Chapter 633

Kang Xianping himself is still very talented. He was rated as a national financial figure in China from 2004 to 2005 by the domestic media, and was listed in the Who's Who of Economists in the World in 2006.

He is also recognized as one of the five leading figures in the teaching, research, and consulting of corporate strategic management, known as the "Five Generals of Chinese Corporate Strategy".

He also has many identities, such as Ph.D. from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, professor of the Yellow River Business School, honorary professor of the University of Hong Kong, chief economic advisor of Xinlang Finance, columnist of Hong Kong Southeast Daily and Moon News, etc.

Jiang Hui originally admired such a famous person, but the admiration is his admiration. If you want to step on my position, you must not do it!
Men, sometimes you can say no!

Jiang Hui updated a message on his Weibo: Some people are talking nonsense with their eyes open, and they are desperately buying houses in major cities, but they are advocating that house prices will fall. This is the so-called "brick house". .

"Literati look down on each other", this can be regarded as a characteristic of the Celestial Dynasty.

No one recognizes, admires, respects, or convinces anyone except one's own teacher, and the real purpose of praising one's teacher is to improve oneself.

This phase makes you lose sight of the strengths of others, and you also lose sight of your own weaknesses.

Not only can't I see it, but I can't even think about it. If someone else's face is full of flowers, I can still see it as a face of scars, and vice versa.

Jiang Hui doesn't think he is a literati, but in the eyes of literati Kang Xianping, Jiang Hui, a college student, can be regarded as a literati in a broad sense.

The literati love to quarrel more than the warriors love to fight.Usually, you have to find trouble when you have nothing to do. Now that Jiang Hui has said so many radical things, it is easier to criticize.

If fighting is the value of the existence of warriors, then quarreling is the way of existence of literati.

To make a sound without making a fuss, for a literati, it is more terrifying than death.How to gain fans and fame without making a noise?

Didn't you see that before the release of those movies, the hero and heroine have to have some gossip?What if you say there are no scandals?It has already been said to be "scandal", just create some.

Kang Xianping also has his own certified Weibo on Guanghui Weibo, and he found Jiang Hui's fault, and he also pays close attention to Jiang Hui's every move.

No, Kang Xianping knew about it just after Jiang Hui's Weibo was updated.

"To clarify, I only have three houses under my name, not buying houses everywhere as some people say," Kang Xianping immediately updated his Weibo.

When Kang Xianping made a move here, Jiang Hui knew it right away.

"Since the housing price is bearish, why not sell the house at the current high point? Or a famous economist," Jiang Hui updated his Weibo.

"Because of work, I often run around. These houses are all independent. Where will I live if I sell them?".

"You all know where do I live if I don't have a house? Where do the millions of new college students in China live every year and the people who flock to cities in large numbers every year? Don't everyone have to buy a house?"

"Let me use the data to speak. In the first half of this year, I conducted a survey. The result is that the home ownership rate of China is 89%, which is much higher than the world average of 60%. This fully proves that the real estate market is very demanding. limited."

"Housing ownership rate" can be expressed as: the number of local registered population who own housing/the total number of local registered population.

Theoretically speaking: when the home ownership rate of a fixed population of a local government continues to approach a reasonable level, the level of housing prices is not a fundamental issue for the livelihood of the local government.

Of course, this is only in theory, unbalanced and unbalanced, there are too many things to be averaged.

"Speaking with data, hehe, it sounds convincing~ Let's count your data, right? Those who can't afford a house have a house in their hometown. But people can't stay in their hometown forever? They have to develop Bar?".

"These people can definitely rent a house, so why worry about having a house in their hometown?".

At this point in the PK, Jiang Hui was a little speechless towards Kang Xianping.

I don't know if he is a dead duck with a stubborn mouth, or if he is really so ignorant.

This reminded Jiang Hui of the "600 Emperors" of Wuyang in later generations.

At that time, in an interview with the media, the "600 Emperors", who had not yet fallen off the horse, warned young people to change their ideas, change from having a house to living in a house, and not to just buy a house, but to rent a house. I haven’t bought a house yet, Pearl River Dijing covers an area of ​​20 square meters, and the monthly rent is 130 yuan, and the government subsidizes some.”

As soon as this remark came out, public opinion was in an uproar, and since then he has a new title: 600 emperors.

As Jiang Hui, who has stayed in Shenzhen for many years, he still has a good idea of ​​the rental market of Pearl River Emperor View next to Wuyang Xiaomanyao.

As far as the mansion where the "600 emperors" lived, not to mention 600 monthly rent, even 6000 monthly rent would not be able to be rented.

As such a leader, Kang Xianping is really comparable to him when he utters such ignorant words.

"Renting a house is so good, why don't you rent it?".

"You are so advocating people to buy a house, are you responsible for the fall?".

Jiang Hui and Kang Xianping continued to fight each other across the air.

A bunch of melon-eating people on the Internet watched the excitement, and even fanned the flames. Suddenly, Jiang Hui and Kang Xianping's Weibo comment area became very popular.

The popularity of movie kings and singers is completely inferior to these two people outside the entertainment industry.

But this time, on the issue of housing, there were actually a small number of people who supported Jiang Hui, but many people supported Kang Xianping.

The attitude of Chinese people towards housing prices is very strange.Those who have not bought a house are looking forward to a sharp drop in housing prices every day, and those who have bought a house are looking forward to a sharp rise in housing prices every day.

As far as 2007 is concerned, there must be far more netizens without houses than those with houses. It is not surprising that Jiang Hui was sprayed.

At this time, Jiang Hui threw out the Guanghui Group's interest-free house purchase loan contract, which said "within ten years, if the house price falls, the employees can sell the house to Jiang Hui, and Jiang Hui will buy it with interest." The clauses completely stunned the majority of netizens.

In 2007, when the interest rate remained high, it was already very good to have an interest-free loan, but there was still a very good promise that it would only go up and not down.

Jiang Hui is determined to encourage his employees to buy houses.

"All opposition parties are paper tigers, and they don't need to be held responsible if they say something wrong, but I am responsible for what I say."

When Jiang Hui's Weibo was updated again, Kang Xianping kind of turned off.

Although he clamored that housing prices would fall in Shun, he actually didn't have Shun in his heart.

Originally, it would be good for literati to spray each other and increase their popularity, which can be regarded as a "hidden rule".

But when he met Jiang Hui, a master who didn't play cards according to common sense, he was at a loss.

"I do not see it".

"I do not see it".

It's okay to be an ostrich once in a while!

(End of this chapter)

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