Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 631 As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway

Chapter 631 As for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway

"On the Internet, there is a saying of 'House Slave'. A house slave is a slave to the house. The money earned from work is not to support his wife or son, but to support the house.

What do you say that after buying a house with a mortgage, the quality of life is greatly reduced, and I dare not change jobs easily, dare not entertain, fear bank interest rate hikes, worry about getting sick, lose my job, and have no time to enjoy life.”

"I have different views on this point, and this is also the first important topic I want to mention to you today: the house."

The word "housing slave" has become more popular in the past few years. When Jiang Hui was reborn, no one mentioned it anymore.

Because the current house slaves will become the rich generation after ten years.

It is not possible to test when the house slaves first started to be used, but it is estimated to be after 2003.

From 2005 to 2007, when housing prices continued to rise, it was impossible to find low- and medium-priced real estate in the market, causing many home buyers to bear a heavy burden of repayment.

At the same time, the interest rate hikes announced by the People's Bank of China in the past few years have further aggravated people's concerns about the further increase in the mortgage burden.

The double worries of high housing prices and high interest rates lead people to worry that they will work for banks like slaves, so the word "housing slave" came into being and became a symbol of the real estate bubble. The same word also has "negative man".

It is undeniable that no matter what era it is, for many people, buying a house is no longer an individual act, but a family, a family buying a house.

Some people use the "June [-] model" to summarize the situation of the whole family buying a house: six people, a young couple, the parents of the man, and the parents of the woman use their savings for many years to jointly invest in buying a house in the city.

Just because he has witnessed the changes in house prices in recent years, Ren who has witnessed the purchase of houses in recent years will become a "happy house slave" in the future.

No one regrets buying a house now, but only regrets that they didn't buy enough and didn't grit their teeth and buy more.

Therefore, Jiang Hui is going to bring some tangible benefits to the enthusiastic listeners today, bringing an opportunity to realize financial freedom.

Of course, how many people are able to listen to it, and how many of those who have listened to it will put it into practice, depends on the fate of the individual.

"Basically, the students present here have no idea about houses. However, I hope that after today, the word house will be in everyone's mind."

"As I said just now, I judge that China's economy will continue to develop rapidly in the next ten years, people's living standards will continue to improve, income will continue to increase, and urbanization will continue to accelerate."

"Well, at this time, I suggest that everyone go back at night to learn about other countries, such as island countries. How did their housing prices change under this historical background. The so-called stones from other mountains can be used to make jade."

"In this case, my personal judgment is: in the next ten years, house prices will rise, and they will rise so much that you doubt your life, especially in popular cities such as the imperial capital."

"So I suggest that if you have the conditions, you can consider buying a house as soon as possible. If you don't have the conditions, you should buy a house as soon as possible after graduation. The sooner the better. I have actually raised this question on many occasions. As for whether you believe it or not , anyway, I believe it."

As soon as Jiang Hui finished speaking, the audience gave warm applause.

"After talking about the house, let me talk to you about the Internet. The next ten years must be the golden decade of the Internet. It will provide countless opportunities to make money for everyone here, and it depends on whether you can grasp it."

"Some people may say, Jiang Hui, what you said is too empty, and I know the Internet is good, but what should I do? I don't know how to program, so I can't become a programmer."

"At this time, students from the School of Software and the School of Computer Science can secretly laugh."

The audience was full of laughter again. It is estimated that there should be quite a few students from these two colleges among the students present today.

"I want to say, students, you don't have to worry, it's okay, the industry benefits of the Internet are not only available to those majoring in computers and software."

"I will give a few examples at random, really randomly, because I think there are opportunities everywhere."

Jiang Hui inadvertently pretended to be coercive again, and sprinkled a handful of salt!

"For example, Guanghui Weibo, you can manage your Weibo account well and make it a certified account with some reputation, for example, focusing on cosmetics, cars, or clothing. Slowly, your account It will become valuable, and companies will come to you to send soft articles.”

"For another example, Guanghui Film and Television has launched a daily headline. You can also register your own account on it, publish some articles, and after your reading volume increases, you can apply to add advertisements to your interface."

"Alternatively, you can go to the novel website of Brilliant Games to write an online novel, and toss it around for a few years, maybe you will be financially free."

"No matter how bad it is, you can go to Jingxi Mall to open an online store. By the way, since this month, Jingxi Mall has allowed individuals to register online stores on it.

Of course, if you register on,, or, I have nothing to say, but when the time comes and you can’t get along, don’t regret that I didn’t remind you.”

Jiang Hui conveniently pulled out a few major competitions in Jingxi, such as a certain, and stomped on them. This made Jiang Hui's image all of a sudden flesh-and-blood and emotional, and his sense of distance from the audience was even smaller.

In the eyes of the audience, it turns out that Jiang Hui is also an ordinary person who will tear himself apart.

"Anyway, I think the online shopping market has just started, and there are still stars and oceans waiting for you to explore."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Hui picked up the tea on the podium and took a sip to moisten his throat before continuing to speak.

"Although it is said that the 360-line, the top-ranking list will come out, but I believe that half of the top ten in the future rich list will be occupied by people from the real estate and Internet industries."

"So, apart from these two industries, won't other industries make money in the next ten years?"

"The answer is obviously no."

"Like the financial industry, it has been very profitable in the past few years, and it will still be very profitable in the future. Students who have the opportunity to enter should seize the opportunity."

"In addition, like the automobile industry, in western developed countries, it is already a very mature industry, even a sunset industry. However, in China, the automobile industry will be a proper sunrise industry in the next ten years."

"For another example, the robotics industry is also a well-established sunrise industry; of course, there are petrochemical, electric power, mobile communications and other industries involved in central enterprises, which are not short of money in the future. You can still consider it when looking for a job. of……".


"Having said so much, it's past nine o'clock by accident. I'm still paraphrasing what I said just now. Regarding what I said tonight, as for whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

In a burst of applause, Jiang Hui ended his speech.

In another ten years, maybe not ten years, if someone finds out today's speech again, they will find that "full of dry goods"!

(End of this chapter)

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