Perfection of Rebirth

Chapter 634 Graduation Season

Chapter 634 Graduation Season

Are you going to Scarborough Fair, are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley sage rosemary and thyme
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.

Remember me to one who lives there, send me a message to one who lives there.

She was once a true love of mine
He used to be my true love lover.


After entering June, the graduation atmosphere in the school is getting stronger and stronger.

When Jiang Hui was walking on the school road shaded by tall poplar trees, the school radio station was constantly playing the theme song of "Graduate".

A beautiful melody, a voice that makes people cry.

Once upon a time, Jiang Hui always liked this folk song from ancient England, not because he missed love, but because he missed the past.

Graduation is approaching, and there are more and more various dinners for senior students in the school.

Although Jiang Hui is not invited to every dinner, and not every dinner party invites Jiang Hui.

However, Jiang Hui will still participate in some bureaus of the first class of industrial engineering.

University is like an unfinished poem, everything has just begun and we will leave in a hurry.

In the days when you are about to graduate and leave school, time will also be like quicksand. It looks long, but it is passing away all the time. I want to keep it and hold on, but instead, it will flow faster and faster.

All kinds of dinners, graduation thesis defense, break-up meals, hugs and parting, going their separate ways...everything seemed to be expected, and it seemed a little helpless that everything went away again.

Although Jiang Hui has experienced this before, everything seems to be different in this life and this time.

In the past few years, except that I saw more times with my classmates when I was a freshman, I didn't see him a few times a year after that.

But that feeling still exists, which is why Jiang Hui will be evaluated as a "nepotism" in the future, and he likes to promote and reuse his classmates and alumni in the group.

In less than a month, Jiang Hui completely put down his work and prepared to be a graduate again!

Today's bureau belongs to Shi Jindan's team. After graduation, she will go to study abroad at the University of London, and there will be fewer opportunities to meet with you in the future.

So taking advantage of today being her birthday and everyone not going their separate ways, she invited some classmates to get together.

The place for dinner is a restaurant in the school, and a large box is reserved inside, and a dozen people sit at a table.

Girls include He Ling, Geng Shuangshuang, Dai Bing'e, Li Ting, Wang Lu, Song Xianmin, etc., and boys include Jiang Hui, Tang Minghua, Lu Yang, Wang Zhenguo, Aska, Zhao Jiaren, etc.

When Jiang Hui and He Ling arrived at the box together, other people had already arrived.

After delivering the prepared birthday present, Jiang Hui found an empty seat and sat down.

"Speaking of which, several members of our dormitory 301 haven't sat together for a meal for a while, and I have to thank squad leader Shi," Jiang Hui said to Shi Jindan with a smile.

"It's true, not to mention the dinner party, I haven't seen the third child for a long time," Lu Yang said.

"I have become a trapeze artist now, and I don't even know which city I will be in next week," Wang Zhenguo said.

As the general manager of Wang Jiang Automobile, Wang Zhenguo has been busy opening stores all over the past year, and he really traveled all over the country.

Applying for qualifications from OEMs, buying land to build stores, recruiting personnel, opening businesses... all kinds of things made Wang Zhenguo feel that he didn't have enough time every day.

"Don't be the squad leader, our old squad leader He Ling is right next to you, let's call each other by name," Shi Jindan said after taking Jiang Hui's words.

"The whereabouts of everyone in the class have been decided?" He Ling interjected.

"It's all set. Those who go abroad, those who study for postgraduate studies, and those who work, basically come to meet from all over the world. Now there is a rhythm of going all over the world," Dai Bing'e said.

It seems that the general trend of the world is that the long-term division must be united, and the long-term unity must be divided. This is applicable to many occasions.

"However, the most successful ones still depend on you guys. Isn't it too late to say Gou Fugui and don't forget each other?" Li Ting jokingly said to Jiang Hui and others.

"There are four irons in life. What ordinary people can experience is being in the same class. This friendship is for a lifetime," He Ling said.

"He Ling, I heard that Jiang Hui harassed you in the cafeteria on the first day of school, right? I'm curious how you were feeling at that time?" Shi Jindan said.

"Yes, we seem to know," Dai Bing'e and others also booed.

"There's nothing to say about this, right?" He Ling glanced at Jiang Hui, then looked at Shi Jindan and said.

"Yes, we are very interested," Li Ting said.

"I was thinking at the time, how could this kind of person be admitted to our school? He knows to think about messy things all day long," He Ling said.

"So you ignored Jiang Hui then?" Dai Bing'e asked curiously.

"I ignored him, but Wang Lu was with me at the time, and helped me with a few perfunctory words."

"Yes, that's true. I remember that just after He Ling and I finished our dinner, Jiang Hui rushed over and asked if we majored in industrial engineering," Wang Lu interjected.

"Talking about the fourth child, how did you know they were also our professionals?" Tang Minghua said.

"Same question, I'm also wondering," Shi Jindan said.

"Jiang Hui said he saw us when he registered," Wang Lu said.

"But registration is done separately by college, not by major," said Dai Bing'e.


A group of people chatted and ate.

There was a case of Yanjing Beer next to it, and everyone put a bottle in front of them, drinking it regardless of gender.

When it comes to drinking, it is often this kind of small-scale gathering that is easier to get drunk.

When there are too many people, everyone tends to become very reserved, and it is often not easy to drink high.

There are too few people, and it is generally difficult to bring out the atmosphere of drinking, so naturally it is not easy.

And when there are seven or eight people, or a table of ten people, you come and go, and you may drink too much without knowing it.

"Shall we go to Jinbi Garden tonight?"

After dinner, He Ling and Jiang Hui walked together and said.

"Okay, haven't been there in a while".

"Time flies so fast, I didn't expect to graduate from university."

"Well, but for us, it doesn't matter much whether we graduate or not."

"That's true. Recently, I have heard a lot of stories about breaking up after graduation. I feel sorry for them."

On college campuses, many people fall in love because they see other people fall in love.

Many people just need emotional sustenance for a certain period of time, so they fall in love.

Many people fall in love just because of a temporary hormonal rush.

Many people fall in love just because they are bored and have nothing else to do.

Many people fall in love just because they are curious and want to experience love.

Many people just think that they should fall in love when they are about the same age, so they fall in love.


This kind of love, when faced with the test of reality, between bread and love, naturally choose bread.


(End of this chapter)

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