Chapter 637
It is difficult for Jiang Hui to do things like taking graduation photos at Imperial University of Technology in a low-key manner:

With so many students, so many photos taken, and the Gphone now having a good camera function, all kinds of photos related to Jiang Hui were quickly spread on the Internet that day.

Some were posted by Jiang Hui himself, such as those on Guanghui Weibo and Xiaonei.

There are also some students in the class who put it on the Internet.

Inadvertently, the headlines on the major websites the next day became "Jiang Hui and others from Guanghui Group return to school to take graduation photos", "The most luxurious graduation class in history", "So they are only seniors this year"...

All kinds of news, coupled with Jiang Hui's relevant graduation photos, immediately became popular all over the Internet.


A university graduate class.

"Everyone stand up, yes, move closer to the two sides, eggplant~".

"Okay, let's take another picture, okay, everyone can take pictures freely now."

When it’s time for graduation, not only the students of Teito Technological University are taking graduation photos, but every graduating class is doing similar writing activities.

Originally, everyone just took some photos in a regular manner. Unexpectedly, after various graduation photos in Jiang Hui's class were posted on the Internet, they quickly became everyone's template.

"I have downloaded all the relevant graduation photos of Jiang Hui that I can find on the Internet to my mobile phone, and then we will pose according to these photos one by one."

"I want to be the student who skipped class."

"Tch, you skipped a lot of classes, but can you compare with Jiang Hui?".

"Can you not talk about it first, it won't affect my taking pictures."


Xu Yixin's classmate group.

"Xinxin, Mr. He and Boss Jiang of your company are classmates?"

"It seems to be."

"What does it mean? Look at the graduation photos on the Internet. They were taken together."

"Huh? Graduation photos on the Internet? What graduation photos?"

"I'm going, why did you go last night? The hottest thing on Weibo now is the graduation photos of Mr. He and Boss Jiang."

"I was filming last night until after one o'clock. When I got back to the hotel, I fell asleep without taking a shower. I hurried to watch it."


Brilliant Weibo project team communication group.

"I just found out today that President Lu and Jiang are always in the same class. No wonder they are our vice presidents at such a young age."

"Xiaoqiang, your information is too out, he is not only a classmate, but also in the same dormitory."

"I saw that Minister Tang of the group seemed to be in there too."

"Not only Minister Tang is in there, but Mr. He and Mr. Wang from Brilliance Film and Television, and Mr. Wang from Wangjiang Automobile are all classmates of the big boss."

"Looking at the whole country, this should be the most luxurious graduation class, right?"

"That's right, the whole dormitory is collectively guaranteed research, and the whole dormitory is collectively enrolled in a famous foreign school. It's not comparable to Mr. Jiang's 301 dormitory."


The class group of Class 03, Industrial Engineering, Grade [-], Imperial University of Technology.

"Wow~ We are all Internet celebrities, our graduation photos are everywhere on Guanghui Weibo and on the campus."

"A lot of high school classmates called me this morning to ask me."

"Me too. I told them that I was in the same class as Jiang Hui, but they still didn't believe me. Now I have nothing to say."

"After studying in university for four years, I haven't been reported by the news. I didn't expect it to be in the headlines when I was about to graduate."

"We have benefited from Jiang Hui's reputation."

"Not only Jiang Hui, but also He Ling and the others."

"It is estimated that there will be very few graduation photos that can surpass us in the future."


Guanghui Group Public Opinion Analysis Team.

"Team leader, this is the report we just came out. I'll send it to Mr. Jiang if you see no problem."

Jiang Hui's graduation photos quickly spread throughout the Internet in a short period of time, and immediately attracted the attention of the Guanghui Group's public opinion monitoring team.

As a celebrity, there will always be all kinds of news on the Internet, but it is necessary to pay full attention to such a thing as this time that unexpectedly occupies the headlines of various websites in a short period of time.

After all, it's not like a certain product launch event, or Jiang Hui's special public remarks that can dominate the screen for a short time.

It was just a graduation photo shoot, and there was no deliberate publicity, but it became popular all over the Internet in such a short period of time. The first reaction of Guanghui Group's public opinion monitoring team was to confirm whether other people were secretly promoting it.

"Are you sure this incident was an accident and no one else was behind it?".

"Yes, we analyzed the major distribution platforms of Mr. Jiang's graduation photos, such as Guanghui Weibo and Xiaonei, and found that there was no particularly suspicious development, so we judged this incident to be an accidental incident."

"That's fine, send it to Mr. Jiang's mailbox immediately."


For many people, the airport is just a way to go home for reunion, travel or business needs.

The mood of waiting at the airport is often tormented, but the stars in the entertainment industry insist on treating the airport as a runway. It is not enough to walk on the red carpet and post hard photos at ordinary times. When necessary, the airport photos should also be preemptive.

Therefore, there are always a lot of beautiful pictures of stars’ airports on the Internet, often with the words “the airport even took a picture of such and such a star”, “passers-by took pictures of who and who is catching the plane”...

After reading it, I have to feel that the stars are really different. When we go to catch the plane, we mainly focus on comfort, and then we always walk in a hurry, but the stars are always photographed, catching the plane beautifully!

In fact, many celebrities have admitted frankly that the so-called photos taken by passers-by by accident are all posed, and the photos are taken by professional photographers, and have nothing to do with passers-by.

A star studio.

"Hey, the fortune is not as good as the man's fortune. We have been preparing for so long, but we didn't expect it to fall short, so we are not reconciled."

"It was just rolled out yesterday afternoon, and the popularity was not bad at first, but I didn't expect to be dominated by Jiang Hui's graduation photos so soon."

"Yeah, this time we finally contacted so many websites, specially arranged for a navy army, and took so many photos. We wanted to make Tiantian popular, but I didn't expect..."

"It's all smooth sailing for other people's homes, why are we so unlucky when it's our turn."

"This is life."


An actor's party.

"Have you heard that Tiantian, who has been a little popular recently, their studio specially prepared a group of airport posing pictures. They originally wanted to have a wave of Internet promotion, but they didn't expect to encounter Jiang Hui's graduation photo incident. Effort wasted."

"I heard from my agent that Tiantian is going to die of anger."

"The TV series that Tiantian starred in had been suppressed by Guanghui Film and Television's films, and now this incident happened again, new and old grudges, it's strange if she doesn't get angry."

"When people are unlucky, drinking cold water will clog their teeth. That sweetness seems to be a collision with the Guanghui Group."

"However, that Boss Jiang seems so innocent. He was shot while lying down, and was scolded behind the back by Tiantian Studio."

"He's fame and influence are not at the same level as Tiantian. He doesn't care who he makes unlucky."


(End of this chapter)

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