reminder to me at all times—do more and talk less..."

After these words came down, they cheated countless applause.


"Jiang Ping, look, I didn't make a mistake in pulling you to listen to the speech today, right? It's so exciting at the beginning, it's definitely worth it," Jiang Ping's roommate Yang Ting clapped her hands excitedly.

"I didn't realize he could speak so well before," Jiang Ping muttered.

"What did you say?".

"Nothing, let's continue listening."


"There are so many people here today, I'm worried that I won't be able to hold the venue for a while." Jiang Hui looked around the audience and said, "A master speaker once said that to grasp the emotions of the venue, focus on two people, one It is beautiful, and looking at this person can make your speech more colorful."

"The other is the most restless person in the venue. You can calm him down with your eyes, so that you will have more confidence in your speech."

"I also want to learn this method, but now I stand here and look, there are a lot of beautiful people. The rumors that the resources of this polytechnic university are short of beauties are seriously inconsistent; and I have not found any restless audience. I'm having a hard time."

Just as Jiang Hui finished speaking, there was another burst of applause and laughter.Some boys even whistled.

The atmosphere on the scene is completely up.


On the right front of the auditorium, Qiqi, the contracted host of YY Live, has started the live broadcast with the help of the student union and YY Live staff.

In 2, when the mobile Internet was still in the 2007G era and WIFI was not yet popular in China, it was really troublesome to hold a live webcast at any event site.

"Dear netizens, Qiqi has met you again. I will not sing or dance today. I will bring you a special live broadcast."

"Today's occasion is quite special, I can only use a relatively small voice to broadcast live to everyone. I am now in a lecture hall of Imperial University of Technology. The classroom can only accommodate 600 people, and at least 1000 people are crowded by visual inspection... ".


First row under the stage.

Dean He, Professor Chen and other school leaders and teachers were also present.

"Old Chen, have you ever noticed that Jiang Hui can speak like that?".

"He used to be very low-key, but he didn't expect to be so eloquent when he gave a speech on stage."

"Yeah, it's not like a young man who firmly controls the scene in his own hands."

"It seems that he was able to lay down today's foundation, it is really not luck, it is completely strength, we still don't know enough about him."


"Okay, let's get down to business, don't you need to introduce yourself? Before I officially start the speech, I still want to thank the school for giving me a chance to stand here and share some experience with you. hard work in preparing for the speech."

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene had been lifted, Jiang Hui started today's speech.

"When I received the invitation to give a speech, the school didn't limit what I should talk about, and I was also thinking about what I should talk about so as not to waste everyone's time all night."

"Until this afternoon, when I was chatting with my friend, she said: You don't know what to say, so tell everyone about your views on the next ten years.

When I heard it, Huh?It seems to be a good idea, after all, I am quite well-known in some industries, and everyone agrees with my opinions on the analysis of industry development."

"There is a saying that I hope everyone can listen to, that is: Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly into the sky."

"What does this mean? That is, it is best to follow the trend in everything you do."

"The word "shi" comes from "Sun Tzu's Art of War · Bingshi", "therefore, the momentum of a man who is good at fighting is like turning a round stone on a mountain of thousands of feet, and he is also "shi." ’, like rolling boulders down a very high and steep mountain, with ferocity.”

"Seize the opportunity, follow the trend, and find the right direction to succeed. As long as the direction is right, the industry is hot, and a pig can fly if it is in the wind."

"So today, I want to talk to you about the business opportunities in the next ten years. To put it more simply, I want to talk to you about how you can make more money in the next ten years."

"Everyone here is basically the proud son of heaven in the ivory tower. Talking about money directly with everyone may feel vulgar to some people. Some people may think: Jiang Hui, I am here today to listen to your dreams and feelings. Will pursue, not to listen to worldly affairs."

"I don't deny that some of the students here may be a noble person, a pure person, a moral person, a person who has escaped vulgar interests, and a person who regards money as dung."

"However, what I said is not RMB after all, and I don't pursue what everyone likes, so I still say what I think."

"So, what will happen in the next ten years? First of all, I think that Jiang Hui's economy will continue to develop at a high speed. Of course, there will be twists and turns in the middle. It will become more and more difficult to maintain a high speed. high-quality transformation".

"Secondly, I think the income of ordinary people will become higher and higher. Of course, a problem that will accompany it is that money will become less and less valuable. Now the green vegetables that cost one or two yuan a catty in the market may become three or four. RMB [-], RMB [-] or RMB [-]; rice bowls cost RMB [-] or RMB [-] outside, and one must be added to the front slowly.”

"Moreover, the process of urbanization will be faster and faster, there will be more and more cars, the traffic will become more and more congested, and the capital will become the first traffic jam; the number of college students will increase, and it will be the most difficult job every year in the future. Year……".

As Jiang Hui began to throw out some dry goods, the audience in the audience listened intently. Although the auditorium of Nuo University was full of people, except for Jiang Hui's voice and the occasional live broadcast of Qiqi anchor , almost no other sound.

"Under such a background, which industries are the most developed? As a college student, what should I do after entering the society to change my destiny as soon as possible?".

After talking about some big guesses on the macro level, Jiang Hui began to talk about some specific content.

(End of this chapter)

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