Chapter 632

There was no question-and-answer session in this speech. After Jiang Hui finished speaking, he greeted Dean He and Professor Chen and slipped home.

Since only Qiqi, an anchor of YY's live broadcast, was live broadcasting Jiang Hui's speech that night, the corresponding content was not uploaded so quickly on the Internet.

However, soon there was a video of the entire speech on Tudou. After returning to the dormitory, the students at the scene began to share their feelings and some of Jiang Hui's opinions on their respective Xiaonei and Guanghui Weibo.

"Standing on the wind, even pigs can fly into the sky."

"does not matter if you believe it or not, I believe it".

"House prices will rise, it will rise sharply, and you will doubt your life when it rises."

"The online shopping market has just started, and there are still stars and oceans waiting for you to explore."


The next day, these quotations suddenly became popular on the Internet.

First, the official microblogs of various companies in the Guanghui Group were catching up on the big boss's hot spots.

Official Weibo of The best video, the best experience is all on Believe it or not, I believe it anyway.

Xiaonei official microblog: From China to Russia, from South Korea to island countries, from Singapore to India... Xiaonei will show you global hotspots. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Meituan official Weibo: Meituan once, Meituan once, group buying comes to Meituan, the world's largest group buying website, as for you believe it or not, anyway, I believe it!

Brilliant Mobile’s official Weibo: Leading the new trend of mobile phones and changing the lifestyle of hundreds of millions of people depends on Gphone. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!


The hype of companies like the Guanghui Group has attracted countless fans to repost and comment. Seeing that the effect is so good, other companies quickly followed suit!

Durres official Weibo: Dear Wrigley chewing gum, thank you!For so many years, thank you for being on my left and being an excuse to buy me. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Chanel official Weibo: I only wear Chanel No. [-] to sleep. Believe it or not, I believe it anyway!

Martell’s official Weibo: You know how to use a critical eye to appreciate the unique and valuable world’s best products in an ordinary and mediocre life, and you know how to enjoy a wise life with wise insights, and you also know Martell.For men, wine is a careful choice of life taste; for Martell, brewing is an art of life.Whether you believe it or not, anyway, I believed!

New Balance's official Weibo: Every city you experience in your life is connected
Every footprint that has been worked hard is connected

It took me step by step to where I am today, and made me who I am today. There is no such thing as a waste of time in life, and every step counts!does not matter if you believe it or not, I believe it!

Audi's official Weibo: breakthrough technology, enlighten the future; lead the times; technology and success complement each other; every car has four wheels, and every good car has four circles!does not matter if you believe it or not, I believe it!

The official Weibo of Royal Capital Shengshi Real Estate: Before meeting you, his favorite word was "far travel".After having you, what makes him most excited is "going home".does not matter if you believe it or not, I believe it!

Patek Philippe official Weibo: No one can own Patek Philippe, but keep it for the next generation!does not matter if you believe it or not, I believe it!

All kinds of "Anyway, I believe it", so that Jiang Hui's speech was quickly known to all the Internet names of Tianchao.

It also let the majority of netizens see the level of the girls who write advertisements for various brands!
However, when businessmen and netizens paid attention to "Anyway, I believe it", Jiang Hui's thesis on "house" was also paid attention to by some people in the industry.

All real estate developers naturally welcomed Jiang Hui's statement.

When the common people in the Celestial Dynasty buy things, they always buy up and not down.

Originally, buying up and not buying down refers to the psychology of stock speculators.During the price increase stage, stock speculators generally think that it will continue to rise, so they will buy once the price rises; on the contrary, when the stock price falls, stock speculators are generally not sure when the bottom will be, so they dare not buy.

However, it is also very applicable to apply this psychological process of stockholders to other places, especially when buying a house.

Jiang Hui's statement is equivalent to encouraging ordinary people to enter the market to buy houses, and real estate developers from all over the world naturally welcome it!
"House prices will rise, it will rise, it will rise so that you doubt your life" has become the latest information on the official Weibo of almost all mainstream real estate companies.

Each real estate agency also put this sentence in various places where they can leave written records, such as their signatures on the Xiaonei website and Penguin Newsletter.

All of a sudden, the number of viewing customers of real estate properties in various places skyrocketed!
Of course, there must be many people who disagree with Jiang Hui's statement!

"House prices have been rising for several years, and it is impossible to continue to rise."

"China's housing price-to-income ratio has far surpassed that of Europe and the United States, and there will be a wave of decline in the future."

"If the house price goes up again, no one will be able to afford it. No one will buy it, so how can it go up?".

All kinds of statements contrary to Jiang Hui's assertion emerged from various "professors", "scholars", and "celebrities".

Among them, Kang Xianping, the so-called "economist" jumped the hardest.

"Any economic phenomenon follows the principle that what is rare is the most expensive. The housing prices in the Chinese property market deviated from the economic law. More and more houses were built, while housing prices continued to soar.

This kind of anti-economic law phenomenon can exist for a while, but it cannot exist for a lifetime. When quantitative changes accumulate to a certain extent, qualitative changes will inevitably occur.

If housing prices rise again, there will only be a collapse. In the future, the property market will still fall, and high housing prices will never return.

The irresponsible statement made by someone like Jiang recently is completely deceitful.As a public figure, it is extremely irresponsible... ".

Kang Xianping missed Shun Jianghui by name. After his words were published on his Xinlang blog, they quickly attracted a lot of reading and reposting.

There are also all kinds of netizens who are enthusiastic about this good thing and quickly put Lang Xianping's views on Jiang Hui's Weibo comment area, and the Guanghui Group's public opinion monitoring team collected feedback on this matter at the first time, Jiang Hui naturally also quickly Just know this situation.

Since the establishment of Guanghui Group's public opinion monitoring team, although the number of people is still very small, it is full of elite soldiers who are directly responsible to Jiang Hui.

On the Internet, information related to Guanghui Group's companies, Jiang Hui, He Ling, Bai Xue, etc. is the information that the public opinion monitoring team pays attention to.

In order to better collect and analyze various information, Guanghui Data Center even developed a software specially for the public opinion monitoring team.

With such financial and material resources invested, the performance of the public opinion monitoring team is naturally also leveraged!

Jiang Hui couldn't remain indifferent when he saw Lang Xianping provoking him like this.Otherwise, in the future, all kinds of cats and dogs will come out to bite me every now and then, rubbing hot spots!
This is not what Jiang Hui wants!
(End of this chapter)

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