Chapter 635
June colleges and universities, thousands of people report, tens of thousands of people focus.Looking inside and outside the university, the flea market;

Textbooks and hats, pots and pans, want to compete with a certain treasure!In the evening, I watched my sister set up a stall, which was very trendy.

The senior is so coquettish, he asks his junior to give him a backpack.Sighing that I have been single for four years, it is hard to find a bosom friend; set up a stall to sell yourself, and pick at will.

The avant-garde aunt, sweeps the goods and picks up the leaks, just to see her son-in-law first!It's all over, and when the groceries are sold out, we will leave quietly.

This song "Qinyuanchun Flea Market" by an unknown author perfectly describes the flea market in colleges and universities.

Graduation is approaching, and the flea markets of various colleges and universities are extremely hot like the weather.

Graduates set up stalls on campus one after another, selling some books and daily necessities at low prices, calling it "green leaving school".

But at the same time, many friends also find that their college days are wasted by sorting out old items...

A textbook for two or three yuan, a T-shirt for more than ten yuan, and free notes and textbooks...

In the previous life, apart from the freshman textbooks, Jiang Hui bought many books from the flea market of Imperial University of Technology.

Today is the last flea market of this semester held by the Student Union of Imperial University of Technology on the basketball court next to the No. [-] Canteen.

In addition to books, daily necessities such as desk lamps, fans, and clothes have become the "main force" of the flea market.

There are also gadgets such as fluorescent sticks and horn lamps.

Some stalls can even find some "rare treasures", such as brand new roller skates, small speakers, second-hand digital cameras, tennis rackets, etc.

With the support of YY Live, anchor Qiqi also came to a live broadcast at the flea market of Teito Technological University.

Qiqi herself is also a senior student, and she is very familiar with the things sold in the flea market, and it feels natural to broadcast live.

"This lunch box costs 2 yuan, which is already very cheap. I remember that when I was in school, I bought a similar one that cost more than 10 yuan!"

"This Oxford Advanced English Dictionary is like a new one. Now it only sells for ten yuan? I remember that this kind of genuine reference book is generally not discounted in book shopping centers. The original price should be six to seventy yuan. Ten yuan is so cheap. oh".

"This Philips table lamp is only sold for 15 yuan, the original price should be more than 100?".

"The advertisement of this stall is so interesting. You can sell it for money, everything, everything! I'm convinced, girl, do you sell it yourself?"

Fortunately, Qiqi is a beautiful woman. Otherwise, talking to another beautiful woman like this would be a proper molestation.

"This stall selling clothes is also very funny, 'sell clothes without selling body', buddy, if you are with a girl, this slogan can still attract some popularity, so forget it."


"You said that there are tens of millions of students in universities now. Things like buying and selling second-hand goods such as flea markets are actually quite popular. I think Xiaonei has had this business since a long time ago, but it has never been It’s lukewarm, do you want to think of a way to improve it?”.

Today, the School of Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering arranged to take graduation photos. Jiang Hui and He Ling came to the school ahead of schedule and wandered around the school.

Arrange the time for taking graduation photos and the flea market on the same day, which was obviously chosen by the teacher.

"Indeed, a few years ago, neither online sales nor logistics and distribution were so popular. It's time for Xiaonei's flea market to be launched as an independent subsidiary of Xiaonei."

After hearing He Ling's words, Jiang Hui immediately thought of Xianyuwang under Alibaba's later generations.

Xianyu is the app client of Alibaba's idle trading platform.Members only need to log in with a certain treasure or payment package account, and can quickly exchange second-hand goods without going through the complicated process of opening a store.

It is such a simple second-hand goods trading platform. After its establishment in 2014, its valuation reached 2015 billion US dollars at the end of 30.

And there are more than 1600 million daily active sellers, which is almost catching up with a certain

Although the development of Xianyu has benefited from the rapid development of the mobile Internet, even if vigorously promotes this business, it is difficult to surpass the development speed of Xianyu in later generations.

However, half a year after the launch of the Gphone, the market for smartphones was significantly more popular than in previous lives. Jiang Hui felt that he had the conditions to promote the module of Xiaonei flea market.

Almost everyone has idle items, and more than half of users tend to leave idle items aside.

Jiang Hui believes that the reason for this situation is that most users do not have the spare time and energy to resell idle items, while a small number of users do not know the channels to resell second-hand goods.

The second-hand transaction APP launched by can not only cater to the idea of ​​many buyers to change "leisure" into "present", but also respond to the call of low-carbon life in society, and at the same time find a new investment direction for their own financing.

Xiaonei has developed to its current scale, with more than [-] million users worldwide. Although it cannot be said that there is no room for development, the SNS business alone is obviously not enough to support the continuous rise of the stock price.

In later generations, after each platform becomes bigger and stronger, it will start to set foot in the field of online shopping.

Whether it's comprehensive product sales or product promotion in a certain field, there is a huge market, especially in some market segments, where it is easy to emerge.

This is somewhat similar to the market environment of the website.As for the portal website, it has been monopolized by those giants, and there is not much room for others.

However, in the segmented field, some promising companies are constantly emerging.

Financial management, automobiles, beauty, games, electronics, etc., as long as you work hard in a specific industry, you can also make a good website.

"With Daily Toutiao, an advertising company, and Guanghui Ticketing, I can clearly feel that the development of the entire company is more stable and more promising. I think Xiaonei must also speed up the pace of diversification."

"Well, Lao Tang is stable and talented, but he is weaker in pioneering and enterprising. In ancient times, he was suitable to be a king who defended a city, but not a leader who expanded his territory."

"It seems to be a bit like this. The development of Xiaonei network in the past six months is still a bit reluctant. Although the number of users is still growing, the company's development always feels that something is missing."

"I'll go back and discuss with Old Tang, and let him recruit a group of people to separate out the job-hopping market module of, and set up a website for Xianyujia to operate independently."

"Idle fish home? Salted fish home? Car home?".

"Xianyu and Xianyu are homophonic, which means to make your idle items turn over and regain value. The style of Xianyu Home is somewhat similar to that of Auto Home, which makes people feel that it is a group."

"It still sounds pretty good."

Just as the two chatted, an important force in the future Tianchao online shopping market sprouted like this!
Even if you are making salted fish, you have to be a salted fish with dreams!
(End of this chapter)

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